Marine Corps may drop ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’ over gender-neutral concerns for drill instructors

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The Marine Corps has been advised that its drill instructors should no longer be referred to by gendered terms like “ma’am” or “sir” — an idea that a top training leader has pushed back on.
The recommendation came in a recently completed academic report from the University of Pittsburgh that the Corps commissioned in 2020, according to Marine Corps Times.

The once feared U.S. military has devolved into the laughing stock of the world. .. :cuckoo:
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There's a new term for the gender neutral but frankly, I find it offensive to the Irish.

"The more recent term Mx.—a term that functions as a gender-neutral form of Mr., Mrs., or Ms.—could work in these situations, but most people aren’t familiar with it or its pronunciation (usually [ miks ]), so it’s not likely to be useful in most situations until it becomes much more established in the language."
The Marine Corps has been advised that its drill instructors should no longer be referred to by gendered terms like “ma’am” or “sir” — an idea that a top training leader has pushed back on.
The recommendation came in a recently completed academic report from the University of Pittsburgh that the Corps commissioned in 2020, according to Marine Corps Times.

The once feared U.S. military has devolved into the laughing stock of the world. .. :cuckoo:
When I was in Basic Training, in 1981 at Ft. Sill, we addressed drill instructors as "Sergeant".

That was just fine.
With the U.S. military going full out "woke" and filling its ranks full of homo, lesbo, and trans-freakazoid soldiers focusing on gender neutral pronouns instead of actual weapons and combat training.
We are going to be in a world of hurt if we ever go to war with a formidable army such as Russia or China
With the U.S. military going full out "woke" and filling its ranks full of homo, lesbo, and trans-freakazoid soldiers focusing on gender neutral pronouns instead of actual weapons and combat training.
We are going to be in a world of hurt if we ever go to war with a formidable army such as Russia or China

We'd be in a world of hurt anyway, they've got nukes.

You realize that only a portion of military training actually involves weapons, right?
Every soldier learns how to handle and shoot infantry weapons during basic training regardless of their MOS designation.
What does that have to do with gender pronouns.

Do you think they are cancelling range time to teach soldiers how to address drill instructors?
I remember whenever someone fucked up and called a Drill Sergeant "Sir".

"Don't call me that, I work for a living". (Implying, of course, that officers didn't)
We'd be in a world of hurt anyway, they've got nukes.

You realize that only a portion of military training actually involves weapons, right?

All soldiers regardless of their MOS have one purpose: That's to kill the enemy. Even my niece who holds the rank of Major and is a doctor stationed in Germany, has to occasionally qualify with the Beretta M9 and the M4 carbine. In fact, she asked me to give her some pointers on the range I have out back, a couple years ago.

And I seriously doubt that she'd like the idea of having to shower with some mentally ill person who has a dick and thinks he's a "woman."
My Uncle was a bad ass tough as nails Marine who fought the hand-to-hand Japanese human wave banzai attacks on Guadalcanal, the brutal fighting on Iwo Jima, and two other Pacific islands during WWll.
I'm almost glad he's not around anymore to see the freak show his beloved Marine Corps has turned into. ... :cuckoo:
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When I was in Basic Training, in 1981 at Ft. Sill, we addressed drill instructors as "Sergeant".

That was just fine.
What does that have to do with gender pronouns.

Do you think they are cancelling range time to teach soldiers how to address drill instructors?
I remember whenever someone fucked up and called a Drill Sergeant "Sir".

"Don't call me that, I work for a living". (Implying, of course, that officers didn't)
Yes, and calling Sergeants "Sergeant"* is an Army tradition, and I assume Air Force also, since it is the Army's child. The Marine's have their own traditions, and they are proud of their differences from the Army. I was Army and I believe that I learned to shoot just as well calling by Drill Sergeant "Sergeant." But I respect the traditions of other services and as a civilian under their protections, I want them to keep that spirit.

The Navy and the Marine Corps have their own traditions, one of which is calling Drill Sergeant's "Sir," or "Ma'am." It won't be the end of the world if the Marine Corps does it the Army way. It will be just one more micro-aggression by progressives against the morale of the military.

