Maxine Waters Sold her soul to the Devil


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
In 2010 Maxine Waters filed a complaint about Comcast lobbying bribes, but then by 2012 gladly took their money and is in 2017-2018 enjoying the perks of Comcast's MSNBC airtime to spew her vitrol. 2012 figures to her finances:
Comcast Corp gave her:
$13,200, $3,200, & $10,000.

MSNBC had her on today unchallenged in her words, unquestioned, not a peep out of the MSNBC host David Gura, absolutely no balls no reporter instinct to ask her what any NORMAL news reporter would ask, therefore this cart blange to rage unanswered has to be a form of bribery in unitself.

I WOULD HAVE ASKED HER: if she feels the stuff with the kids seperation is an impeachable offense then where was her cry to impeach Obama or people of her own party responsible for these laws and lack of voting on fixing immigration? Including impeaching herself? ASK MAXINE WATERS , why is she voting against fixing this problem she is using to voice outrage? Ask her is she still part of this gov't or what?
Ask her, isn't she doing this for sake of pandering votes in her state even if her resistance hurts the immigrants?

NOW HIS SHOW IS CONCERNED OVER FASHION, now his reporting style makes sense.
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Maxine Waters is the perfect example of what I call a Liberal untouchable. She is an old black Liberal woman and will never be called on anything she says or does.

The female version of Charles Rangel - "Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat who is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has owned the beachfront house at the Punta Cana resort and club since 1988, but never declared the $75,000 in rental income he has earned either on his tax returns or on his Congressional financial disclosure form."

Can a common citizen get away with that with nothing but a slap on the wrist? Hell no.
Sold her soul to the devil???

Worked for Joe Namath
At least Joe Namath didn't get his pantyhose in a bunch over lower taxes, strong economy, low jobless rates, lower crime rates, restored hope, & global peace. *LOL*
Maxine Waters is the perfect example of what I call a Liberal untouchable. She is an old black Liberal woman and will never be called on anything she says or does.

The female version of Charles Rangel - "Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat who is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has owned the beachfront house at the Punta Cana resort and club since 1988, but never declared the $75,000 in rental income he has earned either on his tax returns or on his Congressional financial disclosure form."

Can a common citizen get away with that with nothing but a slap on the wrist? Hell no.
He had to show his tax returns??? Oh my god lol The orange anus won't show his a crook a thief a lowlife a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
Maxine Waters is famous for her ability to own 3 mansions worth approx. 5 1/2 million dollars on a salary of $170,000 a year. Plus an ocean front time share, price unknown. While her constituents are in poverty.
Maxine Waters is the perfect example of what I call a Liberal untouchable. She is an old black Liberal woman and will never be called on anything she says or does.

The female version of Charles Rangel - "Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat who is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has owned the beachfront house at the Punta Cana resort and club since 1988, but never declared the $75,000 in rental income he has earned either on his tax returns or on his Congressional financial disclosure form."

Can a common citizen get away with that with nothing but a slap on the wrist? Hell no.
He had to show his tax returns??? Oh my god lol The orange anus won't show his a crook a thief a lowlife a republican ,,,but I repeat myself

Rangel was so corrupt even Pelosi was forced to take act. :itsok:
But Jesus is a fabricated story too, as propaganda uses enough reality mixed in to seem to be real & too incredible to be out right fabricated.
The Main stream media will project the numbers of thousands of Children in facilitiesn but you don't distinquish the majority some facilities 90% some 80% are unescorted children.
Conveniently letting unintelligent viewers assume wrong.
By using the false total number of children they forge a fabricated story through false imagery, making you the dupe think they are all seperated children which they are not.
In fact some children were saved from traffickers with ill intent and Dems are fighting against removing those kids from sex traffickers, but why? ARE the Dems worried they will have no more pizza parties without their "Pepperonis"??
Furthermore The president who never liked the seperation of children(contrary to MSM always lying against his words) alone fixed the problem that dems created and not one dem that I know of voted to fix the problem or help the children. It took the president to do the job dems refused to do and yet complained needed doing.
WORSE THEN HYPOCRACY, It's down right pathelogical and evil to politicize the children and pander to a race or gender over the propaganda.
Desperation shows they have no policies that can offer anything to the American people, so they run on Mobster like tactics and fear/hate mongering.
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The perennial complaint from black politicians throughout American history has always been that their bribes are half of white politicians get offered. Never occurs to them why that is .... lol lol lol

And in any case ... nobody represent Democrats like Maxine does, so ..


Republicans and indies should cross over and vote in the democratic primaries for Maxine!
Maxine Waters is the perfect example of what I call a Liberal untouchable. She is an old black Liberal woman and will never be called on anything she says or does.

The female version of Charles Rangel - "Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat who is chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has owned the beachfront house at the Punta Cana resort and club since 1988, but never declared the $75,000 in rental income he has earned either on his tax returns or on his Congressional financial disclosure form."

Can a common citizen get away with that with nothing but a slap on the wrist? Hell no.
He had to show his tax returns??? Oh my god lol The orange anus won't show his a crook a thief a lowlife a republican ,,,but I repeat myself

Rangel was so corrupt even Pelosi was forced to take act. :itsok:

Rangel was the main lobbyist for the 'War On Drugs'; many don't know that, because Democrats lie to their children, especially black children.
"the people are going to turn on you, they're going to absolutely harass you until you tell Trump "no I can't hang with you" - Mad Maxine Waters on Sarah Sanders Red Hen
"the people are going to turn on you, they're going to absolutely harass you until you tell Trump "no I can't hang with you" - Mad Maxine Waters on Sarah Sanders Red Hen
And it's so obvious a mobster tactic, everyone associated is hit to threaten everyone and anyone from wanting to be part of his administration making it harder and harder to have proper function and best talent available.
THIS IS ACTUALLY A COMPLIMENT, because it's everyone making his presidency sucessful that is being attacked and like Picarro kidded about, you only want poor examples working for your opponent. *L*

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