Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating gun law

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating gun law

Ryan Jerome was enjoying his first trip to New York City on business when the former Marine Corps gunner walked up to a security officer at the Empire State Building and asked where he should check his gun.

That was when Jerome’s nightmare began. The security officer called police and Jerome spent the next two days in jail.

The 28-year-old with no criminal history now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison. If convicted, his sentence could be as high as fifteen years.

Jerome has a valid concealed carry permit in Indiana and visited New York believing that it was legal to bring his firearm. He was traveling with $15,000 worth of jewelry that he planned to sell.

Marine | New York Gun Law | Prison Sentence | The Daily Caller

Sounds to me like a federal court needs to apply the full faith and credit clause.
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The War on Guns, you'll hear one of these crazy stories every few years or maybe more often.

Very sad.
Marine faces 15 years behind bars for unknowingly violating gun law

Ryan Jerome was enjoying his first trip to New York City on business when the former Marine Corps gunner walked up to a security officer at the Empire State Building and asked where he should check his gun.

That was when Jerome’s nightmare began. The security officer called police and Jerome spent the next two days in jail.

The 28-year-old with no criminal history now faces a mandatory minimum sentence of three and a half years in prison. If convicted, his sentence could be as high as fifteen years.

Jerome has a valid concealed carry permit in Indiana and visited New York believing that it was legal to bring his firearm. He was traveling with $15,000 worth of jewelry that he planned to sell.

Marine | New York Gun Law | Prison Sentence | The Daily Caller

Sounds to me like a federal court needs to apply the full faith and credit clause.

Democrats will happily say fuck you your going to jail boy.
The online gun-law information Jerome read was inaccurate, however, and his late September arrest initiated what may become a protracted criminal saga. He hasn’t yet been indicted by a grand jury, but there may be little legal wiggle-room if he is.

If it was a government website that gave him inaccurate info, that should be enough to drop any charges.
Well from what I can tell this guy was clearly trying to do the right thing.

I'm curious to see the "inaccurate" online gun law information that he based his decision to carry a concealed weapon into the State of New York off of. He could just be an idiot...

Regardless, I feel bad for the guy. The minimum sentence of two years seems pretty harsh.
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Not having a CC permit I'm not up on what all goes into acquiring one, but it seems logical somewhere along the process those trying to acquire one should be educated as to whether or not their carry permit extends to other states.

Anyone know how that works?
I think anything over a year would be pretty outrageous - but it was sort of gross neglegence to go vacationing and not look into the gun laws where you're going - and even grosser neglegence of his parents and teachers to not have known that different states have different gun laws.
I think anything over a year would be pretty outrageous - but it was sort of gross neglegence to go vacationing and not look into the gun laws where you're going - and even grosser neglegence of his parents and teachers to not have known that different states have different gun laws.

New York's gun laws are pretty well known nationwide.

Don't come here with your shootin' irons. :D
The War on Guns, you'll hear one of these crazy stories every few years or maybe more often.

Very sad.

This is the result of needed and unnecessary laws and regulations coming from the top. 90% of people think the solution to any problem is more. More laws, more rules, more regulation, more bureaucracy, more top down power structure.

Truth is what we need is a whole lot less. Were are ADULTS not children.
Not having a CC permit I'm not up on what all goes into acquiring one, but it seems logical somewhere along the process those trying to acquire one should be educated as to whether or not their carry permit extends to other states.

Anyone know how that works?

They tell you that when you take the certification course in Massachusetts.
I think anything over a year would be pretty outrageous - but it was sort of gross neglegence to go vacationing and not look into the gun laws where you're going - and even grosser neglegence of his parents and teachers to not have known that different states have different gun laws.

Two words, Jury Nullification. This instance is not what the law was written for. He strikes me as a law abiding citizen who simply made a mistake.

The most sad part is anyone with alot of money would get totally out of this very quickly. The poor or unable to defend themselves will get 3.5 years, a felony that destroys there future, and they lose the right to ever have a weapon again.
I think anything over a year would be pretty outrageous - but it was sort of gross neglegence to go vacationing and not look into the gun laws where you're going - and even grosser neglegence of his parents and teachers to not have known that different states have different gun laws.

Two words, Jury Nullification. This instance is not what the law was written for. He strikes me as a law abiding citizen who simply made a mistake.

The most sad part is anyone with alot of money would get totally out of this very quickly. The poor or unable to defend themselves will get 3.5 years, a felony that destroys there future, and they lose the right to ever have a weapon again.

Rights can be restored. Still sad however.

When you guys yammer on about "State's rights"..maybe you'll realize just what they mean.

State laws should never supersede constitutionally guaranteed rights.


Like voting ids and picking up illegals.


Oh..and Free Speech...and the right to assembly is also as "unfettered" as you guys assume gun laws to be.

Hence breaking up the OWS camps..were unconstitutional.

When you guys yammer on about "State's rights"..maybe you'll realize just what they mean.

State laws should never supersede constitutionally guaranteed rights.


Like voting ids and picking up illegals.


Oh..and Free Speech...and the right to assembly is also as "unfettered" as you guys assume gun laws to be.

Hence breaking up the OWS camps..were unconstitutional.
Really, when does the minority assume ownership of the peoples property.
I made a bigger mistake this morning driving 75 in a 65, I have no intention of telling any authority figure I did this.

A $50 fine is about what this gun situation should deserve.
I think anything over a year would be pretty outrageous - but it was sort of gross neglegence to go vacationing and not look into the gun laws where you're going - and even grosser neglegence of his parents and teachers to not have known that different states have different gun laws.

Two words, Jury Nullification. This instance is not what the law was written for. He strikes me as a law abiding citizen who simply made a mistake.

The most sad part is anyone with alot of money would get totally out of this very quickly. The poor or unable to defend themselves will get 3.5 years, a felony that destroys there future, and they lose the right to ever have a weapon again.

I agree, if he was voluntarily checking his gun then it's really not the Danger that the Law was designed to protect against.

Still and all, he should have known. It's pretty bad negligence, especially on the part of a Marine.

I hope he gets a year or less and it's not permanent on his record.

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