Maryland Can Have District Of Columbia As Part Of Its State Vote For Federal Representatives


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Maryland Can Count District Of Columbia As Part Of Its State Vote For Federal Representatives "

* Stern Warnings Again To Stop These Reprobates *

The district of columbia is not entitled to two senators and if whore your feels that the votes of those residents should be included in a senate or congressional vote , then mary land can add their federal representatives to the district of columbia ballots .

A country with fifty states is bound with fatalism of subsequent consequences imbued in phenomenology related with order provided by items of the set .

Itching theorists understand fifty to represent " the holding " as well as " the cauldron " , and such implore allusions by some to represent a melting pot .

* Designated Fourty One Thirteen Thirty One Primes Public Rejection Fatalism Which Erie *

Steny Hoyer
1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone - (202) 225-4131
Fax - (202) 225-4300
" Maryland Can Count District Of Columbia As Part Of Its State Vote For Federal Representatives "

* Stern Warnings Again To Stop These Reprobates *

The district of columbia is not entitled to two senators and if whore your feels that the votes of those residents should be included in a senate or congressional vote , then mary land can add their federal representatives to the district of columbia ballots .

A country with fifty states is bound with fatalism of subsequent consequences imbued in phenomenology related with order provided by items of the set .

Itching theorists understand fifty to represent " the holding " as well as " the cauldron " , and such implore allusions by some to represent a melting pot .

* Designated Fourty One Thirteen Thirty One Primes Public Rejection Fatalism Which Erie *

Steny Hoyer
1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone - (202) 225-4131
Fax - (202) 225-4300
Word salad. Needs to be in English.
" Maryland Can Count District Of Columbia As Part Of Its State Vote For Federal Representatives "

* Stern Warnings Again To Stop These Reprobates *

The district of columbia is not entitled to two senators and if whore your feels that the votes of those residents should be included in a senate or congressional vote , then mary land can add their federal representatives to the district of columbia ballots .

A country with fifty states is bound with fatalism of subsequent consequences imbued in phenomenology related with order provided by items of the set .

Itching theorists understand fifty to represent " the holding " as well as " the cauldron " , and such implore allusions by some to represent a melting pot .

* Designated Fourty One Thirteen Thirty One Primes Public Rejection Fatalism Which Erie *

Steny Hoyer
1705 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone - (202) 225-4131
Fax - (202) 225-4300
Word salad. Needs to be in English.

Made absolutely no sense to me.

Itching theorists understand fifty to represent " the holding " as well as " the cauldron " , and such implore allusions by some to represent a melting pot .

Itching theorists understand fifty to represent " the holding " as well as " the cauldron " , and such implore allusions by some to represent a melting pot .

That was my favorite, too.
You don't see actual word salad on forums as much as you used to. Used to be, there was one on every forum.
Our nation was founded on a Revolution based on opposition to ”Taxation without Representation”

Yet Washington DC pays more Federal Tax than 22 other states.
In spite of heavy Federal Taxes, they cannot vote for the Senators or Congressmen who levy those taxes.

The answer is
1. Make DC a State (carve out the federal buildings)
2. Allow them to have their own member of the House and vote for Senators in Maryland who will represent them.
Our nation was founded on a Revolution based on opposition to ”Taxation without Representation”

Yet Washington DC pays more Federal Tax than 22 other states.
In spite of heavy Federal Taxes, they cannot vote for the Senators or Congressmen who levy those taxes.

The answer is
1. Make DC a State (carve out the federal buildings)
2. Allow them to have their own member of the House and vote for Senators in Maryland who will represent them.
"i want to move to DC so i can complain about no representation" DERP
Our nation was founded on a Revolution based on opposition to ”Taxation without Representation”

Yet Washington DC pays more Federal Tax than 22 other states.
In spite of heavy Federal Taxes, they cannot vote for the Senators or Congressmen who levy those taxes.

