Matt Gaetz tweets, then deletes call to defund the FBI


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Dumping on an agency investigating you is rarely a good idea, but what the hell - Baby Gaetz steps in it almost daily.
Mind ya, this is the same guy who along with Gym Jordan, wants Congress to investigate the Britney Spears mess (your tax dollars at work ‘Murca! ;-)

But isn’t Brit a tad old for you dude?
Oops he did it again! :cool-45:
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It's one thing to get angry, another to be irrational. If he is guilty he should own up to it.

I do wonder though, why is it taking so long to lay charges? If he isn't the FBI should clear him and move on. Perpetually placing a cloud over someones head is a Canadian tactic not American. Surely they would know by now if they have a legitimate case or not.
It's one thing to get angry, another to be irrational. If he is guilty he should own up to it.

I do wonder though, why is it taking so long to lay charges? If he isn't the FBI should clear him and move on. Perpetually placing a cloud over someones head is a Canadian tactic not American. Surely they would know by now if they have a legitimate case or not.

Maybe, but these things take time. They’re still interviewing his underage (at the time) twinks and his buddy who got 33 federal charges whittled down to 6 for his cooperation. Latest is that charges would come by end of July. I’ve got this one at a jump ball ;)
The FBI should be defunded. They’ve become the brown shirts for Democrats. How many innocent Jan 6 protesters have been held without any serious charges? What they have been doing is unconstitutional, they have become corrupt political hacks abusing their power.
This article is just the crooked MSM and FBI trying to destroy a man who wants them to be held accountable for their actions. Gaetz is right but he's leery of becoming the latest victim of the powerful and seemingly unchecked FBI.
Dumping on an agency investigating you is rarely a good idea, but what the hell - Baby Gaetz steps in it almost daily.
Mind ya, this is the same guy who along with Gym Jordan, wants Congress to investigate the Britney Spears mess (your tax dollars at work ‘Murca! ;-)

But isn’t Brit a tad old for you dude?
Oops he did it again! :cool-45:
This is the kind of nutbird, along with Greene and Boebert, the party is going to belching out for at least the next two election cycles.
It's not pedophilia when a democrat fuck a 14 year old, it's constituent outreach
Dumping on an agency investigating you is rarely a good idea, but what the hell - Baby Gaetz steps in it almost daily.
Mind ya, this is the same guy who along with Gym Jordan, wants Congress to investigate the Britney Spears mess (your tax dollars at work ‘Murca! ;-)

But isn’t Brit a tad old for you dude?
Oops he did it again! :cool-45:
Another one that don't like the cops or FBI. They are out to get him!!
The FBI should be defunded. They’ve become the brown shirts for Democrats. How many innocent Jan 6 protesters have been held without any serious charges? What they have been doing is unconstitutional, they have become corrupt political hacks abusing their power.
The right don't like the FBI!!! What they have been doing is constitutional, those who did the insurrection are treasonous.
I wonder why Gaetz gets so much attention while Bill Clinton who was very active with the pedos Epstein and Maxwell gets none.
There is no evidence that Clinton was a pedo.
He was a adulterer but even tramp was and probably still are.
Yes of course. You believe the worst about Don, but Bill is totally innocent. Ha!

Both men had a relationship with Epstein and Maxwell. Billy more so than Donny. However all the evidence about this has been confiscated by the wonderful FBI. So we’ll likely not know the truth for another 50 years.
Dumping on an agency investigating you is rarely a good idea, but what the hell - Baby Gaetz steps in it almost daily.
Mind ya, this is the same guy who along with Gym Jordan, wants Congress to investigate the Britney Spears mess (your tax dollars at work ‘Murca! ;-)

But isn’t Brit a tad old for you dude?
Oops he did it again! :cool-45:
Another one that don't like the cops or FBI. They are out to get him!!
Indeed. Spoiled rich kids often carry a sense of entitlement and victimhood throughout their entire lives. Like Trumpy Bear, Baby Gaetz is one of those, and this is their theme song.

Dumping on an agency investigating you is rarely a good idea, but what the hell - Baby Gaetz steps in it almost daily.
Mind ya, this is the same guy who along with Gym Jordan, wants Congress to investigate the Britney Spears mess (your tax dollars at work ‘Murca! ;-)

But isn’t Brit a tad old for you dude?
Oops he did it again! :cool-45:
This is the kind of nutbird, along with Greene and Boebert, the party is going to belching out for at least the next two election cycles.
I hope to outlive the last of the nutbirds!

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