All services could switch to saying "Yes, Officer" instead of "Yes, sir" or yes, ma'am." No doubt the progressives would love to have them switch to "Yes, Comrade!"

Point is that these kind of genuflections to the silliness of the "gender is a social construct" crowd subtracts from morale, while adding to lethality not a whit. Dudes in the women's shower will drive women out of the service. Then the service will be ordered to recruit more women into the new woke military. The woman recruits will then look like this:


and this:


Lethality will go out the window, but they will be happy with their welfare-in-uniform lifestyle.

*In AIT, I actually had a Drill Sergeant whose last name was "Sargent." We had to say "Yes, Sergeant Sargent."
The woke U.S. military of the future.

An entire platoon is pinned down by the enemy during intense combat fire-fight.
The Sergeant orders Corporal Smith to move to the left and flank the enemy, and take Pvt. Wilson with you because "he" has the M-60 machine gun.
Pvt. Wilson refuses to go because the Sergeant used the wrong pronoun, and "they/them" Pvt. Wilson feels misgendered and throws the weapon down in protest.
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The Marine Corps has been advised that its drill instructors should no longer be referred to by gendered terms like “ma’am” or “sir” — an idea that a top training leader has pushed back on.
The recommendation came in a recently completed academic report from the University of Pittsburgh that the Corps commissioned in 2020, according to Marine Corps Times.

The once feared U.S. military has devolved into the laughing stock of the world. .. :cuckoo:
All troops should just use the rank of the person they are speaking. That works as their pronoun and noun.
All troops should just use the rank of the person they are speaking. That works as their pronoun and noun.
As a pronoun and a noun?

When calling a person by their rank, it is actually a proper noun, thus capitalized. A rank is a common noun when referring to generic holders of that rank, thus not capitalized:

The generals gathered to make plans, chaired by General Jones, who opened by saying, "General Smith will report on the number of colonels and captains, including his own Captain Baker and Colonel Charlie, who have been found drinking on duty."

Pronouns are not capitalized. So, using rank as a pronoun instead of he/she in this sentence:

Sergeant Washington said, "Corporal Wilson, go see if you can find Private Watson who is supposed to be digging the latrine. Whenever you do find her, she and you are to complete the latrine by 1700, and report back to me that the task is complete."

would sound like this.

Sergeant Washington said, "Corporal Wilson, go see if corporal can find Private Watson who is supposed to be digging the latrine. Whenever corporal do find private, private and corporal are to complete the latrine by 1700, and report back to sergeant that the task is complete."

It would not be correct to use "they" for "she" and "them" because there is only one Private Watson. It would make as much sense as saying "Whenever y'all do find them, . . ." speaking to only one Corporal Wilson.
All soldiers regardless of their MOS have one purpose: That's to kill the enemy. Even my niece who holds the rank of Major and is a doctor stationed in Germany, has to occasionally qualify with the Beretta M9 and the M4 carbine. In fact, she asked me to give her some pointers on the range I have out back, a couple years ago.

And I seriously doubt that she'd like the idea of having to shower with some mentally ill person who has a dick and thinks he's a "woman."

Does she not know what a dick looks like? I mean, i doubt she's a virgin and as a medical professional, I'm sure she's seen dicks before.

The way you guys carry on, you'd think that showering is the only thing the miltiary does. I remember when they admitted gays into the military, you guys all freaked out that totally straight soldiers might have to shower with gay people, GASP.

My Uncle was a bad ass tough as nails Marine who fought the hand-to-hand Japanese human wave banzai attacks on Guadalcanal, the brutal fighting on Iwo Jima, and two other Pacific islands during WWll.
I'm almost glad he's not around anymore to see the freak show his beloved Marine Corps has turned into. ...

