Maxine Waters Gets Confronted By Constituent and Goes Ballistic: ‘You Can’t Impeach a Woman of Color

So that means we have a 240 year problem since the constitution was signed called white entitlement.

White entitlement is just the new way the old racists say that whites are superior to blacks. And it's just as absurd as the old way they did it.

All men are created equal. What follows depends on how they use their time, gifts, and resources

Yes, but you have to eliminate racist made stumbling blocks and hurdles some of us face.

There are none but the ones you place on yourself

Incorrect. There are hurdles you must jump if you are not white or male in this nation that white men do not. That's a fact. Now you can chose to jump them or they can stop you. But to make the comment you made, well that's just not how things are. Why white men believe they have the right to lecture others is he definition of white privilege. You are not black as far as I know so then how can you male such a comment when you have not had the experience to know?

That's pure nonsense. Everyone has trials in their life no matter how much color in in their pigment. They all have the power to overcome them if they work hard and sacrifice.

Denying it doesn't change it. Saying it's a fact that things ae unfair doesn't make that true. I've met successful men and women of all races. I've met non successful men and women of all races. Race had nothing to do with what they did or didn't acheivd

It's not pure nonsense. It's reality. And I'm not just talking about material wealth as the measure of success fool. A millionaire named James Blake was a victim of police brutality. Another millionaire named Thabo Sefalosha was a victim of police brutality. Henry Gates a world renown academic was roughed up by police in the garage of his own home. Forrest Whitaker a famous well known and awarded actor was arrested for shoplifting in a donut shop because he was racially profiled. All of these people are successful, and they all still face racism..

Yes race does deny people of he chance to be all they can be. Repeating to yourself that i's not so doesn't change this. Racism isn't just you have it tough and until you live as a non white person you can NEVER EVER understand how I can say that.
Which "white privilege" are we talking about?

The right of black women to never be impeached from office?

Get ready. When the treason charges rain down on O, there will be a left wing crusade for "Affirmative Action for Traitors."
So that means we have a 240 year problem since the constitution was signed called white entitlement.

White entitlement is just the new way the old racists say that whites are superior to blacks. And it's just as absurd as the old way they did it.

All men are created equal. What follows depends on how they use their time, gifts, and resources
white entitlement is just another way to blame others for your lot in life.

My lot is a retired man at 54 after building a business, helping to build 2 more and running an organization.

White entitlement is what you have benefitted from and what this nation was built upon.

This nation was built upon liberty and the idea that man can govern himself . People of all races benefit from this. It's hardly white. Again, especially since there is no white race

Bullshit. There is far too much evidence that shows your comment to be 100 percent in error. What makes you believe that white is not a race?

Because there are three races:


All of which have a diversity of skin color
far too many people do that on their own. it's a byproduct of massive hate and both sides have way too much of that.

Both sides have nothing to do with this. Whites created the hate. You reap what you sow and it seems that some whites don't understand this then talk about hate on both sides.
Your malfunction is that you see race, not people. I didn't create the hate but you want me held responsible due to the color of my skin. Like all haters you become what you hate, you're a racist.

Here we go with that one. Whites created the hate. Whites now want to make excuses. Speaking the truth is not Hate. Therefore I am not a hater.
I stated a fact, not an excuse. I'm not 'the whites' but you are a retard.

You made an excuse because no one was talking specifically about you dumb ass. This s what some white people do. Instead of listening you talk about what YOU didn't do when no one is blaming your sorry asses just so you can make an excuse not to fucking listen.
Like I said, you are retarded. You can't even understand your own words let alone others. You said whites created the hate so you reap what you sow. That means whites today. So go stuff your filthy racist head in the toilet where it belongs.
Liberals forced right-wingnut Steve McGarrett to post fake news!

G does that on his own
far too many people do that on their own. it's a byproduct of massive hate and both sides have way too much of that.

Both sides have nothing to do with this. Whites created the hate. You reap what you sow and it seems that some whites don't understand this then talk about hate on both sides.
Your malfunction is that you see race, not people. I didn't create the hate but you want me held responsible due to the color of my skin. Like all haters you become what you hate, you're a racist.

Here we go with that one. Whites created the hate. Whites now want to make excuses. Speaking the truth is not Hate. Therefore I am not a hater.

Except you aren't speaking the truth.

The truth is that all men are created equally.
Too bad that white "supremacists"; are too stupid to read.
Maxine Waters never stated that a woman of color could not be impeached.

400 years of white privilege and they still can't read...
Golly darn, I saw her say it in the video.

Actually I looked at it again very close and I think she does say "woman of congress". My bad. She's still racist bitch though.

