Mass immigration and the spread of infectious diseases


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
If you donā€™t think the current mass immigration is a threat to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, 18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says

Aug. 7, 2021

WASHINGTON ā€” More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

In addition, tuberculosis is on the rise in Texas LINK, not to mention a little research shows there is a major measles outbreak occurring in a number of U.S. cities.

And a recent article predicts US on track to encounter record 2 million migrants on the southern border, government estimates show

The floodgates have been opened by the Democrat Party Leadership and American citizens and their children will pay the price.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
If you donā€™t think the current mass immigration is a threat to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, 18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says

Aug. 7, 2021

WASHINGTON ā€” More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

In addition, tuberculosis is on the rise in Texas LINK, not to mention a little research shows there is a major measles outbreak occurring in a number of U.S. cities.

And a recent article predicts US on track to encounter record 2 million migrants on the southern border, government estimates show

The floodgates have been opened by the Democrat Party Leadership and American citizens and their children will pay the price.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
This is why I refuse to take their vaccine.
They're using COVID to put shit in our arm and who knows what's in it.
They won't put it in like your typical commies.....they're killing off the elderly with COVID...only they aren't shooting us with bullets.
If you donā€™t think the current mass immigration is a threat to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, 18 percent of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for Covid, document says

Aug. 7, 2021

WASHINGTON ā€” More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

In addition, tuberculosis is on the rise in Texas LINK, not to mention a little research shows there is a major measles outbreak occurring in a number of U.S. cities.

And a recent article predicts US on track to encounter record 2 million migrants on the southern border, government estimates show

The floodgates have been opened by the Democrat Party Leadership and American citizens and their children will pay the price.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
It no worse that the flu or common cold.
They should have all been bussed back to the border. No way should any of them be allowed in our country.

These assholes cost we tax payers billions each year.
They should have all been bussed back to the border. No way should any of them be allowed in our country.

These assholes cost we tax payers billions each year.
Biden stops FoxNews drone from documenting crisis at border

The latest un-American act by the Biden Administration is abridging the constitutionally guaranteed protection of ā€œfreedom of the pressā€ to provide video coverage of thousands upon thousands of foreign nationals who have been allowed to flood across our border each week, and now await the Border Patrol to give them assistance to freely wander into our nationā€™s interior.

See: Bidenā€™s FAA places temporary ban on drones flying over bridge packed with illegal immigrants

September 16, 2021

ā€œWeā€™ve learned that the FAA just implemented a two week TFR (Temporary Flight Restrictions) over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, meaning we can no longer fly our FOX drone over it to show images of the thousands of migrants. FAA says ā€˜special security reason,ā€™ā€ Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted Thursday evening."

The following type of drone coverage, which documents the daily crisis at the border, is what the Democrat Party Leadership wants to stop and prevent the public from seeing:


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
This is why I refuse to take their vaccine.
They're using COVID to put shit in our arm and who knows what's in it.
They won't put it in like your typical commies.....they're killing off the elderly with COVID...only they aren't shooting us with bullets.
They have the youth indoctrinated, so killing the elders will quicken their take over of America. Sick sick people.
And notice Dana 'Covid' 7360 who starts a half dozen Covid threads a day, never responds when her precious illegals are the ones bringing the Covid in.

That a new one isn't it? That's becoming a favorite very fast ! :rolleyes:

Bring them in....bring them in.......:mad-61:
They should have all been bussed back to the border. No way should any of them be allowed in our country.

These assholes cost we tax payers billions each year.
The ass holes work and pay for your social security and contribute to the economy more than lazy welfare Americans and drug dealers.
Research shows that undocumented immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy/contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms' incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers...
Putting undocumented on a path to citizenship would increase US GDP up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, raise wages for all Americans, and create hundreds, of thousands of new jobs advancing the country's economic economy.

An estimated 59 million Americans receive welfare during an average month. That number is equivalent to 19% of the population in the US and includes individuals who received assistance from one of the safety net programs. Illegals pay for this also.
This is why I refuse to take their vaccine.
They're using COVID to put shit in our arm and who knows what's in it.
They won't put it in like your typical commies.....they're killing off the elderly with COVID...only they aren't shooting us with bullets.
A man got over 90 covid shot and he is still alive.??? You let more shit into your head than in your body.
The ass holes work and pay for your social security

Not the vast majority who work off the books and flood our hospital emergency rooms to get taxpayer financed free healthcare.

See: Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. Sheā€™s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that wonā€™t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.ā€


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries. So why is the Biden Administration engaging in this very act?
Not the vast majority who work off the books and flood our hospital emergency rooms to get taxpayer financed free healthcare.

See: Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense

"It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. Sheā€™s rushed to a south Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure that wonā€™t cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.ā€


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries. So why is the Biden Administration engaging in this very act?

$4700 ???OMG
In fiscal year 2020 (October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020), the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid: Total economic and military assistance: $51.05 billion. Total military assistance: $11.64 billion. Total economic assistance: $39.41 billion, of which USAID Implemented: $25.64 billion.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rode to power on pledges to clean up the Eastern European country, but the Pandora Papers reveal he and his close circle were the beneficiaries of a network of offshore companies, including some that owned expensive London property.

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