Okay, let's look at that.
During WWII, the military was segregated. Then Truman signed an order desegregating the military in 1948, some bigots screamed like maniacs, but the military was fine.
In the 1970's.. anticipating the Equal Rights Amendment becoming part of the constitution (it didn't), the military opened a whole slew of MOS specialties to women. I think today there are no MOS's they are prohibited from. The military was fine.
In the 1990's, Clinton passed "Don't ask, don't tell" allowing gays to serve (they had been serving all along), and the bigots screamed like maniacs.. but the military was fine.
So now they are making accommodations for the minute number of transgender people who want to serve.
The military will be fine.
The woke U.S. military of the future.

An entire platoon is pinned down by the enemy during intense combat fire-fight.
The Sergeant orders Corporal Smith to move to the left and flank the enemy, and take Pvt. Wilson with you because "he" has the M-60 machine gun.
Pvt. Wilson refuses to go because the Sergeant used the wrong pronoun, and "they/them" Pvt. Wilson feels misgendered and throws the weapon down in protest.

Simple enough, the Sergeant uses the proper pronouns.
One of the things they taught us in NCO school was to not to refer to a younger soldier as "boy", because that had offensive connotations to the African American community, even if no offense was intended.

Yes, and calling Sergeants "Sergeant"* is an Army tradition, and I assume Air Force also, since it is the Army's child. The Marine's have their own traditions, and they are proud of their differences from the Army. I was Army and I believe that I learned to shoot just as well calling by Drill Sergeant "Sergeant." But I respect the traditions of other services and as a civilian under their protections, I want them to keep that spirit.

The Navy and the Marine Corps have their own traditions, one of which is calling Drill Sergeant's "Sir," or "Ma'am." It won't be the end of the world if the Marine Corps does it the Army way. It will be just one more micro-aggression by progressives against the morale of the military.

All services could switch to saying "Yes, Officer" instead of "Yes, sir" or yes, ma'am." No doubt the progressives would love to have them switch to "Yes, Comrade!"

Point is that these kind of genuflections to the silliness of the "gender is a social construct" crowd subtracts from morale, while adding to lethality not a whit. Dudes in the women's shower will drive women out of the service. Then the service will be ordered to recruit more women into the new woke military. The woman recruits will then look like this:

Gee, you guys keep showing that picture of a person being angry that Trump won. That person turned out to prophetic, given what an unmitigated disaster Trump's presidency was.

Frankly, I don't see the value of putting a bully in charge of young recruits and letting them indulge their bullying attitudes. I doubt many of the guys I went to boot camp with in 1981 were still in the service by 1992 when I finally left. Most did their minimum time, and got out because they got tired of it.

I think our military structure, in many ways stuck in the 1940's, has a lot bigger problems than pronouns. The fact that we essentially got rolled by two third world countries after a 20 year war that seemed to go on with no point says we are probably doing a lot of things wrong.
As a pronoun and a noun?

When calling a person by their rank, it is actually a proper noun, thus capitalized. A rank is a common noun when referring to generic holders of that rank, thus not capitalized:

The generals gathered to make plans, chaired by General Jones, who opened by saying, "General Smith will report on the number of colonels and captains, including his own Captain Baker and Colonel Charlie, who have been found drinking on duty."

Pronouns are not capitalized. So, using rank as a pronoun instead of he/she in this sentence:

Sergeant Washington said, "Corporal Wilson, go see if you can find Private Watson who is supposed to be digging the latrine. Whenever you do find her, she and you are to complete the latrine by 1700, and report back to me that the task is complete."

would sound like this.

Sergeant Washington said, "Corporal Wilson, go see if corporal can find Private Watson who is supposed to be digging the latrine. Whenever corporal do find private, private and corporal are to complete the latrine by 1700, and report back to sergeant that the task is complete."

It would not be correct to use "they" for "she" and "them" because there is only one Private Watson. It would make as much sense as saying "Whenever y'all do find them, . . ." speaking to only one Corporal Wilson.
I'm well aware that the rank is a proper noun, I'm just sick of hearing the idiots wanting to change pronouns.
According to the Pentagon, over 10,000 men are raped in todays militay,

n average, about 10,000 men are sexually assaulted in the American military each year, according to Pentagon statistics. Overwhelmingly, the victims are young and low-ranking. Many struggle afterward, are kicked out of the military and have trouble finding their footing in civilian life.

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