Media Chases Trump-Putin Conspiracy Theories, Ignores Evidence of John Podesta’s Russia Ties


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"When she (Hillary Clinton) was secretary of state, he (John Podesta - later her 2016 campaign manager) was an adviser. He sat on her foreign policy advisory board. We know from the Podesta emails that he was talking to her all the time on everything from speeches to personnel decisions to policy positions,” Schweizer elaborated.

“In 2011, he joins the executive board of this small energy company in Massachusetts called Joule Energy,” Schweizer recalled. “And Joule Energy, about two months after he joins the executive board, gets a large infusion of cash. They get one billion rubles, which is about $35 to $45 million, invested from Russia. It comes from a very unusual entity, this entity called RUSNANO.”

RUSNANO is this government-funded investment fund, called ‘Putin’s Child’ by the Russian Science Ministry, so it shows you how connected this fund is,” he explained. “They actually buy an equity stake in this John Podesta-linked company, which they can do. You can raise the question of why they’re doing it while he’s advising Hillary Clinton, but they can legally do that.”

(1/3rd of the board members of Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta was made up of prominent Russian businessmen not only having extremely close ties to the KREMLIN but to Vladimir Putin himself!)

“The problem for Podesta becomes when he joins the Obama White House as counselor to the president in 2013,” he continued. “In order to do that, he’s got to (LEGALLY) file those large, cumbersome, but I think essential financial disclosure forms where you list what boards are you on, that you are connected to or have been connected to in the last year, what entities. You’re also required to disclose your stock holdings.”

“In the case of Podesta, there are two omissions. One of them is the way the Joule was structured, it has three corporate boards. It has one based in Massachusetts, one based in the Netherlands, and then it has a holding company. John Podesta, according to corporate records, was on all three of those boards. He only listed two of them on his financial disclosure. He omitted probably the most important one, which was the holding company,” said Schweizer.

This happens to be the one, again, that has the Russians so closely connected to the Kremlin and Putin.

"The problem is that he failed to disclose what he did with the 75,000 shares of stock that he had in the company that were given to him as a board member. He gave them to his daughter through an LLC.”

“There’s a question of whether she actually owned them – and by that I mean the Podesta emails show that he had a long-ranging email conversation with Joule Energy executives and people connected with them, even though he ostensibly didn’t own stock anymore. But he failed to disclose that transaction. He failed to disclose the 75,000 shares he owned that he gave to his daughter. That is a direct, clear violation of what you are supposed to disclose on these federal forms,” Schweizer said."

"Marlow noted there have been “zero pieces of hard evidence connecting the Trump campaign to the Russian government,” while “there is so much evidence, much of it uncovered by you, connecting the Clintons with the Russian government.” “And yet, the media is obsessed with one and not the other,” he said."

Gee, now why would that be....?


Peter Schweizer: Media Chases Trump-Putin Conspiracy Theories, Ignores Evidence of John Podesta’s Russia Ties
"When she (Hillary Clinton) was secretary of state, he (John Podesta - later her 2016 campaign manager) was an adviser. He sat on her foreign policy advisory board. We know from the Podesta emails that he was talking to her all the time on everything from speeches to personnel decisions to policy positions,” Schweizer elaborated.

“In 2011, he joins the executive board of this small energy company in Massachusetts called Joule Energy,” Schweizer recalled. “And Joule Energy, about two months after he joins the executive board, gets a large infusion of cash. They get one billion rubles, which is about $35 to $45 million, invested from Russia. It comes from a very unusual entity, this entity called RUSNANO.”

RUSNANO is this government-funded investment fund, called ‘Putin’s Child’ by the Russian Science Ministry, so it shows you how connected this fund is,” he explained. “They actually buy an equity stake in this John Podesta-linked company, which they can do. You can raise the question of why they’re doing it while he’s advising Hillary Clinton, but they can legally do that.”

(1/3rd of the board members of Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta was made up of prominent Russian businessmen not only having extremely close ties to the KREMLIN but to Vladimir Putin himself!)

“The problem for Podesta becomes when he joins the Obama White House as counselor to the president in 2013,” he continued. “In order to do that, he’s got to (LEGALLY) file those large, cumbersome, but I think essential financial disclosure forms where you list what boards are you on, that you are connected to or have been connected to in the last year, what entities. You’re also required to disclose your stock holdings.”

