The dishonesty of the media is getting worse. Some of them want to be more open about their support for Hillary (as if it already wasn't clearly obviously already). Now they're photoshopping crowds to make them appear larger. Some accused the DNC of piping in cheers to the convention hall to cover up the boos and Anti-Hillary chants that attendees witnessed. Perhaps they did the same at Hillary's latest event yesterday.
Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
"A tweet entitled ‘WATCH LIVE: Clinton holds Fla. rally after major Trump speech’ was illustrated by a picture of Hillary giving a speech surrounded by a large crowd of people.
However, the image is obviously a mock up, with groups of people layered into the shot.
The real crowd at the event looked somewhat less sizeable and a lot less enthusiastic.
A couple of hundred people showed up [door count puts the number at 171] within a St. Petersburg venue capable of holding in excess of 4,000 without seating,” points out the Conservative Treehouse.
The media’s apparent effort to artificially inflate the size of Hillary’s crowds is noteworthy given that Donald Trump has consistently accused the press of refusing to show the huge attendances at his own rallies."
Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger
"A tweet entitled ‘WATCH LIVE: Clinton holds Fla. rally after major Trump speech’ was illustrated by a picture of Hillary giving a speech surrounded by a large crowd of people.
However, the image is obviously a mock up, with groups of people layered into the shot.
The real crowd at the event looked somewhat less sizeable and a lot less enthusiastic.
A couple of hundred people showed up [door count puts the number at 171] within a St. Petersburg venue capable of holding in excess of 4,000 without seating,” points out the Conservative Treehouse.
The media’s apparent effort to artificially inflate the size of Hillary’s crowds is noteworthy given that Donald Trump has consistently accused the press of refusing to show the huge attendances at his own rallies."