Massive explosion rocks Cairo, Egypt airport

Interesting. Im surprised in EU doesn't see explosions next week in honor of trumputins
Interesting. Im surprised in EU doesn't see explosions next week in honor of trumputins

Most Islamic Euro-terrorists aren't leftists. They couldn't give a crap about Donald trump visiting there, all they want to do is assimilate whatever European country they've invaded, and turn it into a Sharia-Law compliant Islamic state.
Interesting. Im surprised in EU doesn't see explosions next week in honor of trumputins

Most Islamic Euro-terrorists aren't leftists. They couldn't give a crap about Donald trump visiting there, all they want to do is assimilate whatever European country they've invaded, and turn it into a Sharia-Law compliant Islamic state.

Alrighty then. Show me an single instance of radical Islamics protesting Trump over there right now. It's leftists who are doing all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Radical Islamics tend to be right of center.
Doesn't really sound like a terrorist attack to me, not enough targets. Someone is reporting it was due to extreme temps at the time not an attack - no confirmation of that though.

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