This war was started back in the 1990's, and set in absolute stone upon the successful cheating of Biden into office! I haven't read the op's link and I do not need to, all you need do is examine the actions of three fascist democrat administrations, Clinton, Obama, and now the psychopath. You will find that the psychopathic Biden, was heavily involved at every level of the intrigue in, and around Ukraine, which includes of course working with Obama to overthrow a lawfully elected Ukrainian president favorably disposed toward the Russians, and replacing him with an abject tool of DC back in 2013/14, this tool of the west thing continued under Velensky in 2019.
Of course it goes without saying that the obscenely corrupt Biden looted, and pillaged to his psychopathic hearts content in Ukraine, along with Clinton, Obama, Schumer, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Mcconnell, ect ect ect.... There is a reason why they tore after Trump so savagely after his call with Velenesky, Trump actually was intent on chasing down, and eliminating the corrupt US senators parasitically infesting Ukraine, starting of course with the obscenely corrupt Biden who had personally interceded in Ukrainian prosecutors investigations into both Biden's, and Kerry's sons in Ukraine, and famously bragging as to how he personally had him fired!
The United States, especially enthralled to fascist democrat rule, is indisputably "The Great Satan" of the planet!