
Should Marijuana be legalized for medical purposes?

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Those who support its legalization, for medical or for general use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself.
Thank you DLucia.

I'm lucky. I live in Washington state where we legalized medical marijuana in the 1998 election. Then we legalized it for all adults in the 2012 election.

I can just go up the street from my home and buy my medicine. It's close and easy to obtain.

I was unlucky enough to have been diagnosed with a very deadly form of breast cancer. Carcinoma that was 100% receptive to my own body hormones. Which means that my own body hormones was it's food to grow. Millions of women died from it because our own body chemistry is it's food. It was found, the women had it removed but it came back and killed them. Which is exactly what happened to 4 of my relatives before me.

I'm very lucky in that we now have a way to block those hormones so that the cancer won't return and kill. Studies are now finding that women like me can never go off that medication. It will return and kill me if I don't take that medication. I'm like many women who have the side effect that it causes a weak stomach and most food makes me sick. Without the medical marijuana almost nothing would stay in me. So instead of being a size 1 as I am now, I would now be totally emaciated or dead. There's another drug that blocks the hormones but it causes heart fibulations. I have a deadly allergy to mold and bees. Both will cause antifilaxis. Which kills without an epipen. My throat closes, my lungs collapse and my heart goes very fast. Without that epipen when it stops going very fast it stops completely and I die. So if I took that other medication I could die from heart fibulations.

I'm stuck between that infamous rock and a hard place. So I take the lessor of the two evils. I would rather have problems with keeping food in me than being dead. The medical marijuana makes it possible for me to be able to take that medication that's preventing that cancer from returning and killing me.

If you want to use my story to tell people in your area please send me a private message and I'll provide you with all the information you need. There's millions of people suffering because medical marijuana isn't available in their area.

No one should be made into a criminal just for fighting to save their life.
That would be a horrible situation to be in, thanks for sharing the story. When I hear stories like that I wonder why science can't isolate the medicinal qualities of pot and mass market it. I would definitely choose the get stoned over dying but would prefer the best of both worlds, lucid and healthy.

I don't want to have to smoke marijuana for the rest of my life. I see it as a necessary evil. I've taken all the pills but they don't work.

A drug company did develop a pharmaceutical form of marijuana. It's called marinol. I tried that too. It made me so high I couldn't function. It's timed release so that when the high wears off, that time release kicks back in and I'm back to being so high I can't function.

It's much easier to just take a few hits off a pipe. It doesn't take much and the food stays in my stomach. I don't get super high, in fact I barely get high at all. I'll take that over being dead any day.

Buy a good vaporizer. No smoke, no smell, easy to use.
Hash oil e-cigs available in CO, pretty damned good.
Marijuana is a very controversial topic in our political world today, and I would like to know what our society has to say itabout the way some view it. Some people think it is a Class A drug that is fatal and similar to all the other hard core drugs (i.e. Ecstacy and LSD). But others, like me, know that marijuana is just another plant found in the wilderness that has medical compounds that can help the ill. Yes, marijuana does have psychoactive compounds, but there is no doubt that there are other drugs prescribed by doctors that are more potent. Oxycontin and Morphine are prescribed to patients with chronic pain, but the symptoms are a bit psychoactive. Unlike those drugs, marijuana has a chemical compound called Cannabidiol (CBD) that can be extracted away from the psychoactive compounds in it; such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). If there is proof that marijuana has medical purposes then why is it classified as a Class A drug? Yes, it is used as a recreational drug at times, but that does not give an excuse to make it illegal because, unlike alcohol or tobacco, it is not fatal. Marijuana can be harmful in the sense that one can develop lung cancer for smoking it, but there are healthier ways to use marijuana; for instance, cooking it and consuming it. If there are ways to avoid harmful circumstances under marijuana than why shouldn't it be the first drug recommendation to patients? These are things society needs to learn about to fully understand the debate on marijuana. If evidence is not being shown to society then how would any one know what marijuana really is? What are your thoughts and opinions? The link provided is for any one who wants to learn more about marijuana and it's medical purposes by Dr. Sanja Gupta. (copy and paste link)

If the medical argument could be separated from the chronic potheads... I'd be fine with medical applications. But in reality, the medical argument is nothing more than a means to get the pothead nose under the 'legalizing pot' tent.

