Maui VS. Ukraine:


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here. And whilst we are at it, explain the total neglect of East Palestine as well. Biden is balls deep "Helping" anyone or anything but AMERICANS that pay taxes. He sleeps during services and vacationed twice before attending. A week later. Explain how this is a good and why anyone would ever vote for democrats ever again.
Because this is how it is in the Banana Republic of Brandon!

Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here. And whilst we are at it, explain the total neglect of East Palestine as well. Biden is balls deep "Helping" anyone or anything but AMERICANS that pay taxes. He sleeps during services and vacationed twice before attending. A week later. Explain how this is a good and why anyone would ever vote for democrats ever again.
Because Putin must lose.
Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here. And whilst we are at it, explain the total neglect of East Palestine as well. Biden is balls deep "Helping" anyone or anything but AMERICANS that pay taxes. He sleeps during services and vacationed twice before attending. A week later. Explain how this is a good and why anyone would ever vote for democrats ever again.

Because the alternative is Trump. And there is literally nothing worse.
Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here. And whilst we are at it, explain the total neglect of East Palestine as well. Biden is balls deep "Helping" anyone or anything but AMERICANS that pay taxes. He sleeps during services and vacationed twice before attending. A week later. Explain how this is a good and why anyone would ever vote for democrats ever again.
in the next election if biden gets more votes than trump. Then it's hawaii's problem and not mine
I sat out the election in 2020. I’ve said this many times. I’m no Biden fan. But I may vote for him next year. Because there is literally no candidate worse than Trump.
Trump and his Made in China MAGA caps are just falsehoods. I wonder why he gets all the support and not DeSantis or anyone.
Trump and his Made in China MAGA caps are just falsehoods. I wonder why he gets all the support and not DeSantis or anyone.
DeSantis is an idiot. A moron who thought the War on Woke would get him accolades and cheers. It has, and marginalized him to the point where he does even worse than Trump does against Biden.

There are three or four Republicans I could vote for. Nikki Halley is one. She’ll never get the nomination, but I could vote for her. Christie is a fair choice.

But the two front runners are loons. Trump couldn’t tell the truth if you asked him what time it was. DeSantis is a dumbass who took on Disney, and lost. If you are setting out to destroy a big assed company, you better win.

His idiotic laws like Don’t say Gay have marginalized him. He can’t win a national election. He went too far and he fucked himself.

But one of those two will probably get the nomination, and then suddenly a Vegetable like Biden looks like a reasonable choice. That is how bad a candidate Trump is, he makes Biden look like a reasonable choice in comparison.

In 2020 I began saying I wasn’t voting. I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way better than the other steaming pile of shit. I voted for Trump in 16. I don’t regret that. I doubt Trump could make Hillary look good by comparison.
It is a Trump plot to turn Hawaii red MAGA country. MAGA Make America Again v MURA Make Ukraine Rich Again.
DeSantis is an idiot. A moron who thought the War on Woke would get him accolades and cheers. It has, and marginalized him to the point where he does even worse than Trump does against Biden.

There are three or four Republicans I could vote for. Nikki Halley is one. She’ll never get the nomination, but I could vote for her. Christie is a fair choice.

But the two front runners are loons. Trump couldn’t tell the truth if you asked him what time it was. DeSantis is a dumbass who took on Disney, and lost. If you are setting out to destroy a big assed company, you better win.

His idiotic laws like Don’t say Gay have marginalized him. He can’t win a national election. He went too far and he fucked himself.

But one of those two will probably get the nomination, and then suddenly a Vegetable like Biden looks like a reasonable choice. That is how bad a candidate Trump is, he makes Biden look like a reasonable choice in comparison.

In 2020 I began saying I wasn’t voting. I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way better than the other steaming pile of shit. I voted for Trump in 16. I don’t regret that. I doubt Trump could make Hillary look good by comparison.
I don´t think that law is stupid. Why should one expose the little kids to that gender issue?
I think stupid is his view on the slavery.
But whatever one thinks about his actions, at least he possesses actions, while Trump only possesses words.
I don´t think that law is stupid. Why should one expose the little kids to that gender issue?
I think stupid is his view on the slavery.
But whatever one thinks about his actions, at least he possesses actions, while Trump only possesses words.

One of the effects of Desegregation and inclusion of minorities into previously white schools was to destroy the myths and ignorance that existed. Whites found out Blacks were people too. Blacks found out that all Whites were not racist swine.

Education eliminates ignorance. By denying education, ignorance flourishes and becomes a belief. Look on here. Read the racism that exists. In the 21st Century. It isn’t ignorance any longer. Ignorance simply means you don’t know. After a lifetime of myths and racist beliefs it isn’t that they don’t know. They don’t want to know.

The hope is that the children learn that people are people. It doesn’t matter.
People are people. But white children should know that there are people who want them dead. Those people would be black people. Be nice, don't turn your back.
One of the effects of Desegregation and inclusion of minorities into previously white schools was to destroy the myths and ignorance that existed. Whites found out Blacks were people too. Blacks found out that all Whites were not racist swine.

Education eliminates ignorance. By denying education, ignorance flourishes and becomes a belief. Look on here. Read the racism that exists. In the 21st Century. It isn’t ignorance any longer. Ignorance simply means you don’t know. After a lifetime of myths and racist beliefs it isn’t that they don’t know. They don’t want to know.

The hope is that the children learn that people are people. It doesn’t matter.
It is easy to put a bug in childrens´ ears. That means if you educate a regular five or six years old on genderism, it could think this is somehow "cool", you could implant a desire that didn´t exist before.
The problem is, when you tell children as a serious teacher, that are not aware of sexuality at all, that changing gender, ect is normal it cannot handle it properly, might think this happens out of fun or whatever. The educated person must have developed sexuality before.
Of course, changing sex is not normal, anyway, it is false and foul education. If it was normal, there would be no need for such an "education". In fact, it is an exception and the norm is that people are not "born in the wrong body". This is totally different from educating people to not to exclude transgender people from society. It is breeding transgender people, people who identify as animals or anything. For instance if a woman in a man´s body realizes this, it is from his/her own development. If it is induced by education, then it is faulty and malicious.

A similar problem is being created by education on racism. If you tell children that whites enslaved blacks while you suppress the fact that blacks enslaved, slaughtered and ate each other before the white man came to Africa, that the chieftains ladd out the skulls from those they ate at their tents´ entrances, you also create a false image. An image of good and evil. Of victim and offender. Thus you create division, eventually racism. Hence you want to educate people that blacks and whites are equal you first have to realize that blacks would have enslaved whites if they had the means to do so. Enslaving others for one´s own good is a human behavior, not just a white human behavior. So while correct education on history is important, it should really be in the history lesson. You want to include, then don´t divide, very simple.
Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here.
It is secretly Black Ops funded . Maui is needed for expansion of a variety of existing Black Op projects and, as you have realised, a large part of top land is owned by usual Deep State suspects . They need underground expansion one way or another and fairly quickly, plus straight forward land grab . Simply see it as a key Millitary and Intel base and that is really all you need to know. And regardless , that is all you will ever find out . .
Why does Ukraine merit 46 billion$ Yet, Maui residents burnt out in this horrific fire get...$700 total. Please help me here. And whilst we are at it, explain the total neglect of East Palestine as well. Biden is balls deep "Helping" anyone or anything but AMERICANS that pay taxes. He sleeps during services and vacationed twice before attending. A week later. Explain how this is a good and why anyone would ever vote for democrats ever again.

Well he could have gone and thrown paper towels at the residents of Maui but the hot embers probably would have ignited them.

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