Maybe the Iraqis are finally getting mad?


Active Member
Mar 31, 2004
Mowing a grassy knoll....
Iraqi Group Threatens to Kill Al-Zarqawi

1 hour, 2 minutes ago

By TAREK EL-TABLAWY, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A group of armed, masked Iraqi men threatened Tuesday to kill Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi if he did not immediately leave the country, accusing him of murdering innocent Iraqis and defiling the Muslim religion.

The threats revealed the deep anger many Iraqis, including insurgent groups, feel toward foreign fighters, whom many consider as illegitimate a presence here as the 160,000 U.S. and other coalition troops.

In a videotape sent to the al-Arabiya television station, a group calling itself the "Salvation Movement," questioned how al-Zarqawi could use Islam to justify the killing of innocent civilians, the targeting of government officials and the kidnapping and beheading of foreigners.

"He must leave Iraq (news - web sites) immediately, he and his followers and everyone who gives shelter to him and his criminal actions," said a man on the video
Now why in the world hasn't Al Jaeeraz played that story?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Next Patriot54 will find a looney site that will claim those weren't really Iraqis but CIA agents in disguise. :rolleyes:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Next Patriot54 will find a looney site that will claim those weren't really Iraqis but CIA agents in disguise. :rolleyes:
No I won't, let's refrain from personal attacks, eh?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Next Patriot54 will find a looney site that will claim those weren't really Iraqis but CIA agents in disguise. :rolleyes:

Yep. Didn't you know those are the same CIA agents in the Berg video? I mean c'mon, they taped it all at the same time!

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