Massive Rally in Dublin Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations, Lockdowns, Contact Tracing


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The Europeans seem to be "getting it" much faster than US. Superior education systems? In US public school kids are not even taught cursive writing anymore. Da fu*k they dong in school if not to learn cursive writing? Most importantly American critical thinking skills not existent, gum-chewing skateboarders think Abraham Lincoln was the first president.

So when do we do something like this, any rallies in your towns just not being reported?

From Massive Rally in Dublin Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations, Lockdowns, Contact Tracing

The rallying cry which burst out spontaneously and thundered across the River Liffey was a defiant "NO! NO! NO! NO!"

DUBLIN - August 22nd, #TimeForChange Rally ending at the Customs House in Dublin, organised by Yellow Vests Ireland. The rally featured Dr Marcus De Brun, Prof Dolores Cahill, Constitution Defender Ben Gilroy, and others. The main themes of the rally were to say "no" to any oncoming laws regarding mandatory COVID vaccinations, and the ending of lockdown, social distancing, mask, and contact tracing laws.

Irish political activist Ben Gilroy, who delivered the keynote speech, said to cheers:

"we must not acquiesce with our own enslavement. We must no longer be bound and gagged, as we are by politicians and their social media joint friends...across the whole western world people are fearful of being force-vaccinated... This forced vaccination is not only repugnant to the written word of our Constitution, it is also against the very spirit of it."

Dublin rally (more video, sweeping camera view)

Dr. Marcus De Brun speech

Data Indicates Lockdowns and Masks Counterproductive

Data seems to show lock-downs and face masks may be exacerbating COVID-19 deaths. Sweden never locked down or required face masks, but does suggest precautions and provides information to its citizens.


Massive protests in South Korea and Germany have also broken out after the government announced renewed lockdowns and "social distancing" measures as a result of a testing spike in new cases of the 99.8% survival rate disease.

South Korea

The COVID death rate, the Infection Fatality Rate, continues to decline as more asymptomatic cases and people with antibodies are discovered. Questions are being raised over how COVID deaths are counted. The survival rate of flu is 99.9%.
On August 1st millions of people marched in Germanyto protest the lockdowns.

Governments are using a metric of new cases to justify continuing lockdowns and social distancing measures, a silent change in policy which originally asked publics to assist in preventing ICUs from becoming overwhelmed. Hospital capacity utilization in the US was 70% in mid-July, and the number of COVID hospitalizations has declined since then.

A US congressman said recently that universal mandatory vaccination against COVID was the ultimate goal of governments. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) said:

"they plan to keep us shut down until there is some kind of vaccine, and then whether it’s compulsory at the federal level, or the state level, or maybe they persuade your employers though another PPP program that you won’t qualify for unless you make your employees get the vaccine, I think that’s their plan. Somebody convince me that’s not their plan, because there is no logical ending to this other than that.”
The Los Angeles Timesreported on August 15th:

"The protests came as the government moved to impose stronger social distancing restrictions in the city and nearby towns following a surge in coronavirus infections...
The two-week measures starting Sunday will allow authorities in Seoul and towns in neighboring Gyeonggi province to shut down high-risk facilities such as nightclubs, karaoke rooms, movie theaters and buffet restaurants if they fail to properly enforce preventive measures, including distancing, temperature checks, keeping customer lists and requiring masks.
Fans will once again be banned from professional baseball and soccer just a few weeks after health authorities allowed teams to let in spectators to occupy a portion of seats at each game."
The South Korean protests followed a million-plus March in Berlin on August 1st, protesting the continuing lockdown, mask, and social distancing measures.

All causes of death in NY, 2019 vs. 2020: Has COVID become the cure for cancer? (click for larger)


Many US doctors, and medical establishments from other countries such as Cubaand Turkey, say they have used the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, in small doses and with selected patients, and as part of a protocol, with great success.

These countries show a death rate from COVID about 1/5 of the US death rate.
Death rates in counties using HCQ versus Non-HCQ countries (click to enlarge

Source: "Largest Statistically Significant Study by 6,200 Multi-Country Physicians on COVID-19 Uncovers Treatment Patterns and Puts Pandemic in Context."

Daily confirmed cases versus deaths, world (click to enlarge)


Source: Daily confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths

Nevertheless, the major media and governments continue to clamp down on rights and the economy based on new cases, in alarmist tones. The Atlanticwrote on July 9th:

"Cases have soared to terrifying levels since June. Yesterday, the U.S. had 62,000 confirmed cases, an all-time high—and about five times more than the entire continent of Europe. Several U.S. states, including Arizona and Florida, currently have more confirmed cases per capitathan any other country in the world."
The Atlantic and media ignore that the spread of a low fatality rate virus is normal, and quickly results in the human immune system developing antibodies which are more potent and safe than any man-made vaccine.


US Congressman Massie Says Government Plan is Lockdowns Until Mandatory Vaccinations

“CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu about 99.9%” (Primary sources: Reason, Montreal Economic Institute, UPenn Medical Center, CDC)

Nephew of President JFK, Safe Vaccine Activist Calls Out Bill Gates Plan for 5G Control of Masses

Video MP4 file download link.

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

FULL POST... From Massive Rally in Dublin Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations, Lockdowns, Contact Tracing
Putting aside the Covid-19 virus. The issue about "contact tracing" shouldn't eve be an issue. This country has had mandatory contact tracing for many years. It's used in the scenario of locating those who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases.
Putting aside the Covid-19 virus. The issue about "contact tracing" shouldn't eve be an issue. This country has had mandatory contact tracing for many years. It's used in the scenario of locating those who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases.

Please accompany assertions with a link.
So when do we do something like this, any rallies in your towns just not being reported?

Protest were scheduled throughout the country but cancelled due to areas they were scheduled in police were being hostile to protesters' the organizers did not want to take a chance on people being hurt.
The million dollar question is why the hell are these kind of protests not happening here in the states? Are most the sheep here that stupid that they think the government is looking out for them.
Putting aside the Covid-19 virus. The issue about "contact tracing" shouldn't eve be an issue. This country has had mandatory contact tracing for many years. It's used in the scenario of locating those who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases.
Its the same in the Uk where all counties have contract tracing teams. I didnt know they existed until the pandemic but they do.
Its the same in the Uk where all counties have contract tracing teams. I didnt know they existed until the pandemic but they do.

And the contact tracing was used successfully for Ebola.
However, the government decided it would be too expensive for covid, so was not used.

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