“In the case of Podesta, there are two omissions. One of them is the way the Joule was structured, it has three corporate boards. It has one based in Massachusetts, one based in the Netherlands, and then it has a holding company. John Podesta, according to corporate records, was on all three of those boards. He only listed two of them on his financial disclosure. He omitted probably the most important one, which was the holding company,” said Schweizer.

This happens to be the one, again, that has the Russians so closely connected to the Kremlin and Putin.

"The problem is that he failed to disclose what he did with the 75,000 shares of stock that he had in the company that were given to him as a board member. He gave them to his daughter through an LLC.”

“There’s a question of whether she actually owned them – and by that I mean the Podesta emails show that he had a long-ranging email conversation with Joule Energy executives and people connected with them, even though he ostensibly didn’t own stock anymore. But he failed to disclose that transaction. He failed to disclose the 75,000 shares he owned that he gave to his daughter. That is a direct, clear violation of what you are supposed to disclose on these federal forms,” Schweizer said."

"Marlow noted there have been “zero pieces of hard evidence connecting the Trump campaign to the Russian government,” while “there is so much evidence, much of it uncovered by you, connecting the Clintons with the Russian government.” “And yet, the media is obsessed with one and not the other,” he said."

Gee, now why would that be....?


Peter Schweizer: Media Chases Trump-Putin Conspiracy Theories, Ignores Evidence of John Podesta’s Russia Ties

LOLOL, you keep crying about the media not doing some Podesta thing,

then you support your accusation with multiple MEDIA links about Podesta.

Goddam! Good one!
“All you have is sort of this concern that the Russians were hacking during the election, which I think is a legitimate concern and a theory that hasn’t been proved, that there was a connection between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. There’s just been no evidence of that,” he noted.

“My point is both should be looked into, but you actually have very substantial things that went on when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, that, number one, included the transfer of money to the Clintons and to John Podesta and number two, very serious favors done by the Hillary Clinton State Department to the Russians, including technology transfer, et cetera,” he said."

It is worth recalling that with days left before the election Hillary / the Clintons were still under MULTIPLE investigations, including the Clinton Foundation being under investigation for Influence Peddling / Selling 'favors', etc while she was Sect of State...just like what was mentioned above.

“The kind of scenario that people envision happened with Trump happened in the Clinton State Department. And yet, there seems to be a lack of interest in pursuing and investigating precisely what those relationships were and how everything was carried out,” Schweizer observed."
LOLOL, you keep crying about the media not doing some Podesta thing,then you support your accusation with multiple MEDIA links about Podesta. Goddam! Good one!
Oh you poor deluded snowflake. It is not the media that is whining about how the Russians 'hacked the election' and Trump is in 'collusion' with the Russians without having any evidence to support that after 9 months of multiple investigations...yet do not want to investigate the obvious, already proven, connections between Hillary / The Clintons / Hillary's team and the Russians. It is the snowflakes and DNC politicians making the false claims about Trump who do not want to do so.
LOLOL, you keep crying about the media not doing some Podesta thing,then you support your accusation with multiple MEDIA links about Podesta. Goddam! Good one!
Oh you poor deluded snowflake. It is not the media that is whining about how the Russians 'hacked the election' and Trump is in 'collusion' with the Russians without having any evidence to support that after 9 months of multiple investigations...yet do not want to investigate the obvious, already proven, connections between Hillary / The Clintons / Hillary's team and the Russians. It is the snowflakes and DNC politicians making the false claims about Trump who do not want to do so.

How would you know if the claims are false?
"When she (Hillary Clinton) was secretary of state, he (John Podesta - later her 2016 campaign manager) was an adviser. He sat on her foreign policy advisory board. We know from the Podesta emails that he was talking to her all the time on everything from speeches to personnel decisions to policy positions,” Schweizer elaborated.

“In 2011, he joins the executive board of this small energy company in Massachusetts called Joule Energy,” Schweizer recalled. “And Joule Energy, about two months after he joins the executive board, gets a large infusion of cash. They get one billion rubles, which is about $35 to $45 million, invested from Russia. It comes from a very unusual entity, this entity called RUSNANO.”