So... 'No'.

And FTR: I smoked pot dam' near everyday, pot from 14 years old through my late 30s... There was no upside.

So, every responsible pothead should suffer because you were a loser?

I say, fuck you.
Marijuana is a very controversial topic in our political world today, and I would like to know what our society has to say itabout the way some view it. Some people think it is a Class A drug that is fatal and similar to all the other hard core drugs (i.e. Ecstacy and LSD). But others, like me, know that marijuana is just another plant found in the wilderness that has medical compounds that can help the ill. Yes, marijuana does have psychoactive compounds, but there is no doubt that there are other drugs prescribed by doctors that are more potent. Oxycontin and Morphine are prescribed to patients with chronic pain, but the symptoms are a bit psychoactive. Unlike those drugs, marijuana has a chemical compound called Cannabidiol (CBD) that can be extracted away from the psychoactive compounds in it; such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). If there is proof that marijuana has medical purposes then why is it classified as a Class A drug? Yes, it is used as a recreational drug at times, but that does not give an excuse to make it illegal because, unlike alcohol or tobacco, it is not fatal. Marijuana can be harmful in the sense that one can develop lung cancer for smoking it, but there are healthier ways to use marijuana; for instance, cooking it and consuming it. If there are ways to avoid harmful circumstances under marijuana than why shouldn't it be the first drug recommendation to patients? These are things society needs to learn about to fully understand the debate on marijuana. If evidence is not being shown to society then how would any one know what marijuana really is? What are your thoughts and opinions? The link provided is for any one who wants to learn more about marijuana and it's medical purposes by Dr. Sanja Gupta. (copy and paste link)

If the medical argument could be separated from the chronic potheads... I'd be fine with medical applications. But in reality, the medical argument is nothing more than a means to get the pothead nose under the 'legalizing pot' tent.

So... 'No'.

And FTR: I smoked pot dam' near everyday, pot from 14 years old through my late 30s... There was no upside.

Sorry you had a bad trip man...

Dude... it wasn't a bad trip. I loved smokin' pot. I've smoked more pot than most of these kids will ever see...

But the fact is that it was not a plus in my life... and even when I was smoking it every day... I never thought that legalizing its use was a good idea. 'Cause.. it's just not.

Well if I don't have the cash I don't have the stash and I've always been that way..Even when I smoked cigs...I just stopped until I had funds..

You mean you never stole the opium suppositories from your dying grandmother's ass to sell them to the junkies for weed money?

What kind of fuckin' pothead are you?
In Colorado, all these carpet baggers from out of state insinuate them selves here and overthrow common sense or what the will of the natives want. We native Coloradans didn't want to legalize pot, illegal aliens or want or need light rail. Nope, that out of stater, Hikenlooper, and his weak equivocating bunch. I am channeling TRUE Coloradans like Gene Amole...
I don't hear a lot of bitching about the money being spent there on pot vacations, or the tax money raised from pot sales.
They have and it targets each persons illnesses.
They make a whole bunch of different types - one for glaucoma, one for chronic pain one for people who have MS and one for those who are on cancer drugs.
Much of the targeted medical marijuana does not make you high because science has taken out the THC part of the plant that causes people to get high.
The marijuana oil that is used by my neighbor takes away his pain but does not make him high.
That's my understanding as well so I'm always suspicious when I hear smoking pot is the only thing that works.

It not only works on my neighbor but he was able to stop taking several of the regular pharmaceutical dugs that was not working very well for him.
Those who support its legalization, for medical or for general use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself.

Would you please post a link to that information? I really don't believe that for a second.
This isn't a liberal vs conservative issue. There are probably as many conservatives in favor of legalization as there are liberals (I'm talking about citizens, not politicians). The problem is with the government itself. They make more money keeping it illegal.

I love your post because it shows you are learning or are about to...