Nah, she's no racist. Racism is not calking out Trump for his crookedness. Nor is racism describing racism that happens to blacks.
Listen swine, I'm a very honest person and I can admit when I'm wrong. You need post this kind of garbage here claiming that i say it's racist to point out racism against blacks, which I never said. You are proven liar, and waters is a racist bitch. Now post some more smoke filled lies.

Show me examples of Watters racism then Mr. honesty.
You see, we've already been through this "show you" ploy. Liberal shills employ this tactic to try to confuse the person they are arguing with and to make other people think they may be telling the truth, which they rarely do.. First you bait them into "showing you" whatever you ask for, then you twist spin and deny like always.
White entitlement is just the new way the old racists say that whites are superior to blacks. And it's just as absurd as the old way they did it.

All men are created equal. What follows depends on how they use their time, gifts, and resources

Yes, but you have to eliminate racist made stumbling blocks and hurdles some of us face.

There are none but the ones you place on yourself

Incorrect. There are hurdles you must jump if you are not white or male in this nation that white men do not. That's a fact. Now you can chose to jump them or they can stop you. But to make the comment you made, well that's just not how things are. Why white men believe they have the right to lecture others is he definition of white privilege. You are not black as far as I know so then how can you male such a comment when you have not had the experience to know?

That's pure nonsense. Everyone has trials in their life no matter how much color in in their pigment. They all have the power to overcome them if they work hard and sacrifice.

Denying it doesn't change it. Saying it's a fact that things ae unfair doesn't make that true. I've met successful men and women of all races. I've met non successful men and women of all races. Race had nothing to do with what they did or didn't acheivd

It's not pure nonsense. It's reality. And I'm not just talking about material wealth as the measure of success fool. A millionaire named James Blake was a victim of police brutality. Another millionaire named Thabo Sefalosha was a victim of police brutality. Henry Gates a world renown academic was roughed up by police in the garage of his own home. Forrest Whitaker a famous well known and awarded actor was arrested for shoplifting in a donut shop because he was racially profiled. All of these people are successful, and they all still face racism..

Yes race does deny people of he chance to be all they can be. Repeating to yourself that i's not so doesn't change this. Racism isn't just you have it tough and until you live as a non white person you can NEVER EVER understand how I can say that.
so when i got my ass kicked as a child in front of my mother by a group of black kids who kept saying they were doing it cause i was white - that's just me and my mom getting what we deserved cause we stopped to play in a public playground?

when a kid got lit on fire on the way home by black kids who said they were doing it cause he was white - is what again?

i don't play these bullshit reindeer games for the most part. but i do dive in and put an extreme stomping down when i see someone say one race isn't capable of racism. only so much lying sacks of shit i can see at any given time w/o comment.
I'm curious why the blacks here do not vent their rage on another minority, Asians. Far more recently than blacks, Asians have suffered under various forms of racism and bigotry. Going all the way back to the Chinese dying by the tens of thousands to build our first coast to coast railroad and scores of others. WW-II saw the Japanese rounded up and placed in internment camps. The Vietnamese were certainly not welcomed with open arms.

What Asians do NOT have, which blacks have scores of are the race-baiters such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and scores of others preaching to them that they are not any good, that they are victims and that without them, the race-baiters, they would certainly starve in the streets.

What they have instead is a strong sense of family unity that basically said, okay, this is the situation we're in, what do we need to succeed? Then they went out and, succeeded!


List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia
Many American blacks simply do not want to work hard. I've seen it up close.
So that means we have a 240 year problem since the constitution was signed called white entitlement.

White entitlement is just the new way the old racists say that whites are superior to blacks. And it's just as absurd as the old way they did it.

All men are created equal. What follows depends on how they use their time, gifts, and resources

Yes, but you have to eliminate racist made stumbling blocks and hurdles some of us face.

There are none but the ones you place on yourself

Incorrect. There are hurdles you must jump if you are not white or male in this nation that white men do not. That's a fact. Now you can chose to jump them or they can stop you. But to make the comment you made, well that's just not how things are. Why white men believe they have the right to lecture others is he definition of white privilege. You are not black as far as I know so then how can you male such a comment when you have not had the experience to know?

That's pure nonsense. Everyone has trials in their life no matter how much color in in their pigment. They all have the power to overcome them if they work hard and sacrifice.

Denying it doesn't change it. Saying it's a fact that things ae unfair doesn't make that true. I've met successful men and women of all races. I've met non successful men and women of all races. Race had nothing to do with what they did or didn't acheivd
Hey idiot. Did you miss the part when Maxine Waters did not say that women of color can't be impeached? Keep up with the comments. The thread title is a lie. Did you even read the update in The Gateway Pundit? You wouldn't have embarrassed yourself if you had read the article and its correction.
Which "white privilege" are we talking about?

