Meet Lee Harvey Oswald: Sheep-Dipped Patsy [VIDEO]...

Interesting take on just who was Lee Harvey Oswald.

FINALLY got around to watching this.

One thing they got wrong is saying we may never know who LHO was.wrong.its very well known he was a CIA agent.I was dissapointed they did not dwelve into that part of it.

Interesting about his body being buried.further proof of another coverup in the investigation if you can call it that.

something else they did not mention is i think i remember hearing that there is no way the Lee Harvey Oswald that was gunned down in the dallas police station was the REAL Lee Harvey Oswald because the real LHO I remember hearing,his marine records listed his height as being 5'11 where the LHO that was gunned down in dallas was 5'8". If there is a shrinking pill out there please let me know because I have never been happy about being as tall as I am taller than the average Joe.:biggrin:

another thing they failed to mention also is that the birth LHO had a permanent scar behind his ear and the LHO that was gunned down in dallas,when they examined him,they found no scar.

Oddly that was the same thing that happened with John Wilkes Booth that the real Booth had a scar at birth that the Booth that was killed in the barnhouse did not or something like that.. Did you know about that one? lol

I am surprised that the handlers of that one paid shill that trolls message boards everywhere that evil NAZI agent calls soupnazi,that they have not sent him here to fart in your thread or agent Dawgshit or agent candyass or someone like that.Must be because their handlers cant think of any lies to counter the pesky facts in that video.:biggrin:

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