Meanwhile, while we are distracted by the "pandemic"...


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2021
I sent a form letter sponsored by small banks of america to my senator. The bank is concerned about the excessive burden extra IRS reporting will create for them. I'm concerned as well, because extra reporting always causes extra paperwork for me as well.

My senator's response:


The full text of his response:

Dear Mr. XXX:

Thank you for contacting me about transaction reporting requirements by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). I appreciate hearing from you.

Currently, the IRS requires banks and credit unions to report all transactions made by clients that exceed $10,000 in value. The IRS requires banks to report these transactions as a means of ensuring that all Americans are appropriately fulfilling their tax obligations. Underfunding and insufficient resources have long hindered the ability of the IRS to properly enforce the tax code. For years, the gap between taxes owed by individual tax filers and businesses and taxes collected by the IRS has amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars each year. This issue must be remedied.

In May, President Biden released his budget for fiscal year 2022, which outlines his funding priorities across the Federal government. The Senate Appropriations Committee, of which I am the Chairman, uses President Biden’s budget proposal as a blueprint from which the Committee writes annual spending bills. The budget request for the IRS proposes an overhaul of the existing financial account information regime. Instead of reporting solely transactions that exceed $10,000, banks would be required to report to the IRS transactions in excess of $600. Beyond the transaction accounting reform proposal, the budget request for the IRS calls for a substantial increase in funding that would allow the agency to improve enforcement.

The Appropriations Committee is currently in the process of outlining priorities, conducting hearings, and negotiating funding levels for government programs and initiatives for the 2022 fiscal year. The President’s budget is only one of several factors considered while writing the annual appropriations bill for the federal government, but I applaud his prioritization of tax code enforcement and fairness.

I appreciate you sharing your concerns with me. Community banks and credit unions play an indispensable role in their communities, providing secure financial management and access to critical funding for families and small businesses across Vermont. I firmly believe that we should take the appropriate steps to close the tax gap and guarantee tax code compliance, but we must strike a balance and protect community banks and credit unions in Vermont from logistically challenging reporting requirements. You can be sure that I will keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate Appropriations Committee finalizes Federal spending bills for the upcoming fiscal year.

Thank you again for contacting me. As always, please keep in touch.


United States Senator

My Reply:

Mr. Leahy,

That's great news. Now we will be able to report the massive fraud being pulled off by so many federal employees who's sole job requirement was to be a democratic party devotee.

I'm sure your plan will include not only the hugely overinflated salary payments, but also the fraudulent benefit payments, such as health insurance and retirement benefits (which ordinary non-governmental employees can only dream of getting). All stolen from the productivity of the tax payers.

I look forward to seeing justice done, and equalizing the Balance of power.

Best regards,

There can be no mistake that those in power intend to milk every last one of us for everything they can. Monetarily, it's already a negative sum game considering how many extra people will they have to hire to monitor the citizens to this degree: That alone will blow the budget for any meager amount they may be rubbing their hands together hoping to eek out of us.

They refuse to even consider reducing their spending, but instead scheme on ways to collect more in taxes. The plan will affect every single business and every single non-government employee.
I sent a form letter sponsored by small banks of america to my senator. The bank is concerned about the excessive burden extra IRS reporting will create for them. I'm concerned as well, because extra reporting always causes extra paperwork for me as well.

My senator's response:

View attachment 539029

The full text of his response:

My Reply:

There can be no mistake that those in power intend to milk every last one of us for everything they can. Monetarily, it's already a negative sum game considering how many extra people will they have to hire to monitor the citizens to this degree: That alone will blow the budget for any meager amount they may be rubbing their hands together hoping to eek out of us.

They refuse to even consider reducing their spending, but instead scheme on ways to collect more in taxes. The plan will affect every single business and every single non-government employee.
Why Are We Distracted By The Pandemic? I don't know. The dead people maybe?
That's barrels of blood on Democrat hands alright. :eek:
Mostly, it's the unvaccinated getting sick enough to go into ICU with it. How many anti-vax democrats are you hearing from. Since August, it has been more people like this:

Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter,​

Dies of COVID at 64​

Lindsey Ellefson
Mon, September 13, 2021, 12:34 PM·2 min read


Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter, Dies of COVID at 64
Jesus, White 6 is clearly a Fauci Flu fanatic. :heehee: White 6, governments lie. Get over it already. :dunno:

My suggestion would have been not to reply to the letter written by Leahy's handlers since now you are probably "on the list."

It was creepy and unconstitutional when the (((government))) instituted the rules for bank transaction that supposedly would crack down on drug deals. Like with the fake ass Patriot Act, that was only the first step.

