Massive Cold Wave About to Descend into Texas

Can't they treat the turbines with anti freeze? You know, that stuff you get in a can for when your car is encased in ice?
The turbans were designed by greenies with the expectation of global warming not a new Ice Age

Yep! Watch as those big whirly birds destabilize with ice and fly apart... Hydraulics fail and breaks cease to function. Its going to be a mess if they don't shut them down before mother nature does.

Were slated to set records all week long for the LOWEST day time highs in 149 years... the cold is brutal.. As I type it is -18 deg F ambient temp with 30 mph winds gusting to 42... Wind chill is -52 deg F. and dips further when the gusts hit.

Power outages a real possibility. And that means burst pipes a possibility.

Can't they treat the turbines with anti freeze? You know, that stuff you get in a can for when your car is encased in ice?

I think they inject it with bleach.

I'm serious.
For folks not used to 0 weather, keep your gas tank half full so you don't end up with water in your gas. Wear gloves and put a blanket in the backseat just in case you break down. 25% of your body heat is in your head, so wear a hat. Two layers will keep you warmer than one thick sweater. Three is better (undershirts, ladies too).

Good luck.
Yep! Watch as those big whirly birds destabilize with ice and fly apart... Hydraulics fail and breaks cease to function. Its going to be a mess if they don't shut them down before mother nature does.

Were slated to set records all week long for the LOWEST day time highs in 149 years... the cold is brutal.. As I type it is -18 deg F ambient temp with 30 mph winds gusting to 42... Wind chill is -52 deg F. and dips further when the gusts hit.

Power outages a real possibility. And that means burst pipes a possibility.
All you need to do is keep the faucet on a fast drip. It will work.
Normal weather for Maine. Single digits at night, 20 or so for highs.

I went to Ft Richardson, Alaska for cold weather training in 1961. Got down to -65 in January. We were told it gets down to -80. Hard to get a suntan there.
I dealt with -35 in the Adirondacks in the early 70's. Needed a scarf around my nose and mouth to breathe. I'll take what we've got this week anyday.
I went to Ft Richardson, Alaska for cold weather training in 1961. Got down to -65 in January. We were told it gets down to -80. Hard to get a suntan there.
I hated running PT in sub freezing weather

we stood around for 5-10 minutes before starting the exercises

if you dress warm enough not to freeze before the run you will definitely be overdressed later
Thermometer outside my window (in the sun) showed 104 degrees yesterday at 3:00 PM. Tampa, Florida.
Hope we get some of that cold wave.

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Was -9 where I live last night (15 degrees F)

Granted not as cold as up state New York, Canada, Minnesota, North Dakota etc this time of year but it's really cold for us.

Shit my pants, thought my boiler packed in but the condensate pipe was frozen. Had to climb ladders up outside out the house with a boiling kettle and pour the water over it and hit it with a hammer to break it up, thaw it out and then the boiler kicked back in again thank God.

Had visions of my falling off the ladder with the boiling kettle and needing a new face, bits of skin dripping off my chin and looking like that guy from the Goonies :auiqs.jpg:
Normal weather for Maine. Single digits at night, 20 or so for highs.

I went to Ft Richardson, Alaska for cold weather training in 1961. Got down to -65 in January. We were told it gets down to -80. Hard to get a suntan there.

We went up there in 1986 for Brim Frost.
Changed all of the grease in our trucks in anticipation of -50.
When we got up there it was 32 degrees at Ft Richardson Alaska and it was 12 degrees at Ft Gordon GA where our garrison was stationed.

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