Republicans and Tea Party Conservatives openly stand against Cannabis. Just check their platform, ask their representatives. They even stand against it on a medical level because all of their reasoning is "Slipperly slope" which is the laziest way to discuss a topic. Ironically these parties fight for "Freedom". And they are, they are fighting for the Freedom of the Corporations they represent that will lose $ if it's legal and they will no longer get their donations come when they run for office again. Basically, it's the "Freedom of a Corporation", not the "Freedom of the People".........Of course you probably think corporations are people because you don't know that no group of people can force 1 to vote a certain way by Constitutional Law. It's not your fault, it's a party thing. Not even a Corporation, by law, that has 5 million people in it can force the 5M and 1st person to vote a specific way. EACH PERSON HAS A VOICE IN A CORPORATION.
The corporation I work for does not have the Legal right to assume I'm in a Party. It does not have the right to take money of mine and donate it to a specific party. Unions are voluntary, and they can because they are a group of people who voluntarily come together to stand firm on specific topics.

So in the end (on many, many topics) we have the "Freedom Fighters" chosing to Nix it instead of Fix it. Mostly because they don't understand the difference between church and Governance.
Don't talk down to me. I was "learning" when you were still shitting in your diapers. Marijuana is not the only issue, and overall, Republicans are far more freedom friendly than Democrats, who seek to enslave and control every aspect of our lives. And as far as marijuana goes, they've passed up every opportunity to legalize it. They use the word "freedom" as a trick to get people to vote for them, and when they get in power, the people who put them there end up with even LESS freedom than they had before they voted.
So please don't try to sell me that crap about Democrats being more likely to legalize marijuana. They're just better liars. At least the Republicans are honest about their intentions. NEITHER party wants it legal.

This is true. In fact, didn't the Obama administration oppose it when it was first legalized in some states (like Colorado) and say that it was still going to be considered illegal federally and that they would go after people?
First they said they were going to stop shutting down dispensaries. That was during his first term. AFTER his reelection he announced that the feds would prosecute people under federal law. At least the Republicans are honest about their position. The Democrats will say whatever is appropriate at the time to get elected, then do what they want.

Actually Obama said he would follow the states laws. If someone is violating the state growing laws then the government will get involved.
He has had several different positions on the issue. It depends on what group he is talking to at the time. I think he makes statements and waits for the reaction, then changes it if the reaction isn't favorable.
They have and it targets each persons illnesses.
They make a whole bunch of different types - one for glaucoma, one for chronic pain one for people who have MS and one for those who are on cancer drugs.
Much of the targeted medical marijuana does not make you high because science has taken out the THC part of the plant that causes people to get high.
The marijuana oil that is used by my neighbor takes away his pain but does not make him high.
That's my understanding as well so I'm always suspicious when I hear smoking pot is the only thing that works.

Because of side effects that oftentimes happen with the use of other prescription drugs, sometimes marijuana is the only option. Do you know anything about medical marijuana? Do you know anything about marijuana at all? Did you know that it is already (and has been for years) widely used in the pill form, known as Merrem, which is a narcotic pain killer? So tell, why would you be suspicious of it's medical uses?

Edit: Oops, it should be "Marinol" which is the drug that contains marijuana, not Merrem! Sorry!
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Because of side effects that oftentimes happen with the use of other prescription drugs, sometimes marijuana is the only option. Do you know anything about medical marijuana? Do you know anything about marijuana at all? Did you know that it is already (and has been for years) widely used in the pill form, known as Merrem, which is a narcotic pain killer? So tell, why would you be suspicious of it's medical uses?
Because a whole bunch of people decided at the same time that pot was the only cure for them. Saw one guy on Judge Judy that was smoking pot to help his asthma. It might be the only thing that works but you have to be stoned to take it. Then lots of folks drive around, etc. That's not good medicine if that's the case.

It has a psychological addictive quality you won't hear about and all you hear is the miracle cures with no downside whatsoever. In other words, it's been highly politicized.

Risks and Limits
Medical marijuana is not monitored like FDA-approved medicines. When using it, you don’t know its potential to cause cancer, its purity, potency, or side effects.

