Meet the Trumpist Insurrectionists who besieged the Capitol Building today.


Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.

I changed the title. You were right. Hooligan was not the proper word.
Just curious... Was the Portland federal building attacked?

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.
Don't forget about all the people Trump murdered with Covid.

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You support anti-American communists taking over America through stolen elections as the nations keeps course to its eventual 3rd world Brazilification.

Moral degenerates who worship free shit and anti-American ideals don't get to tell what is moral to people around here. Go fuck yourself.

These people are patriots and heroes. They way they did not cuck, great people, they have my highest possible approval.

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You support anti-American communists taking over America through stolen elections as the nations keeps course to its eventual 3rd world Brazilification.

Moral degenerates who worship free shit and anti-American ideals don't get to tell what is moral to people around here. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry Norman, voter fraud is and always was a lie.

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You support anti-American communists taking over America through stolen elections as the nations keeps course to its eventual 3rd world Brazilification.

Moral degenerates who worship free shit and anti-American ideals don't get to tell what is moral to people around here. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry Norman, voter fraud is and always was a lie.

The entire media production that you consume and believe to be a reality is a lie.

Living in a matrix when the real world awaits. I recommend going to a doctor and ordering the red pill. Thoroughly confused individual.

Now, I don't want to make this thread about the obvious and blatant election fraud - you have completely fallen flat to your face trying to explain the inconsistencies regarding the signatures in this election conducted through methods civilized world finds ban worthy. If you want to scream lalala and close your eyes - well that is what your matrix is for. This forum is not part of that.
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And no dumbshit Trumpers these people were not “antifa” or “BLM”, they were YOU and your ilk.

I have a feeling this trash will be receiving a knock on their doors and taken away in cuffs very, very soon.


Oh look! Trump insurrectionist with Pelosi's son-in-law!
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And no dumbshit Trumpers these people were not “antifa” or “BLM”, they were YOU and your ilk.

I have a feeling this trash will be receiving a knock on their doors and taken away in cuffs very, very soon.


Oh look! Trump insurrectionist with Pelosi's son-in-law!
Your post is lie, Frank. Viking guy has already been identified.

Of course, I suspect you posted the above in jest because no one could possibly be stupid enough to believe that guy is married to Nancy Pelosi’s daughter.

I mean to believe that, you have to be stupid enough to also believe in election fraud after 59 courts, numerous investigations, and multiple recounts found none, I mean, Frank, you are not that stupid, are you?
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Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.

I changed the title. You were right. Hooligan was not the proper word.

It's kinda amazing how quick these people were outed. For months I've been asking myself just how hard is it to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of antifa/blm crimes caught on camera? And I'm not just talking govt property damage like what happened today but the iphone video assaults against women, children and the elderly.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
It's the hundreds and thousands of UNCONSTITUTIONAL federal, state, local, and municipal GUN CONTROL STATUTES on the books enforced to the fullest extent of the law in solidarity with city hall, police unions, police guilds, fraternal orders of police, and city employee associations in spite of the Second Amendment.

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You misuse the word because you hate Trump.

Just a few people forced their way in, but it wasn't to take down a government at all.

Most of the people there took no part, that is the fact you chose to ignore.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.
Do you mean, that the leftist media have not been glorificating all those "rebels", " rioters", "fighters against social injustice" in the whole year? Who incited people - Trump's tweets or CNN reportages? And who was a cheater?

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You support anti-American communists taking over America through stolen elections as the nations keeps course to its eventual 3rd world Brazilification.

Moral degenerates who worship free shit and anti-American ideals don't get to tell what is moral to people around here. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry Norman, voter fraud is and always was a lie.
Are you sure? Why? I believe we need investigate it at least.
It's good to see that the rioters are being identified quickly. Fortunately, there is a lot of video footage and still pictures that show uncovered faces, so I hope that there is a massive manhunt underway and that these people can be apprehended. The FBI should publish a rogues' gallery so all Americans can be on the lookout and turn in anyone they recognize.

How much room is available at Gitmo?

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.
So you support insurrection? No surprise there.

You misuse the word because you hate Trump.

Just a few people forced their way in, but it wasn't to take down a government at all.

Most of the people there took no part, that is the fact you chose to ignore.

This compulsory way of how some conservatives are cucking is disturbing. When BLM rioted democrats supported them in full, and it was over complete bullshit cause. They burned cities and murdered dozens of people, democrats stood 100% behind it.

Surrendering is all that cucks are good for. BLM is more courageous than those folks, fuck they fight harder for a flat screen TV than these supposed conservatives do for their values.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

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