RUSNANO is this government-funded investment fund, called ‘Putin’s Child’ by the Russian Science Ministry, so it shows you how connected this fund is,” he explained. “They actually buy an equity stake in this John Podesta-linked company, which they can do. You can raise the question of why they’re doing it while he’s advising Hillary Clinton, but they can legally do that.”

(1/3rd of the board members of Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta was made up of prominent Russian businessmen not only having extremely close ties to the KREMLIN but to Vladimir Putin himself!)

“The problem for Podesta becomes when he joins the Obama White House as counselor to the president in 2013,” he continued. “In order to do that, he’s got to (LEGALLY) file those large, cumbersome, but I think essential financial disclosure forms where you list what boards are you on, that you are connected to or have been connected to in the last year, what entities. You’re also required to disclose your stock holdings.”

“In the case of Podesta, there are two omissions. One of them is the way the Joule was structured, it has three corporate boards. It has one based in Massachusetts, one based in the Netherlands, and then it has a holding company. John Podesta, according to corporate records, was on all three of those boards. He only listed two of them on his financial disclosure. He omitted probably the most important one, which was the holding company,” said Schweizer.

This happens to be the one, again, that has the Russians so closely connected to the Kremlin and Putin.

"The problem is that he failed to disclose what he did with the 75,000 shares of stock that he had in the company that were given to him as a board member. He gave them to his daughter through an LLC.”

“There’s a question of whether she actually owned them – and by that I mean the Podesta emails show that he had a long-ranging email conversation with Joule Energy executives and people connected with them, even though he ostensibly didn’t own stock anymore. But he failed to disclose that transaction. He failed to disclose the 75,000 shares he owned that he gave to his daughter. That is a direct, clear violation of what you are supposed to disclose on these federal forms,” Schweizer said."

"Marlow noted there have been “zero pieces of hard evidence connecting the Trump campaign to the Russian government,” while “there is so much evidence, much of it uncovered by you, connecting the Clintons with the Russian government.” “And yet, the media is obsessed with one and not the other,” he said."

Gee, now why would that be....?


Peter Schweizer: Media Chases Trump-Putin Conspiracy Theories, Ignores Evidence of John Podesta’s Russia Ties

Goddam! Good one!
Watch your language! I'm a Southern Christian Conservative Baptist. That language is appalling. There may be young Christians reading this thread. Grow up and act mature.
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9 Months, multiple investigations, and ZERO evidence to support any crimes or collusion between Trump and his team and the Russians. There's not any evidence that Russia 'hacked the election'.


The Obama administration passes protected personal information deemed to have 'No Foreign Intel Value' to 'probama' holdovers in 16 Intel agencies who perpetrate the CRIMES of what both the Directors of the FBI and NSA consider 'Felony Espionage' by illegally releasing that information later because THEY - as admitted - felt 'not enough information was getting out to the world', despite knowing releasing the information was a crime...

The Clinton Foundation receives a large donation from a prominent Russian involved in the US Uranium purchase by Russia that Hillary is loosely yet influentially involved in...and while the Clinton Foundation and Hillary are doing favors for the Russians like they are the Russian 'Make-a-Wish' Foundation'...

Bill Clinton is working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals, giving 'speeches' for $50k a pop...

Hillary's campaign manger, John Podesta, is connected up to his arm pits with Russians - 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominent Russian Businessmen connected to the Kremlin and Putin that they are funding / running a project called 'Putin's child', and Tony is 'forgetting' to list connections to the Russians as he is legally required to do...

Hillary's campaign managers brother, COINCIDENTLY, is working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacks the DNC e-mail, exposing all their dirty little secrets - the act that began the entire Russian false narrative and partisan one-sided hypocritical liberal resurrected 'McCarthy-era' 'with hunt' to cover up the fact that they were exposed as rigging their election and that the DNC was filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...which everyone already knew.

Yet Democrats don't want to look into any of those proven Hillary Team ties with Russia.
How would you know if the claims are false?
No Russian hacking of the election evidence.
No criminal evidence against Trump.
No criminal evidence against Trump team members.
No evidence of any crime after multiple investigations digging for more than 9 months....except for Obama holdovers perpetrating Felony crimes of ESPIONAGE.

...while Democrats ignore the obvious proven connections between Team Hillary and the Russians.

It's not rocket science to anyone but the butt-hurt snowflakes crying 'wolf' while protecting their own.

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