The answer is
1. Make DC a State (carve out the federal buildings)
2. Allow them to have their own member of the House and vote for Senators in Maryland who will represent them.
"i want to move to DC so i can complain about no representation" DERP
Yet most residents are born and raised there
Our nation was founded on a Revolution based on opposition to ”Taxation without Representation”

Yet Washington DC pays more Federal Tax than 22 other states.
In spite of heavy Federal Taxes, they cannot vote for the Senators or Congressmen who levy those taxes.

The answer is
1. Make DC a State (carve out the federal buildings)
2. Allow them to have their own member of the House and vote for Senators in Maryland who will represent them.
"i want to move to DC so i can complain about no representation" DERP
Yet most residents are born and raised there
and yet they stay in that area that is 68 sq miles
The Constitution makes it impossible for DC to become a State.

They could redraw the boundaries of DC and return most of it back to Maryland. Then former DC residents would get Reps in Congress and have a say in electing Maryland's Senators
I can tell you right now D.C. pols will be VERY against this idea.

And I doubt Maryland wants them, either!! It would just be yet another huge black welfare bill. Maryland already has to support Prince Georges County, Baltimore City, and parts of Mont'gy County ---- and guess who has to do all the supporting?? That would be Yours Truly, YT, as it says in the novel Snowcrash. Which is why Maryland taxes are so high.

This idea is all minus, no plus for Maryland.
There is no reason why DC can't become a state. The federal government buildings are clustered in a certain part of the downtown area. In any event, even if it was a better idea to incorporate the residential parts of DC into a neighboring state, that state would be Virginia, not Maryland. DC originally was drawn in a diamond shape. Here is an 1862 map:

DC in 1862

A river runs through it.
I can tell you right now D.C. pols will be VERY against this idea.

And I doubt Maryland wants them, either!! It would just be yet another huge black welfare bill. Maryland already has to support Prince Georges County, Baltimore City, and parts of Mont'gy County ---- and guess who has to do all the supporting?? That would be Yours Truly, YT, as it says in the novel Snowcrash. Which is why Maryland taxes are so high.

This idea is all minus, no plus for Maryland.

You apparently don't know much about DC. Just take a ride around Carter Barron, Conn. Ave., Rock Creek Park, Georgetown. Good luck affording a townhouse around Dupont. I've lived in every place you mentioned, plus Arlington, except for Baltimore. You are really exaggerating. More racism?
It appears that some democrats really don' understand why D.C. can not be a state, they think having TWO Lawmaking governments occupying the same place is going to work...... :auiqs.jpg:
" Amending False Expectations About Citizen Ship "

* Every Citizen Referenced Back To Their Block Corner *

Our nation was founded on a Revolution based on opposition to ”Taxation without Representation”
Yet Washington DC pays more Federal Tax than 22 other states.
In spite of heavy Federal Taxes, they cannot vote for the Senators or Congressmen who levy those taxes.
The answer is
1. Make DC a State (carve out the federal buildings)
2. Allow them to have their own member of the House and vote for Senators in Maryland who will represent them.
Applying us fourteenth amendment where us citizens " are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. " , the individuals in dc have a state in which to vote .

As individuals are citizens of the state in which they reside , individuals are not citizens in the district of columbia , rather they are citizens in the state of washington , or some other state .

A declaration of such state citizenship should be on record for purposes of voter validation across state lines in federal and state elections .

Proof of occupation displacement for dc workers is an acceptable justification for absentee voting in their state of citizenship at some residence as simple as a post office box .

* Peddle Ling And Fictional Ishmaelism Contests Fore Us National Controls *

Speculating on contributors and lobbyist bent ear aspirations for foundry .

Top Five Export Markets (Percent of total manufactured goods exports, 2018) - 1.32%
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Individuals are free to setup a corporation for purposes of taxation in any location within the united states that they choose and taxes are rendered as prescribed by federal , state or local law .

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As individuals are citizens of the state in which they reside , individuals are not citizens in the district of columbia , rather thery are citizens in the state of washington

Do you know where the State of Washington is?

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