Massive Obama-Backed “One Nation” Rally...

OK, bigreb, your guys support you on this:

“Starkey you are a lying ******. You are a worthless piece of shit. Which after all that is what a ****** is a lazy good for nothing trashy piece of shit, no matter what their race maybe ******* are scum and that would be you starkey. White black red Brown yellow. Skin color matters not with what a ****** is but their character does, and yours is that of a ******.” [and] “This coming from someone who shows his affection for things he likes to suck on written as a moniker. Have you tucked many dicks today? That would be how braney the banking queen would sound if she said it.”

Racist, sexist, homophobic. In other words, un-American. If Charles and the others can't call bigreb out for the above, then they support it. Simple.
Yeah, ok.. Of course you read posts and see what you want to see.
I will repeat myslef for the reading challenged.
I do not like that word. I said I cringe every time i hear it. While that word has more than just one meaning, it is just too volatile for non-blacks to use...
Now if that means to you I support racial bigotry, I guess you can be right....Jeez.
Anyway, What difference does it make.
There is prejudice, bigotry and hate across all racial, religious and cultural lines.
There is nothing that can be done about that other than to band together and go after those who seek to place us into groups with the idea of pitting us against each other.
That would be the democrat party.

Thanks, thereisnospoon. Prejudice, bigotry, and race is endemic to both parties, I am afraid. You have the southern klan variety of bigreb and the urban type of Sharpton. The only way to get rid of it is to call anyone out anytime he or she does it. Calling out a racist is not racism, and that has been the card some to the right have been trying to play: that is falling flat with America. On the other hand, America does accept Jackson or Sharpton's nonsense either.

Jake you can't read can you?
you said Thanks, thereisnospoon
At the end of his post thereisnospoon end it with
"There is nothing that can be done about that other than to band together and go after those who seek to place us into groups with the idea of pitting us against each other.
That would be the democrat party"
I try to explain it to you one more time. According to skin color I say everybody is equal what seperates people is how they live their lives.
charles, i don't have to prove a thing. Show me where you did not act like an arrogant butt. I won't take rudeness from anybody, and that seems to bother you guys. Why? You won't call out jack's sexual innuendos or bigreb's vile racism, sexism, and homophobia.

So, no, charles, i am not too concerned with your worries, because they are fake.

Move on, charles. I will treat you as you treat me.

oh, but you do not have a problem with lying.
Nope, bigreb, you don't get your own definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.

Here it is again. "“Starkey you are a lying ******. You are a worthless piece of shit. Which after all that is what a ****** is a lazy good for nothing trashy piece of shit, no matter what their race maybe ******* are scum and that would be you starkey. White black red Brown yellow. Skin color matters not with what a ****** is but their character does, and yours is that of a ******.” [and] “This coming from someone who shows his affection for things he likes to suck on written as a moniker. Have you tucked many dicks today? That would be how braney the banking queen would sound if she said it.”

Racist, sexist, homophobic. In other words, un-American. A racial word used as a negative characteristic for an epithet is a racist word. You don't make the rules.
Nope, bigreb, you don't get your own definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.

Here it is again. "“Starkey you are a lying ******. You are a worthless piece of shit. Which after all that is what a ****** is a lazy good for nothing trashy piece of shit, no matter what their race maybe ******* are scum and that would be you starkey. White black red Brown yellow. Skin color matters not with what a ****** is but their character does, and yours is that of a ******.” [and] “This coming from someone who shows his affection for things he likes to suck on written as a moniker. Have you tucked many dicks today? That would be how braney the banking queen would sound if she said it.”

Racist, sexist, homophobic. In other words, un-American. A racial word used as a negative characteristic for an epithet is a racist word. You don't make the rules.

Nope, bigreb, you don't get your own definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.
I haven't used my definition sorry The word nigge is not owned by any color or race or a certain group of people. anyone can be it.
But nevertheless you are still a lying cock sucker.
So using you definition of Rev. Wright a racist? Al sharpton and Jesse jackson?
OH hell braney Franks is even a bigger cock sucker than you.
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Nope, bigreb, you don't make the definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts. We put an end to your type of nonsense here in the 1970s. We are not going back to that racist era in the south. Your type's influence is over.