Only people who have a card from a doctor should use medical marijuana. Doctors will not prescribe medical marijuana to anyone under 18. Others who should not use it:

  • People with heart disease
  • Pregnant women
  • People with a history of psychosis
Because of side effects that oftentimes happen with the use of other prescription drugs, sometimes marijuana is the only option. Do you know anything about medical marijuana? Do you know anything about marijuana at all? Did you know that it is already (and has been for years) widely used in the pill form, known as Merrem, which is a narcotic pain killer? So tell, why would you be suspicious of it's medical uses?
Because a whole bunch of people decided at the same time that pot was the only cure for them. Saw one guy on Judge Judy that was smoking pot to help his asthma. It might be the only thing that works but you have to be stoned to take it. Then lots of folks drive around, etc. That's not good medicine if that's the case.

It has a psychological addictive quality you won't hear about and all you hear is the miracle cures with no downside whatsoever. In other words, it's been highly politicized.

Risks and Limits
Medical marijuana is not monitored like FDA-approved medicines. When using it, you don’t know its potential to cause cancer, its purity, potency, or side effects.

Only people who have a card from a doctor should use medical marijuana. Doctors will not prescribe medical marijuana to anyone under 18. Others who should not use it:

  • People with heart disease
  • Pregnant women
  • People with a history of psychosis

This is no different from the side effects of any other drugs. In fact, others can have much worse side effects and many more. What makes you think marijuana is more dangerous than any other prescription drugs or alcohol for that matter?

Simple fact is that it is not more dangerous than any of the other substances. There are plenty of people who have been smoking marijuana for years and years. Marijuana has been around since ancient times and has always been used in many different ways. Just in recent history has the government decided that marijuana is "bad." - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
This is no different from the side effects of any other drugs. In fact, others can have much worse side effects and many more. What makes you think marijuana is more dangerous than any other prescription drugs or alcohol for that matter?

Simple fact is that it is not more dangerous than any of the other substances. There are plenty of people who have been smoking marijuana for years and years. Marijuana has been around since ancient times and has always been used in many different ways. Just in recent history has the government decided that marijuana is "bad."
Most people have not wanted it legal so the government is doing the will of the people, not forcing its' views on us. Medicine dosages are regulated, if one makes you drowsy, they say not to drive or operated machinery, etc. There's an open endedness to the pot as medicine trade.

I think for some it is the best alternative but I also think it's no where near as common as people are making out. It always was a back door way to get pot legal.

I oppose rec use because if you've been around those that do it regularly you notice similarities and a change in behavior, not just while stoned but an alternative world view.

This state will be an experiment so we'll see what happens but I can tell you it's much more common now to go to the grocery store and have potheads milling around, complete with the odor. They walk around like zombies and will cross your path to stare at the mesmerizing cans of food. If you need it, stay home.
Marijuana is a very controversial topic in our political world today, and I would like to know what our society has to say itabout the way some view it. Some people think it is a Class A drug that is fatal and similar to all the other hard core drugs (i.e. Ecstacy and LSD). But others, like me, know that marijuana is just another plant found in the wilderness that has medical compounds that can help the ill. Yes, marijuana does have psychoactive compounds, but there is no doubt that there are other drugs prescribed by doctors that are more potent. Oxycontin and Morphine are prescribed to patients with chronic pain, but the symptoms are a bit psychoactive. Unlike those drugs, marijuana has a chemical compound called Cannabidiol (CBD) that can be extracted away from the psychoactive compounds in it; such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). If there is proof that marijuana has medical purposes then why is it classified as a Class A drug? Yes, it is used as a recreational drug at times, but that does not give an excuse to make it illegal because, unlike alcohol or tobacco, it is not fatal. Marijuana can be harmful in the sense that one can develop lung cancer for smoking it, but there are healthier ways to use marijuana; for instance, cooking it and consuming it. If there are ways to avoid harmful circumstances under marijuana than why shouldn't it be the first drug recommendation to patients? These are things society needs to learn about to fully understand the debate on marijuana. If evidence is not being shown to society then how would any one know what marijuana really is? What are your thoughts and opinions? The link provided is for any one who wants to learn more about marijuana and it's medical purposes by Dr. Sanja Gupta. (copy and paste link)

If the medical argument could be separated from the chronic potheads... I'd be fine with medical applications. But in reality, the medical argument is nothing more than a means to get the pothead nose under the 'legalizing pot' tent.