It is interesting as to what the (((government))) is planning in regards to banking and transactions in general. This might help crypto currency like Bitcoin as long as there are no strange laws they are coming up with to undermine that. What a crazy situation because of (((government))) most rational citizens did not vote for; travel restricted, nightlife restricted, buying and selling restricted, and these politicians, fake news broadcasters, fake doctors like Fauci and that grotesque Surgeon General, walk around they have nothing to fear.
Last edited:
Mostly, it's the unvaccinated getting sick enough to go into ICU with it. How many anti-vax democrats are you hearing from. Since August, it has been more people like this:

Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter,​

Dies of COVID at 64​

Lindsey Ellefson
Mon, September 13, 2021, 12:34 PM·2 min read


Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter, Dies of COVID at 64
As I said - Barrels of Blood on Democrat hands! :eek:
I'm afraid this is a done deal, and both criminal parties complicit.

The fat cats will continue to pay nothing, while the middle class & poor will continue to be crushed.

It's what happens when the rich own the political system.

FPTP is susceptible to money, far more than Proportional Representation. If you want a government that represents the people, rather than the rich, then you're going to have to change it.
Mostly, it's the unvaccinated getting sick enough to go into ICU with it. How many anti-vax democrats are you hearing from. Since August, it has been more people like this:

Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter,​

Dies of COVID at 64​

Lindsey Ellefson
Mon, September 13, 2021, 12:34 PM·2 min read


Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter, Dies of COVID at 64

Love her hat!
Why Are We Distracted By The Pandemic? I don't know. The dead people maybe?
View attachment 539033

Interesting................where's all the numbers from all the deaths from drunk drivers, murder by illegals, old age, hit and runs, car wrecks, alcoholism, drug addiction, drive by shootings, etc.......
Or is it you didn't give a rats ass before, but now your just another brainwashed sheeple, bleating what the Demo-lemmings tell you to?
Mostly, it's the unvaccinated getting sick enough to go into ICU with it. How many anti-vax democrats are you hearing from. Since August, it has been more people like this:

Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter,​

Dies of COVID at 64​

Lindsey Ellefson
Mon, September 13, 2021, 12:34 PM·2 min read


Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter, Dies of COVID at 64
People passing on is not a funny thing. even though we trend that way at times. But if that lady was 64, she had a tough paper route.
I sent a form letter sponsored by small banks of america to my senator. The bank is concerned about the excessive burden extra IRS reporting will create for them. I'm concerned as well, because extra reporting always causes extra paperwork for me as well.

My senator's response:

View attachment 539029

The full text of his response:

My Reply:

There can be no mistake that those in power intend to milk every last one of us for everything they can. Monetarily, it's already a negative sum game considering how many extra people will they have to hire to monitor the citizens to this degree: That alone will blow the budget for any meager amount they may be rubbing their hands together hoping to eek out of us.

They refuse to even consider reducing their spending, but instead scheme on ways to collect more in taxes. The plan will affect every single business and every single non-government employee.
Heres an idea:

Don't commit tax fraud.

Problem solved. See how easy that was?
Mostly, it's the unvaccinated getting sick enough to go into ICU with it. How many anti-vax democrats are you hearing from. Since August, it has been more people like this:

Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter,​

Dies of COVID at 64​

Lindsey Ellefson
Mon, September 13, 2021, 12:34 PM·2 min read


Veronica Wolski, Chicago Anti-Vax Activist and QAnon Supporter, Dies of COVID at 64

Congress exempt from Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate ...

White House confirms Congress members are exempt from ...

So some poor bastard couldn't even sell a riding lawn mower or something for 600 bucks and put the money in the bank?

Taxes are a part of America, I get it and accept it. But Jesus can't people just get a little bit of money that's just theirs?
As I said - Barrels of Blood on Democrat hands! :eek:
Well, I don't hold them responsible as I got vaccinated in early March of last year, after Joe was elected, and suddenly my high risk age group became young enough to be vaccinated and everybody else had the same opportunity. It is kind of like drunk drivers in my state. I don't blame the Republicans that run my state. I blame the dumb asses that do not pay attention to the guidance on drink and driving from the state, because they are too stupid to listen, take precautions and act in the best interests of themselves and everybody they share the road with.
Interesting................where's all the numbers from all the deaths from drunk drivers, murder by illegals, old age, hit and runs, car wrecks, alcoholism, drug addiction, drive by shootings, etc.......
Or is it you didn't give a rats ass before, but now your just another brainwashed sheeple, bleating what the Demo-lemmings tell you to?
Look them up, yourself. They are still dying from all those things too, but Covid deaths can mostly be prevented with the vaccine. You don't sound too bright. I take it you do not believe in taking precautions on anything at all, or is it, you don't like to be told to take precautions? You could be dumb enough to die for your principles, like the Anti-vax protest leader lady in Chicago or the two anti-vax radio talk show hosts in Florida, or the one in Nashville, or the nut ball anti-vax preacher in Oklahoma. Yea, you'll show em' they can't tell you what to do.
Say, if you kick off from Covid, is there going to be any weapons, ammo, boats, or 4 wheel, off road carts in the estate sale that would be good for deer hunting or running around the neighborhood or the golf course?

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