Mask up and diaper your cows, Farmer Brown.

  • A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
  • The judge agreed with Fox's premise, adding that the network "persuasively argues" that "given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes."

Atty's did what they're supposed to do, got him off the charges, just like O.J.Simpson's 'Dream Team' did...... :auiqs.jpg:
Thread summary:

Conservatives will fall for _anything_, because their sad lives consist entirely of looking for really stupid excuses to be outraged.
Maybe you should read the article sometime. If anything, it sure looks like the democrats have their heads up cow asses and not conservatives.

French dairy giant Danone announced in mid-January it is considering putting masks on cows to trap their burps in an effort to reduce methane emissions by 30% come 2030. In the future, cows could also be forced to wear diapers to trap their flatulence.

Then there's this link in the article:

Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | US EPA

Then this one too:

Methane emissions are driving climate change. Here’s how to reduce them.

OMG, another one linked to the dem spending bill:

Democrats' social spending bill has funding to fight everything from cow to car emissions​

Maybe you should read the article sometime.
I did.

No liberal called for masking cows or putting diapers on them. A French dairy doing a publicity stunt is not "liberals", and it was dishonest of you to say it is.

Why are you still pushing such a stupid lie? Other than impressing your fellow cultists with you willingness to embarrass yourself on behalf of the cult, what's the point?

You do understand that putting a mask or diaper on a cow wouldn't trap any methane, right? Probably not. That would be why liberals laugh at such a stupid idea. Yet you thought it was real. Go fig.
I did.

No liberal called for masking cows or putting diapers on them. A French dairy doing a publicity stunt is not "liberals", and it was dishonest of you to say it is.

Why are you still pushing such a stupid lie? Other than impressing your fellow cultists with you willingness to embarrass yourself on behalf of the cult, what's the point?

You do understand that putting a mask or diaper on a cow wouldn't trap any methane, right? Probably not. That would be why liberals laugh at such a stupid idea. Yet you thought it was real. Go fig.
Start laughing:

(Bloomberg) -- Agriculture giant Cargill Inc. will start selling methane-absorbing wearable devices for cows, putting its support behind an experimental technology that could help the industry cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The mask-like accessory was developed by U.K. startup Zelp Ltd., which claims it can reduce methane emissions by more than half. Cargill said Tuesday it expects to start offering the devices to European dairy farmers in 2022. The companies haven't set a price yet, but Zelp says an annual subscription fee may start at about $80 a cow.

“Cargill has an impressive reach across dairy farms in Europe,” said Zelp Chief Executive Officer Francisco Norris. “They are uniquely positioned to distribute our technology to a large number of clients, both farmers and dairy companies, maximizing the roll-out from the very first year we hit the market.”
Start laughing:

(Bloomberg) -- Agriculture giant Cargill Inc. will start selling methane-absorbing wearable devices for cows, putting its support behind an experimental technology that could help the industry cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The mask-like accessory was developed by U.K. startup Zelp Ltd., which claims it can reduce methane emissions by more than half. Cargill said Tuesday it expects to start offering the devices to European dairy farmers in 2022. The companies haven't set a price yet, but Zelp says an annual subscription fee may start at about $80 a cow.

“Cargill has an impressive reach across dairy farms in Europe,” said Zelp Chief Executive Officer Francisco Norris. “They are uniquely positioned to distribute our technology to a large number of clients, both farmers and dairy companies, maximizing the roll-out from the very first year we hit the market.”

Just because Cargill is making them and offering them for sale doesn't mean that they are required.

Pet rocks were made and marketed and offered to the public. They sold for about 6 months until the fad wore off. Nobody was required to buy something as faddishly stupid as a pet rock, even though they were offered.

(Yeah, I know, I'm using 2 unrelated items to justify a position, but isn't that what some of you idiots are doing to try to say that masks and diapers are going to be required for cows?)
Just because Cargill is making them and offering them for sale doesn't mean that they are required.

Pet rocks were made and marketed and offered to the public. They sold for about 6 months until the fad wore off. Nobody was required to buy something as faddishly stupid as a pet rock, even though they were offered.

(Yeah, I know, I'm using 2 unrelated items to justify a position, but isn't that what some of you idiots are doing to try to say that masks and diapers are going to be required for cows?)
Who said they are required?
Well, his employer did say that no reasonable person would take what he says seriously.
He just reports the hilarity of stuff that surfaces on multiple media platforms across the spectrum, so if you find yourself thinking that Tucker is the one being serious about what he reports (especially when he laughs with that stranger chuckle during his reporting), then you are the one with the issue not Tucker.
He just reports the hilarity of stuff that surfaces on multiple media platforms across the spectrum, so if you find yourself thinking that Tucker is the one being serious about what he reports (especially when he laughs with that stranger chuckle during his reporting), then you are the one with the issue not Tucker.

As I said, Tuckers employer said that no reasonable person should take anything he says seriously. Personally I agree with them from the few times I was forced to see his show.

But hey, if you wish to say that his own employer is lying, it is a free country and you are free to keep letting Tucker tell you what to think.
As I said, Tuckers employer said that no reasonable person should take anything he says seriously. Personally I agree with them from the few times I was forced to see his show.

But hey, if you wish to say that his own employer is lying, it is a free country and you are free to keep letting Tucker tell you what to think.
/——/ As I said, no reasonable person should take anything Golfing Gator says seriously.
As I said, Tuckers employer said that no reasonable person should take anything he says seriously. Personally I agree with them from the few times I was forced to see his show.

But hey, if you wish to say that his own employer is lying, it is a free country and you are free to keep letting Tucker tell you what to think.
Forced you to watch ??? ROTFLMBO 🤣
Liar.... ROTFLMBO... Wait, maybe you learned of Tucker by other sources if you don't watch ? ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I have watched him a few times when stuck in places that had him on. I would never put him on my TV, but sadly not all my friends have the same good taste that I do.
Forced you to watch ??? ROTFLMBO 🤣

Well, it was that or leave. Seemed stupid to just leave due to the poor taste of my host. But I did bust their chops for having such poor taste.
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:dig: keep digging... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Are you drunk this morning?

Have you never been to a friends/family members house who had something on the TV you did not really care to watch?

Or do you just have no friends in real life and your only friends are on here?

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