The right of black women to never be impeached from office?

Get ready. When the treason charges rain down on O, there will be a left wing crusade for "Affirmative Action for Traitors."
Prove that Maxine Waters said anything about women of color having the right of never being impeached.
Too bad that white "supremacists"; are too stupid to read.
Maxine Waters never stated that a woman of color could not be impeached.

400 years of white privilege and they still can't read...
Golly darn, I saw her say it in the video.

Actually I looked at it again very close and I think she does say "woman of congress". My bad. She's still racist bitch though.
No, you didn't hear her say that in the video, because the source of this thread has an update stating that she said women of Congress (not color) cannot be impeached.
Stop making shit up. If you did not hear something in a video, don't say you heard it. Unless you are schizophrenic and you hear voices in your head.
Too bad that white "supremacists"; are too stupid to read.
Maxine Waters never stated that a woman of color could not be impeached.

400 years of white privilege and they still can't read...
Golly darn, I saw her say it in the video.

Actually I looked at it again very close and I think she does say "woman of congress". My bad. She's still racist bitch though.
No, you didn't hear her say that in the video, because the source of this thread has an update stating that she said women of Congress (not color) cannot be impeached.
Stop making shit up. If you did not hear something in a video, don't say you heard it. Unless you are schizophrenic and you hear voices in your head.
What part of me saying I think that's what she said, doesn't your shill ass understand?
Too bad that white "supremacists"; are too stupid to read.
Maxine Waters never stated that a woman of color could not be impeached.

400 years of white privilege and they still can't read...
Golly darn, I saw her say it in the video.

Actually I looked at it again very close and I think she does say "woman of congress". My bad. She's still racist bitch though.
No, you didn't hear her say that in the video, because the source of this thread has an update stating that she said women of Congress (not color) cannot be impeached.
Stop making shit up. If you did not hear something in a video, don't say you heard it. Unless you are schizophrenic and you hear voices in your head.
What part of me saying I think that's what she said, doesn't your shill ass understand?
You edited your post. You think you're slick, but you're not.
Too bad that white "supremacists"; are too stupid to read.
Maxine Waters never stated that a woman of color could not be impeached.

400 years of white privilege and they still can't read...
Golly darn, I saw her say it in the video.

Actually I looked at it again very close and I think she does say "woman of congress". My bad. She's still racist bitch though.
No, you didn't hear her say that in the video, because the source of this thread has an update stating that she said women of Congress (not color) cannot be impeached.
Stop making shit up. If you did not hear something in a video, don't say you heard it. Unless you are schizophrenic and you hear voices in your head.
What part of me saying I think that's what she said, doesn't your shill ass understand?
You edited your post. You think you're slick, but you're not.
i did edit it, after I went back and carefully heard her say "congress". So I am agreeing the she said "person of congress". Now let's see what other stupid you can come up with. Will it be as stupid as attacking me for agreeing with you?
No surprise that this ignorant woman does not know she can be impeached per the constitution.

At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching, while the United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate. In Nixon v. United States (1993), the Supreme Court determined that the federal judiciary cannot review such proceedings.
White entitlement is just the new way the old racists say that whites are superior to blacks. And it's just as absurd as the old way they did it.

All men are created equal. What follows depends on how they use their time, gifts, and resources

Yes, but you have to eliminate racist made stumbling blocks and hurdles some of us face.

There are none but the ones you place on yourself

Incorrect. There are hurdles you must jump if you are not white or male in this nation that white men do not. That's a fact. Now you can chose to jump them or they can stop you. But to make the comment you made, well that's just not how things are. Why white men believe they have the right to lecture others is he definition of white privilege. You are not black as far as I know so then how can you male such a comment when you have not had the experience to know?

That's pure nonsense. Everyone has trials in their life no matter how much color in in their pigment. They all have the power to overcome them if they work hard and sacrifice.

Denying it doesn't change it. Saying it's a fact that things ae unfair doesn't make that true. I've met successful men and women of all races. I've met non successful men and women of all races. Race had nothing to do with what they did or didn't acheivd
Hey idiot. Did you miss the part when Maxine Waters did not say that women of color can't be impeached? Keep up with the comments. The thread title is a lie. Did you even read the update in The Gateway Pundit? You wouldn't have embarrassed yourself if you had read the article and its correction.
Perhaps he did embarrass himself, but it's nothing like the embarrassment caused when you attack someone for agreeing with you. That 's quasar stupid.

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