Here it is again. "“Starkey you are a lying ******. You are a worthless piece of shit. Which after all that is what a ****** is a lazy good for nothing trashy piece of shit, no matter what their race maybe ******* are scum and that would be you starkey. White black red Brown yellow. Skin color matters not with what a ****** is but their character does, and yours is that of a ******.” [and] “This coming from someone who shows his affection for things he likes to suck on written as a moniker. Have you tucked many dicks today? That would be how braney the banking queen would sound if she said it.”

Racist, sexist, homophobic. In other words, un-American. A racial word used as a negative characteristic for an epithet is a racist word. You don't make the rules.
Nope, bigreb, you don't make the definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts. We put an end to your type of nonsense here in the 1970s. We are not going back to that racist era in the south. Your type's influence is over.

Here it is again. "“Starkey you are a lying ******. You are a worthless piece of shit. Which after all that is what a ****** is a lazy good for nothing trashy piece of shit, no matter what their race maybe ******* are scum and that would be you starkey. White black red Brown yellow. Skin color matters not with what a ****** is but their character does, and yours is that of a ******.” [and] “This coming from someone who shows his affection for things he likes to suck on written as a moniker. Have you tucked many dicks today? That would be how braney the banking queen would sound if she said it.”

Racist, sexist, homophobic. In other words, un-American. A racial word used as a negative characteristic for an epithet is a racist word. You don't make the rules.

The definition was given or didn't you read it? I didn't give it
OH hell lets just forget about everything that was posted can't answer my question can you ? The reason you can't is because it will show the true colors of the DNC.
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Nope, bigreb, you don't make the definition. You can have your own opinion but not your own facts. We put an end to your type of nonsense here in the 1970s. We are not going back to that racist era in the south. Your type's influence is over.

I am the GOP chair here and have been for some years. I believe in small business, I believe in government accountability, I believe in taking care of my neighbor, I believe in soft not hard diplomacy overseas, I believe parents have to get serious about their children's education, I believe that racism and sexism and homophobia are manifestations of true emotional illnesses that warp the character and soul, and I believe that unregulated Big Business is the enemy of the middle class, which is the strength of this country.

If you are a Republican, I want you to change your thinking. I want you stop your homophobia. I want you to stop your sexism. I want you to stop your racist hatred for many I have known apparently as the type of people I want living next door, and you just don't fit that bill yourself.

You are, until you change your ways, a step below.
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I am the GOP chair here and have been for some years. I believe in small business, I believe in government accountability.

I can no longer stomach calling myself a Republican. Bush and the Congressional Republicans saw to that.

The only Problem is I like the current far left Democrat Party even less.

What is one to do you know.
I am the GOP chair here and have been for some years. I believe in small business, I believe in government accountability.

I can no longer stomach calling myself a Republican. Bush and the Congressional Republicans saw to that.

The only Problem is I like the current far left Democrat Party even less.

What is one to do you know.
i havent been happy with the GOP for years, but there is no way in hell i could support the dems as they are WAY worse
I am the GOP chair here and have been for some years. I believe in small business, I believe in government accountability.

I can no longer stomach calling myself a Republican. Bush and the Congressional Republicans saw to that.

The only Problem is I like the current far left Democrat Party even less.

What is one to do you know.

Some are saying to vote against the incumbents of any party. There is some sense in that. However, if I do, I will have to resign. I have no problem with that if I do.

Bush's administrations have failed, and Obama's has not done as I had hoped in many ways.

Time will tell.
Those two were at the one nation rally not the Beck rally

As the chronology of the posts shows, the Tea baggers were told NOT to bring their signs to Beck's wasn't a "suggestion". One of Beck's idiots feigned igorance as to the Tea Party members having a penchant for displaying their hateful bigotry and racism at their rallys in the recent past. I just provided proof.

And if you're not sure that Tea Party folk attended Beck's BS, then scan the thread here were I give a link showing Who sponsored and helped organize the collection on Beck's idiots.

I just posted a link that showed that people was asked not to bring signs it was a request not a demand. The rally was a mix of Politics and religion more religion than politics. Yes the tea party was there that’s why is was a big success. HANG ON LIBERALS BECAUSE THE TEA PARTY EXPRESS IS BUSTING THROUGH IF YOU'RE IN THE WAY YOU WILL BE RUN OVER.
First stop 2010 next stop 2012

Beck stated throughout the year of PR for his little shindig that the rally wasn't about politics.

Gee, I guess he LIED to his idiots AGAIN.

