Mass Shootings: We Have To Work Harder

They must really be lowering the standards in the Ivy League. Seems you never miss a chance to blow your own horn. Nobody's impressed with you but you.

There is something wrong with you.

When I point out that you vote in support of racism, infanticide, and censorship, you ignore it.

As I said......there is no point in restating it.

Why are you reposting to me?
Disappointed is the word.

I noted your age, and yet you know so very little.

You should know enough to be American, but your values, what you support and vote for, are doctrines that America fought and defeated in WWII.

You're too old to change, too ignorant of reality to face the truth.

Be well.
Ignorant of reality? This from someone who credits a functional illiterate with abilities that he doesn't possess, never has possessed and never will possess. Your orange god is a fraud, a con man and an idiot. He once asked Putin if Finland was part of the Soviet Union. He never heard of the countries, Bhutan and Nepal. Called them Button and Nipple. He thinks the sound from windmills causes cancer. He didn't know that Puerto Rico was an island or that millions of American citizens reside there. He actually believed there were invisible jets and that clean coal meant that you took it out of the mines and scrubbed it clean. And this is the guy you think is the savior of American ideals? This is the kind of great mind that you are so impressed with? Ivy League? My, how far we have fallen. So, you keep right on thinking you have it all figured out. Like I told you before, you're very entertaining in an absurd kind of way. Smart? Hardly. Narcissistic? You bet. Delusional? Oh yeah! Street savvy? Not hardly. Maybe the reason you were such an easy mark for a second story man is that you and he are a lot alike. And that's not a compliment, just an observation. I sincerely hope you can escape the Trumpian fart bubble you have put yourself in. The more that you trumpet Trump, the harder the fall will be when this all pans out. And it will! I want to feel pity for you but you are such a tool, I just can't. Those who support Tyranny are complicit in that Tyranny. You are my enemy.
Certainly an accurate description.

That Nazi simply ignores questions about how he can support infanticide, racism, censorship.....but your description answers the question.
This idiot chick has been indoctrinated to repeat GOP talking points and support a guy who wouldn't piss on the best part of her if she was on fire. But she's far too dim to realize it. She calls others who are more politically aware (and that pretty much applies to the entire population) racists. Yet she refuses to look in the mirror and to realize that she is of an ethnicity that her orange lord and savior despises. That ethnicity is non white. She doesn't realize that since she is neither white nor orange, her loyalty to a party of haters is not only misguided but is imbecilic. And she claims to have attended an Ivy League University? Her purpose for mentioning that is obviously to somehow convince others that it gives her more credibility than someone else. It doesn't. Trump claims that he was educated at an elite institution and was a top student, yet he thinks that the colonial armies had airplanes and airports in 1775. So much for higher education. She is just another robotic fool sent out to spread poison for the most hateful asshole who ever drew breath. Someday, if her intellect allows, she will come to know just how wrong she has been about just about everything she has been told to believe. She may actually come to realize that she needs to reconcile all of that to herself and to those she has attempted to infect with the deadliest poison ever to originate from the so-called leaders of our formally great country.
This idiot chick has been indoctrinated to repeat GOP talking points and support a guy who wouldn't piss on the best part of her if she was on fire. But she's far too dim to realize it. She calls others who are more politically aware (and that pretty much applies to the entire population) racists. Yet she refuses to look in the mirror and to realize that she is of an ethnicity that her orange lord and savior despises. That ethnicity is non white. She doesn't realize that since she is neither white nor orange, her loyalty to a party of haters is not only misguided but is imbecilic. And she claims to have attended an Ivy League University? Her purpose for mentioning that is obviously to somehow convince others that it gives her more credibility than someone else. It doesn't. Trump claims that he was educated at an elite institution and was a top student, yet he thinks that the colonial armies had airplanes and airports in 1775. So much for higher education. She is just another robotic fool sent out to spread poison for the most hateful asshole who ever drew breath. Someday, if her intellect allows, she will come to know just how wrong she has been about just about everything she has been told to believe. She may actually come to realize that she needs to reconcile all of that to herself and to those she has attempted to infect with the deadliest poison ever to originate from the so-called leaders of our formally great country.

Aren't whites born inferior? Aren't Der Juden, the whites, born racist?

The superior people, the colored people (POC) are born pure, but Der Juden, the whites are born racist and must apologize for the sin of their skin,

Isn't this the platform of your Reich? Isn't this everything your party is based on? Whites are inferior and must pay for the crime of being white.

Oh, when PC clips her toenails, the clipping have vasty more IQ points than you do.
Aren't whites born inferior? Aren't Der Juden, the whites, born racist?

The superior people, the colored people (POC) are born pure, but Der Juden, the whites are born racist and must apologize for the sin of their skin,

Isn't this the platform of your Reich? Isn't this everything your party is based on? Whites are inferior and must pay for the crime of being white.

Oh, when PC clips her toenails, the clipping have vasty more IQ points than you do.
LOL VASTY more?? That's a good one. I'm surprised that you can spell IQ. I don't know who you are quoting in this latest word salad but it sounds like an entrance exam into the Trump Cult. There simply is no hope for you.
I saw Shawshank Redemption - I know what you get daily....

But you've come to love it racist, haven't you? Especially when the big white guys go after you...
This attempt at insulting me is so childish and lame that you gave me a good laugh. Let's hear some more. I like comedy.
This idiot chick has been indoctrinated to repeat GOP talking points and support a guy who wouldn't piss on the best part of her if she was on fire. But she's far too dim to realize it. She calls others who are more politically aware (and that pretty much applies to the entire population) racists. Yet she refuses to look in the mirror and to realize that she is of an ethnicity that her orange lord and savior despises. That ethnicity is non white. She doesn't realize that since she is neither white nor orange, her loyalty to a party of haters is not only misguided but is imbecilic. And she claims to have attended an Ivy League University? Her purpose for mentioning that is obviously to somehow convince others that it gives her more credibility than someone else. It doesn't. Trump claims that he was educated at an elite institution and was a top student, yet he thinks that the colonial armies had airplanes and airports in 1775. So much for higher education. She is just another robotic fool sent out to spread poison for the most hateful asshole who ever drew breath. Someday, if her intellect allows, she will come to know just how wrong she has been about just about everything she has been told to believe. She may actually come to realize that she needs to reconcile all of that to herself and to those she has attempted to infect with the deadliest poison ever to originate from the so-called leaders of our formally great country.

Nazis were fine with the slaughter of innocent human beings.

So are you.

An example of a transitive law is “If a is equal to b and b is equal to c, then a is equal to c.” There are transitive laws for some relations but not for others. A transitive relation is one that holds between a and c if it also holds between a and b and between b and c for any substitution of objects for a, b, and c.

transitive law | logic and mathematics - Encyclopedia Britannica​ › ... › Philosophical Issues

You are no different from the Nazis.

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