Senior Member
If we are going to judge Obama by a pastor he has repudiated, why are we not judging McCain by a pastor that he sought out for support?
And why are all these preachers so fat? Gluttony is still one of the big sins.
So why does McCain seek this guys support?
And why are all these preachers so fat? Gluttony is still one of the big sins.
Hagee is not controversial solely because of his psychotic lust for an apocalyptic nuclear war. Hagee refers to the Catholic Church as "Thttp://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/02/28/hagee/he Great Whore of Revelation 17," as well as a "False cult system," an "apostate church" and, like Islam, an anti-Christ institution.
The levees protecting New Orleans failed, according to Hagee, not because the federal government diverted maintenance funding to pay for the Iraq war, as alleged by an Army Corps of Engineers whistle-blower, or because the levees are poorly engineered and under-constructed. No. They failed because "New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God," and hence the dead in New Orleans, a group primarily made up of impoverished elderly, infirm and handicapped victims of a rescue plan that was indifferent to their survival, "were the recipients of the judgment of God."
The fact that Hagee's god chose to punish New Orleans for its supposed sins by drowning, starving, dehydrating and denying medicine to a group of overwhelmingly black victims should be no surprise to Hagee-watchers. In 1996 Hagee made news by organizing a mock "slave sale" to raise funds for his Cornerstone church. His promotional materials for the event included, the San Antonio Express-News reported at the time, taglines promising that "slavery in America is returning to Cornerstone" and advising auction attendees to "make plans to come and go home with a slave."
Then there's Ohio-based televangelist Rod Parsley, whom McCain identifies as a spiritual advisor. According to Parsley, who recently appeared side by side with McCain at a campaign rally, America's "divine purpose" is to destroy Islam. In his 2005 book, Silent No More, McCain's spiritual advisor claims that this country "was founded, in part, with
the intention of seeing this false religion [Islam] destroyed."
* All Muslims are programmed to kill and we can thus never negotiate with any of them. From an NPR interview Hagee gave to Terry Gross in 2006:
TG: If you use the Bible as the basis for policy, is there any room for compromise? And if you use the bible as the basis for policy, should Muslims use the Koran as the basis for their policy, and then again, what possible basis is there for compromise at that point?
JH: There is really no room for compromise between radical Islam --
TG: I'm not talking about radical Islam. I'm just talking about Islam in general.
JH: Well Islam in general -- those who live by the Koran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews.
* God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin. From the same interview:
JH: All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.
The newspaper carried the story in our local area, that was not carried nationally, that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it would was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride parades.
So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the Day of Judgment, and I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.
* The End Times -- Rapture -- is imminent and the U.S. Government must do what it can to hasten it, which at minimum requires: (a) a war with Iran and (b) undying, absolute support for a unified Israel, including all Occupied Territories (hence, Joe Lieberman's love affair with them). From Christian Palestinian Daoud Kuttab in The New York Times (h/t PZ Meyers):
So why does McCain seek this guys support?