Masked ball only for the people - not for politicians


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Do you see many politicians wearing slave muzzles, the sign of submission to masters?
Nope, they don't need them because know well Corona is a lie.
After beginning of the Fake Covid - 19 'Pandemic' humanity has been separated in two parts:

1. Masters . NWO, politicians, choose ones, banksters, presstitutes, liars & Co - 1%
2. The rest of humanity - 99%

After Covid-19 western folks shall change completely political systems to avoid new dictatorships in the future

Do you see many politicians wearing slave muzzles, the sign of submission to masters?
Nope, they don't need them because know well Corona is a lie.
After beginning of the Fake Covid - 19 'Pandemic' humanity has been separated in two parts:

1. Masters . NWO, politicians, choose ones, banksters, presstitutes, liars & Co - 1%
2. The rest of humanity - 99%

After Covid-19 western folks shall change completely political systems to avoid new dictatorships in the future


Someone, somewhere who sits atop some ivory palace decided to pull the marionette strings, all of everyone's marionette strings (this time), and see how fast we could be made to dance. The result? A masquerade that (might) never end. I've been invited, and so has my neighbor . . . haven't you? In order to buy Ro-Fo chicken, a pack of smokes, a gallon of milk—what have you—we must go a dancing to that masquerade. No peeking, no noses exposed. Big brother is watching and he ain't smiling . . .
Do you see many politicians wearing slave muzzles, the sign of submission to masters?
Nope, they don't need them because know well Corona is a lie.
After beginning of the Fake Covid - 19 'Pandemic' humanity has been separated in two parts:

1. Masters . NWO, politicians, choose ones, banksters, presstitutes, liars & Co - 1%
2. The rest of humanity - 99%

After Covid-19 western folks shall change completely political systems to avoid new dictatorships in the future


Someone, somewhere who sits atop some ivory palace decided to pull the marionette strings, all of everyone's marionette strings (this time), and see how fast we could be made to dance. The result? A masquerade that (might) never end. I've been invited, and so has my neighbor . . . haven't you? In order to buy Ro-Fo chicken, a pack of smokes, a gallon of milk—what have you—we must go a dancing to that masquerade. No peeking, no noses exposed. Big brother is watching and he ain't smiling . . .

It isn't Big Brother, it is Big Satan.
Never in the human history close relatives were prohibited to farewell passing away loved ones, never in the human history Christians must wear muzzles in churches, never in the human history masters willingly destroyed economies and wanted to kill populations of their countries by a manipulated vaccine.
The world is run now by Devil, all politicians supported him are hellbound
By the way:

Masters don't say to slaves that wearing of muzzles is detrimental to health.

Slaves destroy immune systems, have increased danger to became asthma, headaches, eyes and mentally problem, but more important stroke and infarct due to the lack of oxygen.

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