Mask Remembrance Day

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Now we are beginning to understand the true horrors of the mask mandates I believe that the world, maybe the UN, should consider how to best honour the millions of victims of this new atrocity.

There should be a World Day of Reflection to honour the fallen as a starting point. Multi faith ceremonies across the world would be appropriate and world leaders of the time like Trump, Johnson, Putin and Kim could come together in a gesture of apology.

Probably a Museum of the Mask in some place like Georgia or Texas. Communities that suffered the most and led the resistance. Possibly a permanent exhibit could be a burning mask that would have the words NEVER AGAIN engraved underneath.

A website needs to be created so that survivors could bear witness to the horrors and warn future generations.

"And then I went to Starbucks for a coffee and they REFUSED to serve me. That biatch called the COPS !!"

Or am I jumping the gun here? Is it too soon? Are the memories too painful? America led the resistance to this pogrom so what do you guys think?
First time

Dr Fauci, will masks help?

A = no

Three days later

A = yes

Everyone who lied about Covid is a traitor and also a full participant in the steal.

Now we are beginning to understand the true horrors of the mask mandates I believe that the world, maybe the UN, should consider how to best honour the millions of victims of this new atrocity.

There should be a World Day of Reflection to honour the fallen as a starting point. Multi faith ceremonies across the world would be appropriate and world leaders of the time like Trump, Johnson, Putin and Kim could come together in a gesture of apology.

Probably a Museum of the Mask in some place like Georgia or Texas. Communities that suffered the most and led the resistance. Possibly a permanent exhibit could be a burning mask that would have the words NEVER AGAIN engraved underneath.

A website needs to be created so that survivors could bear witness to the horrors and warn future generations.

"And then I went to Starbucks for a coffee and they REFUSED to serve me. That biatch called the COPS !!"

Or am I jumping the gun here? Is it too soon? Are the memories too painful? America led the resistance to this pogrom so what do you guys think?

Since the "Burning Man Celebration" was cancelled due to Covid it should be replaced by the "Burning Mask Celebration"

Now we are beginning to understand the true horrors of the mask mandates I believe that the world, maybe the UN, should consider how to best honour the millions of victims of this new atrocity.

There should be a World Day of Reflection to honour the fallen as a starting point. Multi faith ceremonies across the world would be appropriate and world leaders of the time like Trump, Johnson, Putin and Kim could come together in a gesture of apology.

Probably a Museum of the Mask in some place like Georgia or Texas. Communities that suffered the most and led the resistance. Possibly a permanent exhibit could be a burning mask that would have the words NEVER AGAIN engraved underneath.

A website needs to be created so that survivors could bear witness to the horrors and warn future generations.

"And then I went to Starbucks for a coffee and they REFUSED to serve me. That biatch called the COPS !!"

Or am I jumping the gun here? Is it too soon? Are the memories too painful? America led the resistance to this pogrom so what do you guys think?

tommy troll fails miserable on his face as always in his lies the fact that trump said publicly that he was AGAINST mask mandates and lockdowns all the time,it was the dem governors that enforced it and wanted them you dumbass lying troll.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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