And the "suggestion" not to bring signs was "reinforced" by officials at the various entrances, as documented by local and national news.

Once again, Reb...the chronology of the posts and the actual chain of events that unfurled prove what a bogus piece of clap trap Beck's rally was.....and what full blown Beck idiot you are (Beck's words, not mine).
I am the GOP chair here and have been for some years. I believe in small business, I believe in government accountability.

I can no longer stomach calling myself a Republican. Bush and the Congressional Republicans saw to that.

The only Problem is I like the current far left Democrat Party even less.

What is one to do you know.

One gets behind those who are pledged to do it differently. Those who pledge to not spend money we don't have for things that we don't absolutely have to spend them on . . . those who pledge to begin to carefully and methodically reverse the ever expanding size and reach of the Federal government. . . those who pledge to be business friendly so Americans can get back to making things and providing services that will end the recession. . . those who pledge to secure the peoples' rights and as much as possible leave them alone to govern themselves. . . . .

As long as you vote for folks like that, it really doesn't matter what they call themselves.

But it's mostly--there may be exceptions but it is mostly--a certainty that if you vote for Democrats, you're going to vote for more of what we've had for the last four years. And I'm not sure the country can take a whole more of that.
I think it's great that the President is rallying the troops-particularly young people.

I wish the President would make less political decisions and more what is right for our country. He seems weak kneed at times. He didn't go far enough with the stimulus bill. Too much compromise for my liking.

I heard George Soros talking about the economy and suggesting we need more public works projects like FDR inspired. He has a point. The infrastructure of he US is not being maintained let alone rebuilt.
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Question for you
Did the Beck rally have any group that carried any communist signs? What was the agenda of the one nation rally? To unite America? Think about this do Americans want to be unified with communist? If not why did sharpton allow any communist group at that rally? That is if the rallyt was not communist motivated.
I'll wait for your reply before I continue with this post.

taichiliberal still waiting

He's getting his ass handed to him in another thread. :lol:

The only ass braying here is YOU, my intellectually challenged Meister. To date, you cannot engage me at any length in a fact based debate.
The God is judging America?
Does this sound familure?

And the other sign it's true or do you not know anything of obama agenda?

1. Despite neocon parrots and pundits chopping up Rev. Wright's sermons, it was documented that the ENTIRE sermon in question was quoting scripture as to how nations that embrace imperialism will be damned, and how some American policies are emulating just that.

2. Why is it that YOU continually ignore the points of my posts while regurgitating the tea bagger/birther/neocon talking points? Seems once I knock down one of your BS, you just move on to the next. Sad.

I addressed your points in this reply


As the chronology of the posts shows, you didn't address my original points, and like all intellectually bankrupt neocon parrots, when you're proven wrong, you just keep squawking the SOS. I already disproved your BS about Wright on one hand, so now you'll just parrot the ENTIRE discredited neocon mantra about him while NEVER acknowledging you were wrong on the first instance.

Bottom line: the idiotic lie that the One Nation rally was "Obama backed" was proven wrong...and all you Beck idiots have is to BS about garbage and whine the fact that communist and socialist attended.
i am laughing at both of these people.
pay close attention to the older gentalman and listen to what he says near the end.:lol:

i wonder how many people did this beck idiot skip over to find this one? Yeah, dozens of speeches from the podiums and beck idiots ignore them for the few wackos and extremist they could find out of thousands of people.

Unfortunately for the beck idiots, their folks were out and proud and many about their feelings:

all you've done is just repeat yourself, reb......and as with all intellectually bankrupt and dishonest beck idiots, you feel that repeating your beliefs, opinions and accusations until doomsday will magically validate them.

question for you
did the beck rally have any group that carried any communist signs? What was the agenda of the one nation rally? To unite america? Think about this do americans want to be unified with communist? If not why did sharpton allow any communist group at that rally? That is if the rallyt was not communist motivated.
I'll wait for your reply before i continue with this post.

still waiting

You're not waiting, you're just playing dumber than you are (if that is possible). The link to the actual One Nation website was supplied LONG ago on this thread...and YOU commented on it regarding the listing of attending groups. So stop braying like an ass, Reb, you're not that bright when you lie and your own words contradict you.

