McCain whines about Obama's economic acumen

Obama has been handed the clincher. He has to hammer home again and again that the current economic implosion is a result of the current party in charge REPUBLICAN and then repeat how much McMumbles has been with Bush on all his crap.

Do you want another 4 years of this economic crap?

Sorry but the trickle down theory really means you get pissed on at the bottom.
I think it's pretty interesting that Obama's campaign is financially astute and McCain's is not. Of course, McCain did admit to knowing nothing about the economy and he feels he needs to put together a commission to study it...but this is pretty stupid of him--to highlight the differences.
I don't know how else to interpret this. Here the economy is falling apart around us and McCain whines to a crowd that Obama actually has the acumen to run a successful fundraiser.

McCain Mocks Obama's Fundraiser with Streisand | The Trail |

What alternate dimension are you currently occupying? 94% of all workers are employed, the economy grew by 3% last quarter, inflation is 1/10th of 1% and interest rates are still at historic lows. Just exactly where do you expect to see this massive "improvement" in our economy under Obama? Obama, THE ONE, is going to prevent businesses from making bad business decisions and personally oversee and decide what risks companies can and cannot take? A guy who has only had three PART -TIME jobs and zero business experience is going to bring peace and lightness and never a down cycle in the economy will ever be seen again, right? LOL Oh sure, GOVERNMENT is so good at making investment and business decisions -why look how well they handled Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. No bad decisions made there, huh.

Ever study history to see what happens when the policies Obama wants to pawn off on us are actually implemented? Do us all a favor and quit insisting we must let Obama con us into buying Carter's failed policies so we can all once again enjoy double digit unemployment, interest and inflation rates. Just because you are ignorant about history doesn't mean I have to pretend to be. While voters will throw him out after 4 years of those same disastrous policies, it will take nearly 3 times as long to repair his damage.
: keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters

Something McCain is showing us he lacks, big time.
: keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters

Something McCain is showing us he lacks, big time.

When is Obama going to display some of these skills regarding our monetary crisis ?
When is Obama going to display some of these skills regarding our monetary crisis ?
Since he's understood all along that there must be some regulation in the free market system and McCain only came to that realization yesterday, I'd say he already has.
see that is what absolutely FLOORS me about McCain/palin.

McCain slamming Obama for having a fundraiser just days after he himself held a fundraiser?

what a fucking douche!
see that is what absolutely FLOORS me about McCain/palin.

McCain slamming Obama for having a fundraiser just days after he himself held a fundraiser?

what a fucking douche!
I agree. Though I suppose it's possible McCain forgot about his fundraiser. :eusa_eh:
Since he's understood all along that there must be some regulation in the free market system and McCain only came to that realization yesterday, I'd say he already has.

McCain warned about this happening 2 years ago---what the hell are you talknig about. Haven't you read the links ?
McCain warned about this happening 2 years ago---what the hell are you talknig about. Haven't you read the links ?

You mean this link, dillo?

The problem with McCain is he's either the world's biggest liar or his mind really is addled and he can't remember things from one day to the next.

Political Punch
What alternate dimension are you currently occupying? 94% of all workers are employed, the economy grew by 3% last quarter, inflation is 1/10th of 1% and interest rates are still at historic lows. Just exactly where do you expect to see this massive "improvement" in our economy under Obama? Obama, THE ONE, is going to prevent businesses from making bad business decisions and personally oversee and decide what risks companies can and cannot take? A guy who has only had three PART -TIME jobs and zero business experience is going to bring peace and lightness and never a down cycle in the economy will ever be seen again, right? LOL Oh sure, GOVERNMENT is so good at making investment and business decisions -why look how well they handled Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. No bad decisions made there, huh.

Ever study history to see what happens when the policies Obama wants to pawn off on us are actually implemented? Do us all a favor and quit insisting we must let Obama con us into buying Carter's failed policies so we can all once again enjoy double digit unemployment, interest and inflation rates. Just because you are ignorant about history doesn't mean I have to pretend to be. While voters will throw him out after 4 years of those same disastrous policies, it will take nearly 3 times as long to repair his damage.

It will take 2 full terms to correct the problems, if we are lucky. Over $600,000 jobs lost and unemployment rate at 6.1%(over 7% in my state). It will take a decade to dig ourselves out of this hole.
It will take 2 full terms to correct the problems, if we are lucky. Over $600,000 jobs lost and unemployment rate at 6.1%(over 7% in my state). It will take a decade to dig ourselves out of this hole.
Yes, unemployment in Florida rose 91% from 2001 until now, from what I understand. Of course, that's not all the fault of the Bush administration, unless you count Jeb as part of the Bush administration. It's hard to think that Florida is going to vote for McCain at this point.
well then perhaps you'd be good enough to enlighten me?
i read the link, and nothing there seems like whining to me.
Sorry, Del, I meant to address this earlier. Just my subjective opinion, of course.

I'd love to hear your view on Palin's yahoo account, btw.
What alternate dimension are you currently occupying? 94% of all workers are employed, the economy grew by 3% last quarter, inflation is 1/10th of 1% and interest rates are still at historic lows. Just exactly where do you expect to see this massive "improvement" in our economy under Obama? Obama, THE ONE, is going to prevent businesses from making bad business decisions and personally oversee and decide what risks companies can and cannot take? A guy who has only had three PART -TIME jobs and zero business experience is going to bring peace and lightness and never a down cycle in the economy will ever be seen again, right? LOL Oh sure, GOVERNMENT is so good at making investment and business decisions -why look how well they handled Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. No bad decisions made there, huh.

Ever study history to see what happens when the policies Obama wants to pawn off on us are actually implemented? Do us all a favor and quit insisting we must let Obama con us into buying Carter's failed policies so we can all once again enjoy double digit unemployment, interest and inflation rates. Just because you are ignorant about history doesn't mean I have to pretend to be. While voters will throw him out after 4 years of those same disastrous policies, it will take nearly 3 times as long to repair his damage.

Open your knowledge basket, cause here it comes... Numbers don't mean anything to those on the unemployment line. Sell that GOP crap somewhere else!:eusa_whistle:

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