Media and Democrats Decide They Love Forever War Now Because Orange Man Bad


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Liberals are fine with new wars and dead American soldiers and dead brown people because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Every time Biden kills an American soldier or a brown person in the Middle East, blood is on the hands of any Biden voter. Its as if you killed them yourself.

Congrats to forever war!

CNN is all kinds of pissed off that Trump is bringing a bunch of troops home. Wow. What disgusting trash the CNN reporters are.

“Donald Trump caused much consternation within the beltway last week after he announced that he would follow through on pulling most of the remaining troops out of Afghanistan. As per our usual agreement, the neoconservative contingent, including Mitt Romney, lost their minds demanding that a “reason” be given for attempting to end a 20 year war. You know, because being at war is now the default and needs no defense or something.”

Liberals are fine with new wars and dead American soldiers and dead brown people because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Every time Biden kills an American soldier or a brown person in the Middle East, blood is on the hands of any Biden voter. Its as if you killed them yourself.

Congrats to forever war!

CNN is all kinds of pissed off that Trump is bringing a bunch of troops home. Wow. What disgusting trash the CNN reporters are.

“Donald Trump caused much consternation within the beltway last week after he announced that he would follow through on pulling most of the remaining troops out of Afghanistan. As per our usual agreement, the neoconservative contingent, including Mitt Romney, lost their minds demanding that a “reason” be given for attempting to end a 20 year war. You know, because being at war is now the default and needs no defense or something.”

Not one of these Dems ANYWHERE believes Joe Biden actually won. NOT A SINGE FUCKING ONE!!!
It was the one good thing that resulted from the cowardice of the blob. He didn't have the guts to make phone calls to the families of the fallen. Whatever it was...he kept more soldiers alive. We'll probably get hit again; hard by the terrorist he's not pursuing in the least but for right now, it's good stuff.
Yep, I pointed this out early into Trump's term how the left did an astounding about face on endless war mongering. The Democratic Party became the party of neo-cons.

It’s because no one on the left dared to be critical of Obama for anything ever. They painted themselves into the RACIST! corner of you criticize Kenyan Jesus.
I have a brilliant idea. Let's suit up and arm the media and Democrats, and parachute them into Afghanistan.

Then watch the hilarious results on OANN/FOX News/Newsmax/RSBN.

Wouldn't that be fun?


I am all for it. Let’s see Don Lemon take on the Taliban.
Yep, I pointed this out early into Trump's term how the left did an astounding about face on endless war mongering. The Democratic Party became the party of neo-cons.
It’s rather simple. They have no principles. Anything trump does they will oppose.
It was the one good thing that resulted from the cowardice of the blob. He didn't have the guts to make phone calls to the families of the fallen. Whatever it was...he kept more soldiers alive. We'll probably get hit again; hard by the terrorist he's not pursuing in the least but for right now, it's good stuff.

And let us not forget how he treated the parents of the Gold Star family during Hillary's campaign. He's done so much disgusting shit over such a long period of time that a lot of it gets lost in the ether. And these neocon nimrods love him for it. No wonder they are Deplorable.
It was the one good thing that resulted from the cowardice of the blob. He didn't have the guts to make phone calls to the families of the fallen. Whatever it was...he kept more soldiers alive. We'll probably get hit again; hard by the terrorist he's not pursuing in the least but for right now, it's good stuff.

And let us not forget how he treated the parents of the Gold Star family during Hillary's campaign. He's done so much disgusting shit over such a long period of time that a lot of it gets lost in the ether. And these neocon nimrods love him for it. No wonder they are Deplorable.
Being a "gold star family" doesn't mean you aren't a bunch of douchebags. Most gold star families voted for Trump, not that senile pedophile Biden.
WWIII starts in 6 months if Biden cheats his way in to office.

He owes people.

All these SJWs are going to get drafted along with The Millenials.
It was the one good thing that resulted from the cowardice of the blob. He didn't have the guts to make phone calls to the families of the fallen. Whatever it was...he kept more soldiers alive. We'll probably get hit again; hard by the terrorist he's not pursuing in the least but for right now, it's good stuff.
What a twisted person you are to post such bullshit as this.
When he was running and when he got in, all your people did was wring your hands and screech about how Trump was going to start world war 3 with Korea/China/iran/etc.
Instead he gets us involved in ZERO wars, balls up ISIS (you know, that “JV team” who ran rampant across the Middle East and launched terrorist attacks all over, that was in the news 24/7, that Obama apparently couldn’t do shit about and said would be there to stay), and has removed troops from combat zones the world over (which your side would constantly bitch about... if there was a Republican president).
He did exactly what you cried for, what Obama couldnt or wouldnt, and your deranged self sees it in the terms you just laid out??
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Liberals are fine with new wars and dead American soldiers and dead brown people because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Every time Biden kills an American soldier or a brown person in the Middle East, blood is on the hands of any Biden voter. Its as if you killed them yourself.

Congrats to forever war!

CNN is all kinds of pissed off that Trump is bringing a bunch of troops home. Wow. What disgusting trash the CNN reporters are.

“Donald Trump caused much consternation within the beltway last week after he announced that he would follow through on pulling most of the remaining troops out of Afghanistan. As per our usual agreement, the neoconservative contingent, including Mitt Romney, lost their minds demanding that a “reason” be given for attempting to end a 20 year war. You know, because being at war is now the default and needs no defense or something.”

@ C/A; The statist left including the neocons push with all they got for a one world government with all peoples on earth marching in lockstep unity to the tune of government idolatry(elitism). The statist left views the U.S. military as the 'tool' to achieve totalitarian one world government. The statist left has a SERIOUS problem with comprehension capability regarding the field of the Humanities(in general) & also recorded history. I changed my major @ EWU(hard left leaning campus) from business to sociology with Dr. *Jeffers Chertok* @ the helm. Though I had no way of knowing it @ the time Dr. Chertok proved to be a game changer for me as he quickly proved to be the most influential person I would ever meet in my life regarding the 'puzzle' of understanding humanity. He did not just impress me as the 'Link of Honor' below so richly illustrates!!!

Dr. Chertok among an endless supply of info introduced me to 'aphorisms & two of those aphorisms are pertinent to this post in my opinion; "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"{G. Santayana} & "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"{John D. Acton}. While I freely admit that political parties/ideology of all stripes are susceptible to corruption, the statist left's problem seems to center on &/or around both pathos saturated emotional sway(gullibility) instead of logic based on recorded(factual) history, & worse, the OBVIOUS lack of common sense due in part to groupthink/group idolatry(Jonestown/Kool-Aid syndrome). I do feel the need to say that there most certainly is a fair amount of folks(moderates) that identify or DID identify with the Democrat party that I can truthfully say are really great Americans in the tradition of America's forefathers. They're really Libertarians but just did not know it until I enlightened them on the subject!


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