Massive shock i Putlerstan (Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.) US offers to supply fuel for Belarus nuclear pla


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Massive shock i Putlerstan (Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.) US offers to supply fuel for Belarus nuclear plant. whats really funny here that do Maskals really believe that they will be the exclusive and the only one supplier of Nuclear fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down

"American fuel suppliers could partly supply fuel. This is already being done at some power plants around the world, ” Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Rita Baranwal in the U.S. told BNS on Monday."
Washington Offers To Supply Nuclear Fuel For BelNPP

US offers to supply fuel for controversial Belarus nuclear plant - Emerging Europe | News, Intelligence, Community
US will stay out of Lithuania's dispute with Minsk over the Belarus' nuclear plant - LRT
fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
1 is 99% is ready, they are building the second one . whats about the topic ?
If I remember correctly, there will be only one nuclear station with two reactors. And almost completed is the first reactor.

What about topic? It is laughsble, to say frankly. Belarussian nuclear station will drop prices of Gazprom? Really? What share does Belarus have in Russian export?

Moreover, I think they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn.

Btw, who builds this station? Any guess? Americans? French? Japan? Atomstroyexport. Ta-daa.
fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
1 is 99% is ready, they are building the second one . whats about the topic ?
If I remember correctly, there will be only one nuclear station with two reactors. And almost completed is the first reactor.

What about topic? It is laughsble, to say frankly. Belarussian nuclear station will drop prices of Gazprom? Really? What share does Belarus have in Russian export?

Moreover, I think they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn.

Btw, who builds this station? Any guess? Americans? French? Japan? Atomstroyexport. Ta-daa.

"they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn." gas stations for sure, Belarus has created entire program for this , electrification
fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
1 is 99% is ready, they are building the second one . whats about the topic ?
If I remember correctly, there will be only one nuclear station with two reactors. And almost completed is the first reactor.

What about topic? It is laughsble, to say frankly. Belarussian nuclear station will drop prices of Gazprom? Really? What share does Belarus have in Russian export?

Moreover, I think they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn.

Btw, who builds this station? Any guess? Americans? French? Japan? Atomstroyexport. Ta-daa.

"they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn." gas stations for sure, Belarus has created entire program for this , electrification
Electricity should also be produced from something.

In any case, the claim that Belarussian nuclear plant will affect Gazprom is nonsense. Belarus is insignificant for it. While Gazprom supplies to Europe are only increasing.
fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ...
morons . just watch Gazprom stock price , how it will go down
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
1 is 99% is ready, they are building the second one . whats about the topic ?
If I remember correctly, there will be only one nuclear station with two reactors. And almost completed is the first reactor.

What about topic? It is laughsble, to say frankly. Belarussian nuclear station will drop prices of Gazprom? Really? What share does Belarus have in Russian export?

Moreover, I think they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn.

Btw, who builds this station? Any guess? Americans? French? Japan? Atomstroyexport. Ta-daa.

"they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn." gas stations for sure, Belarus has created entire program for this , electrification
Electricity should also be produced from something.

In any case, the claim that Belarussian nuclear plant will affect Gazprom is nonsense. Belarus is insignificant for it. While Gazprom supplies to Europe are only increasing.
man, you failed again, this time it even worst than with Yugoslavia, which " was a part of "russian" block ". if it is "increasing " how and why it lost 10 times its market value for 10 years ?

Gazprom lost friends and ceded influence over European gas ... › content

Jan 20, 2016 - Gazprom's market value, which in 2008 topped $365bn, is today about $38bn. ... It blamed Kiev for damaging its reputation in Europe and stepped up its ... The change is partly due to Ukraine's post-2014 slump in output."
Belarusian nuclear power plants? How many there will be them? One?
1 is 99% is ready, they are building the second one . whats about the topic ?
If I remember correctly, there will be only one nuclear station with two reactors. And almost completed is the first reactor.

What about topic? It is laughsble, to say frankly. Belarussian nuclear station will drop prices of Gazprom? Really? What share does Belarus have in Russian export?

Moreover, I think they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn.

Btw, who builds this station? Any guess? Americans? French? Japan? Atomstroyexport. Ta-daa.

"they will be replacing coal stations in the first turn." gas stations for sure, Belarus has created entire program for this , electrification
Electricity should also be produced from something.

In any case, the claim that Belarussian nuclear plant will affect Gazprom is nonsense. Belarus is insignificant for it. While Gazprom supplies to Europe are only increasing.
man, you failed again, this time it even worst than with Yugoslavia, which " was a part of "russian" block ". if it is "increasing " how and why it lost 10 times its market value for 10 years ?

Gazprom lost friends and ceded influence over European gas ... › content

Jan 20, 2016 - Gazprom's market value, which in 2008 topped $365bn, is today about $38bn. ... It blamed Kiev for damaging its reputation in Europe and stepped up its ... The change is partly due to Ukraine's post-2014 slump in output."
Dude, you are a troll. An a dishonest one. Yugoslavia was a part of socialist bloc, it is a fact. And it is a thousand times more true than your claim about the US defending it for 55 years.

About Gazprom. You have no idea about Belorussian share in Gazprom export, the volume of the nuclear plant, and ignore the fact that it is being built by the Russians.

If you weren't so lazy, you would google and find out that in 2018 Gazprom set a record volume for its exports. About its capitalization, ask somebody to explain you about 2007-08 financial crises, what provoked it, and what happened to some companies and their capitalization.
old man, PMS? or your wife left you?

"Parting with the USSR in 1948, Yugoslavia did not belong to the East, but it also did not belong to the West because of its socialist system and its status as a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement."
old man, PMS? or your wife left you?

"Parting with the USSR in 1948, Yugoslavia did not belong to the East, but it also did not belong to the West because of its socialist system and its status as a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement."

The term Eastern Bloc referred to the former Communist states of Eastern and Central Europe, including the countries of the Warsaw Pact, along with Yugoslavia and Albania, which were not aligned with the Soviet Union after 1948 and 1960 respectively. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) arranged economic cooperation among the members.

Eastern Bloc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SE is more your level, you old man took the most simple definition . do you agree that Yugoslavia has never been occupied by fascist - Asiatic maskal stalinist hordes ? like Belarus , Poland, Ukraine , Czechoslovakia etc. were until 1991?
SE is more your level, you old man took the most simple definition . do you agree that Yugoslavia has never been occupied by fascist - Asiatic maskal stalinist hordes ? like Belarus , Poland, Ukraine , Czechoslovakia etc. were until 1991?
I agree that you are a dishonest troll.

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