As I said before, the One Nation rally was about JOBS in America...preventing outsourcing, stopping the privatization of our schools and social security, stopping the gouging by banks and insurance companies. THAT is the one thing capitalist, socialist, communist can agree upon. But since Beck's idiots were PREVENTED from bringing signs that identified their political/social leanings, we don't know what they were about outside of the FACT that the Koch Brothers, Dick Armey's FreedomWorks and various GOP politicos were financing and organizing the crowd for Beck's faux evangelism and Palin's aimless blatherings.
The God is judging America?
Does this sound familure?

And the other sign it's true or do you not know anything of obama agenda?

1. Despite neocon parrots and pundits chopping up Rev. Wright's sermons, it was documented that the ENTIRE sermon in question was quoting scripture as to how nations that embrace imperialism will be damned, and how some American policies are emulating just that.

2. Why is it that YOU continually ignore the points of my posts while regurgitating the tea bagger/birther/neocon talking points? Seems once I knock down one of your BS, you just move on to the next. Sad.
Sodahead?..Please. These videos are as representative of the Tea Party people ALL being racist as much the videos of the New Black Panthers blocking polling places are representative of all black people.
Jesus Christ you lefties are desperate.
Look chee chee, your side is going to lose and your side is going to lose big.
The American people have had enough of the socialist nonsense.
If you want to live in a socialist society, Western Europe calls you.

The major flaw in your comparison: The few idiots that identified themselves as the New Black Panther Party were arrested and tried.....ONE was found guilty of intimidation....NEITHER were affiliated with the NAACP, the DEM party or any other group.

One incident, quickly resolved.

The videos I linked were of Different Tea Party rallies at different time periods.....were members were showing their true colors....and that was just a few samples. It took the NAACP to make a public request for the Tea Party folk to expel/deter the haters and bigots from their groups, which resulted in the Beck idiots making sure that no such signs were at their rally.

Once again, reality trumps your lies and distortions, my intellectually bankrupt teaspoon. November will take care of itself...and so far the candidates the Tea Party are crowing about are so preposterous it's almost laughable. Good luck with that.
I think it's great that the President is rallying the troops-particularly young people.

I wish the President would make less political decisions and more what is right for our country. He seems weak kneed at times. He didn't go far enough with the stimulus bill. Too much compromise for my liking.

I heard George Soros talking about the economy and suggesting we need more public works projects like FDR inspired. He has a point. The infrastructure of he US is not being maintained let alone rebuilt.

george soros is a champion of socialism. Fortunately , he has no say.

THere is plenty of money to maintain infrstructure. Unfortunately politicians take it and spend it on garbage.
The stimulus bill was nothing of the kind. It was a slush fund to thank all who supported his campaign. Notice how stim money went to big union states?
Notice how many jobs 3/4's of a trillion dollars DIDN'T create?
Among some of the items on which stim money was used... $800k to feed cocaine Japanese Quails to see if they got horny...
Please.....Who needs anarchy when we have government like that?
If you want to see improvement in the economy, get government out of the way.
I think it's great that the President is rallying the troops-particularly young people.

I wish the President would make less political decisions and more what is right for our country. He seems weak kneed at times. He didn't go far enough with the stimulus bill. Too much compromise for my liking.

I heard George Soros talking about the economy and suggesting we need more public works projects like FDR inspired. He has a point. The infrastructure of he US is not being maintained let alone rebuilt.

george soros is a champion of socialism. Fortunately , he has no say.

THere is plenty of money to maintain infrstructure. Unfortunately politicians take it and spend it on garbage.
The stimulus bill was nothing of the kind. It was a slush fund to thank all who supported his campaign. Notice how stim money went to big union states?
Notice how many jobs 3/4's of a trillion dollars DIDN'T create?
Among some of the items on which stim money was used... $800k to feed cocaine Japanese Quails to see if they got horny...
Please.....Who needs anarchy when we have government like that?
If you want to see improvement in the economy, get government out of the way.

Spare us all this tired retread of teabagger lies and distortions.

YOU and your like minded cohorts didn't say jack when the Shrub was bailing out Wall St. and the banks with your money....and you bend over with a smile on your face as the GOP votes to give tax breaks to corporations that outsource jobs during our economic dire straits.

Please provide PROOF that stim money went ONLY to "big union states".


Please provide PROOF regarding Quails in Japan.

And PLEASE acknowledge the FACTS regarding the ONE Nation Rally that was more honest and productive than what Beck's idiots were subjected to....or continue to bluff and bluster.

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