Medicare IS still paying for "illegal aliens" health care...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Medicare Modernization Act; Section 1011 program was announced on May 9, 2005. It provides federal funding of emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens.
This program provides $250 million per year for the years 2005-2008 for hospital, certain physicians, and ambulance providers to recoup the costs of providing needed and EMTALA mandated emergency medical care.

Section 1011 FAQ

There are still 28 states that have NOT spent their allocations:

The allocated Section 1011 funds have been exhausted as of the November 23, 2011 payment for the following twenty-two (22) states:

SO MUCH For the 10 million "uninsured" NOT CITIZENS health insurance coverage!
ource: Census table People Without Health Insurance Coverage and Not a citizen 9,936,000
Newsroom: Income & Wealth: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009
The left lies to suit their agenda. The biggest of Liars resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's time we end paying for health care for illegal aliens. Perhaps they'll be having their babies at home instead of US hospitals if they have to pay.
AGAIN for those of you that STILL believe Medicare is so efficient and should be expanded to providing health care for all...

Where is your OWS mentality i.e. corporations screwing Americans... death to capitalism when you consider these FACTS!

Hospitals routinely "pad and pass" on to Medicare claims that are marked up sometimes 6,000%
Think about it!
What kind of anger would you have if your 10 gallon gas purchase was marked up from
2.00 per gallon to $12,000 per gallon!
Absurd YES..
BUT for example: Florida Hospital
billed Medicare 2,110 times for Computed Tomography without Contrast
that each service Medicare PAID: $2,635
but the hospital's costs to perform services:$43
A MARKUP OF 6,127.91%!

AND the reason Medicare paid these 2,110 claims is because Medicare KNOWS this hospital like the other 6,000+ hospitals that take Medicare "Pad and pass" the unreimbursed expenses seeing
the less the 10 million uninsured, INClUDING "illegal aliens"!

YET Medicare has instead of solving that problem CREATED MORE Problems with Obamacare!

Totally grossly inefficient WASTE of $600 billion a year in Medicare outlays!
Easily $100 billion would NOT be paid if ONLY those millionaire lawyers were taxed 20% of their
$100 billion and that was paid to premiums to cover the uninsured.
THEN hospitals seeing these "uninsured" would register the uninsured AND SEND The claims exactly for the services NOT to Medicare but to the insurance company set up to manage these claims!

THEN see how quickly health costs drop and health insurance premiums decline!
Medicare pays squat for services. The hospital can bill medicare whatever it wants, but their reimbursement will only be by formulary. The hospital is sort of like the homeseller, who basically has the same house as his next door neighbor, which sold for $125,000 the month before, who then wets his index finger and thrusts it skyward into the breeze, decides he needs $400,000 out of his house, then puts his house up for sale by owner for $500,000.
In my area, a $110,000 bill for an angiogram gets cut to a $5,000 payment by medicare. You can always ask for the sun, the moon and the stars.........
Medicare pays squat for services. The hospital can bill medicare whatever it wants, but their reimbursement will only be by formulary. The hospital is sort of like the homeseller, who basically has the same house as his next door neighbor, which sold for $125,000 the month before, who then wets his index finger and thrusts it skyward into the breeze, decides he needs $400,000 out of his house, then puts his house up for sale by owner for $500,000.
In my area, a $110,000 bill for an angiogram gets cut to a $5,000 payment by medicare. You can always ask for the sun, the moon and the stars.........

And tell us who picks up the balance after the $5,000.00??
Medicare pays squat for services. The hospital can bill medicare whatever it wants, but their reimbursement will only be by formulary. The hospital is sort of like the homeseller, who basically has the same house as his next door neighbor, which sold for $125,000 the month before, who then wets his index finger and thrusts it skyward into the breeze, decides he needs $400,000 out of his house, then puts his house up for sale by owner for $500,000.
In my area, a $110,000 bill for an angiogram gets cut to a $5,000 payment by medicare. You can always ask for the sun, the moon and the stars.........

YOU have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA of what you are talking about!

The database of 6,000 hospitals that I have shows these figures directly from MEDICARE!
The business I started HELPS hospitals/providers get paid by Medicare and I know a lot more about it then YOU do!

Tell me the area you live in and I'll give you exact figures as to what your hospital charged!

Put your money where your mouth is OK???
What city do you live in and I'll give you the FACTS!

This is the source for the data:

* Financial data for hospital cost report period ending 09/30/2010 (HCRIS 264476).
* Medicare IPPS claims data are for federal fiscal year ending 09/30/2010
(Final rule MedPAR).
* Medicare OPPS claims data are for calendar year ending 12/31/2009.

Instead of "GUESSING" or making anecdotal observations..DEAL with the FACTS as I do!!!

2009 Edition Data Compendium

Again.. I dare you to give me the city you live in and let me prove YOU 100% wrong
if you want the truth... that is!
It's time we end paying for health care for illegal aliens. Perhaps they'll be having their babies at home instead of US hospitals if they have to pay.

So you really are the party of "let them die"? Doctors should be checking immigration status before treating someone?

No where did I say "let them die". Quit putting words in my mouth. :eusa_liar:

What's wrong with billing them if they don't pay?? If they have to shell out the $, maybe they'll have their babies in their own country. Verification of income and residency shouldn't be all that difficult.
250 million per year?

Not much money in the overall scheme of things.

that is 250 million pumped directly into the health care system.
250 million per year?

Not much money in the overall scheme of things.

that is 250 million pumped directly into the health care system.

GEEZ... NOT a big enough CLUE for you regarding the gross MISMANAGEMENT of a system that WANTS to run YOUR HEALTH CARE????

My goodness. here you dispute that Medicare is paying for "illegal aliens"!

So which side of the argument you going to be on..
Illegal aliens are costing billions including YOUR medicare payments for them and
that's OK with you?

Honestly I really don't comprehend people like you and your mental stability!

Proven that there are NOT 50 million uninsured!
Proven that Medicare is paying 6,000% markups!
Proven that Medicare is using money to pay for "illegal aliens"!

YET you still don't believe the gigantic screw up Medicare is and you want "Universal health care"!!!

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