Mark Kelly: The next possible Democratic Presidential Hopeful in 2024?

I know it is early and his political career has just started but I have a strong hunch that in 2024 Mark Kelly will be running for the Oval Office and if not then in 2028 and he could win if he plays the game correctly.

Americans love their celebrities and military men and he checks off the correct boxes to draw in the right amount of votes if he did run in 2024...

Let be clear Biden is one and done and Harris is hated by so many so the Democratic Party will be looking for someone they can run that can defeat someone like Cruz in 2024...

So I will leave this here and we will see in four years if Kelly is the left Candidate for President or VP...
I don't think Kelley will be around in four years. Among his many promises was to not go along with the Democratic leadership, but to be an independent voice for Arizona. He's been trying to portray himself as a centrist beholden to neither party. Well I'll believe that when I see a flock of pigs fly by my window. His opponent in 2026 will be able to point to Kelly voting in lockstep with the Democrats and destroy him.
Kelly would bring new blood to the party and Gabby Giffords would be an inspirational First Lady.

They would be the NRAs worst nightmare

How would it be "bad" for the NRA? NRA membership soared during the regime of gungrabber Obama.

Ironically, the election of Trump would be bad for the NRA, as people would see less reason to belong
NRA pulls the same shit with every Democrat

”Fill in Democrats Name” is going to take your guns

Send us money
That’s because Dems always vote to restrict gun rights. :cuckoo:

Dems vote for safety.

Republicans put the rights of an assassin over the rights of his victims
No they put the rights of a person not convicted of a crime on the same level as a liberal. Most republicans want criminals locked up where they can't harm society. Most liberals want them released because their crimes are someone else's fault. Until a person commits a crime they are a innocent citizen and you shouldn't even think of removing their rights. Should you be allowed to post here? I believe that you are going to promote violence against me tomorrow. By your logic, your computer should be confiscated right away to prevent your future possible actions. Didn't Tom Cruise make a movie about the government arresting people for future crimes? Isn't that what you are proposing?
Punish criminals severely once they have committed crimes, if someone uses any weapon in a crime, lock them up for life, if they kill someone in the commission of a crime, execute them. Do those two things and crime rates will plummet, violence rates will plummet and gun violence will almost disappear. If someone is a danger to themselves or others, reopen the insane asylums and lock them up.

Kelly has three big policy proposals on gun safety. First, he supports universal federal background check legislation that would require every gun seller in the US to vet who's buying their guns.

Second, Kelly said the US should crack down on domestic violence offenders with guns. Perpetrators of mass shootings have disproportionately troubling histories of abusing women.

Finally, more red-flag laws would help, Kelly said. These laws permit family members, roommates, law-enforcement officers, and others who are worried about someone's mental state to temporarily restrict that person's access to guns.

Who could possibly oppose these?

"Red flag" laws would punish people BEFORE any trial or appeals. That's a problem.

Too freaking bad

In mass shooting after mass shooting we hear the same story.
It is not......I never suspected he could do such a thing, it’s “That guy was always creepy and I knew it was a matter of time.

If the people who know you best suspect there is something seriously wrong with you, it is not that big a “punishment” to have him give up his arsenal while everything is sorted out
"If the people who know you best suspect there is something seriously wrong with you" you should be locked up in an insane asylum to protect society, not running around with a psychiatrist prescribing you meds that you refuse to take.
Second, Kelly said the US should crack down on domestic violence offenders with guns. Perpetrators of mass shootings have disproportionately troubling histories of abusing women.
How is he going to “crack down” on them? By keeping them in prison? If not he is full of shit.

Wife beaters belong in prison
They should also be kept away from guns.
Wife beaters belong in prison. I agree.
Those that are accused of wife beating but not yet found guilty of such should not lose their rights as an american.
While they are still out and a threat to their wife?

Small inconvenience to take his weapons away
Except he will go to the store and buy a knife, or a length of rope, or a gallon of gasoline and kill her anyway. So taking away his guns accomplishes exactly nothing. Guns are the most likely weapons, but knives are close behind. If a spouse of either gender wants to kill their partner there are a myriad of methods
Friends, family and neighbors say you should remove guns from this guy while he is being investigated.

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Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly agrees
If there is sufficient cause to remove his second amendment right there is sufficient cause to confine him while evaluating him. It's far safer for society to confine him if he is a serious danger.
I know it is early and his political career has just started but I have a strong hunch that in 2024 Mark Kelly will be running for the Oval Office and if not then in 2028 and he could win if he plays the game correctly.

Americans love their celebrities and military men and he checks off the correct boxes to draw in the right amount of votes if he did run in 2024...

Let be clear Biden is one and done and Harris is hated by so many so the Democratic Party will be looking for someone they can run that can defeat someone like Cruz in 2024...

So I will leave this here and we will see in four years if Kelly is the left Candidate for President or VP...
I don't think Kelley will be around in four years. Among his many promises was to not go along with the Democratic leadership, but to be an independent voice for Arizona. He's been trying to portray himself as a centrist beholden to neither party. Well I'll believe that when I see a flock of pigs fly by my window. His opponent in 2026 will be able to point to Kelly voting in lockstep with the Democrats and destroy him.

Maybe... Maybe not but he will be around six years at least... Mark Kelly is more along the lines of Joe Manchin than along the lines of Pelosi and definitely nothing like Cortez...

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