Maxine Waters: Why doesn't Obama bus visit black communities???


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

Typo in the title...guess I didn't hit the 'e' key hard enough...should say 'communities'.
Yup no problem getting the black vote.

Its the rest of the vote he's worried about.

One would think and intelligent, articulate black Congresswoman would realize this.

Oh wait. We're talking about Maxine Waters. Never mind.
Because blacks will vote for him anyways

B ingo. His approval rating in the black community is still over 90%. Why? I dunno. Blacks have suffered the most in this recession, as they always do. Teenage unemployment is like 40%.
What has Obama done for the black community? Nothing. I'll bet most of them opposed repealing DADT.
Obama doesn't visit black communities because they are in his hip pocket. He could drop a neutron bomb on south central LA tomorrow, and the survivors would still vote for him.
For the same reason he is visiting only rural America and not the inner cities, no matter what he does he will win 98% of the black community. He does not have to pander to them. He doesn't have to give them anything. He can ignore them and not worry about it!

See why is Obama trying to appeal to Latinos with the Dream Act? Because Latinos are in play. To have any shot of getting reelected he need the 61% Latino vote he got in 2008. If that vote slips to say 54-55%, esp in swing states like OH or red states he won in '08 like FL, the Big O is in trouble!

The black community only hurts themselves by giving blind loyalty to only one party and demonizing any black man that votes for red!

Top Black Dem On Obama Bus Tour: "He's Not In Any Black Community"


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"We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired. So, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show -- to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on," Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored gathering yesterday in Detroit.

"Our people are hurting," Waters added.

"We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black communities. We don't know that," Waters said.

Obama doesn't visit black communities because they are in his hip pocket. He could drop a neutron bomb on south central LA tomorrow, and the survivors would still vote for him.

If you notice, Obama is avoiding areas with high unemployment like the plague...he's giving his speeches in Iowa towns that have like 5% unemployment. No wonder everyone is happy to see him! This is a campaign tour...he will do what he did during the last election...speak in front of handpicked audiences from liberal enclaves that will give him unconditional love and not ask tough questions.

Wish he'd get his ass back to Washington and do some work. We really could use a leader.
Obama is probably terrified to go into black neighborhoods. After all he was raised by his white Kansas grandparents.
Because blacks will vote for him anyways

Sorry is the day that I agree with a racist...but ya can't argue with this statement. Anybody who doesn't think this is a campaign tour for the democrat party is blind. And regardless of how terrible a job a black official does, even if he went to jail!!! - he always gets the black vote. Period.
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If indeed this is the case (and I am not following his tour with any interest).... I don't know about 98% of African Americans voting for him... but I do think that in campaign strategy, he and his advisors do know that a majority of African Americans will indeed vote for Obama regardless

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