So... 'No'.

And FTR: I smoked pot dam' near everyday, pot from 14 years old through my late 30s... There was no upside.

Sorry you had a bad trip man...

Dude... it wasn't a bad trip. I loved smokin' pot. I've smoked more pot than most of these kids will ever see...

But the fact is that it was not a plus in my life... and even when I was smoking it every day... I never thought that legalizing its use was a good idea. 'Cause.. it's just not.

Well if I don't have the cash I don't have the stash and I've always been that way..Even when I smoked cigs...I just stopped until I had funds..

You mean you never stole the opium suppositories from your dying grandmother's ass to sell them to the junkies for weed money?

What kind of fuckin' pothead are you?

I didn't know my grandmother had any...
Thank you DLucia.

I'm lucky. I live in Washington state where we legalized medical marijuana in the 1998 election. Then we legalized it for all adults in the 2012 election.

I can just go up the street from my home and buy my medicine. It's close and easy to obtain.

I was unlucky enough to have been diagnosed with a very deadly form of breast cancer. Carcinoma that was 100% receptive to my own body hormones. Which means that my own body hormones was it's food to grow. Millions of women died from it because our own body chemistry is it's food. It was found, the women had it removed but it came back and killed them. Which is exactly what happened to 4 of my relatives before me.

I'm very lucky in that we now have a way to block those hormones so that the cancer won't return and kill. Studies are now finding that women like me can never go off that medication. It will return and kill me if I don't take that medication. I'm like many women who have the side effect that it causes a weak stomach and most food makes me sick. Without the medical marijuana almost nothing would stay in me. So instead of being a size 1 as I am now, I would now be totally emaciated or dead. There's another drug that blocks the hormones but it causes heart fibulations. I have a deadly allergy to mold and bees. Both will cause antifilaxis. Which kills without an epipen. My throat closes, my lungs collapse and my heart goes very fast. Without that epipen when it stops going very fast it stops completely and I die. So if I took that other medication I could die from heart fibulations.

I'm stuck between that infamous rock and a hard place. So I take the lessor of the two evils. I would rather have problems with keeping food in me than being dead. The medical marijuana makes it possible for me to be able to take that medication that's preventing that cancer from returning and killing me.

If you want to use my story to tell people in your area please send me a private message and I'll provide you with all the information you need. There's millions of people suffering because medical marijuana isn't available in their area.

No one should be made into a criminal just for fighting to save their life.
That would be a horrible situation to be in, thanks for sharing the story. When I hear stories like that I wonder why science can't isolate the medicinal qualities of pot and mass market it. I would definitely choose the get stoned over dying but would prefer the best of both worlds, lucid and healthy.

I don't want to have to smoke marijuana for the rest of my life. I see it as a necessary evil. I've taken all the pills but they don't work.

A drug company did develop a pharmaceutical form of marijuana. It's called marinol. I tried that too. It made me so high I couldn't function. It's timed release so that when the high wears off, that time release kicks back in and I'm back to being so high I can't function.

It's much easier to just take a few hits off a pipe. It doesn't take much and the food stays in my stomach. I don't get super high, in fact I barely get high at all. I'll take that over being dead any day.

Buy a good vaporizer. No smoke, no smell, easy to use.
Hash oil e-cigs available in CO, pretty damned good.
I want one or two...
This is no different from the side effects of any other drugs. In fact, others can have much worse side effects and many more. What makes you think marijuana is more dangerous than any other prescription drugs or alcohol for that matter?

Simple fact is that it is not more dangerous than any of the other substances. There are plenty of people who have been smoking marijuana for years and years. Marijuana has been around since ancient times and has always been used in many different ways. Just in recent history has the government decided that marijuana is "bad."
Most people have not wanted it legal so the government is doing the will of the people, not forcing its' views on us. Medicine dosages are regulated, if one makes you drowsy, they say not to drive or operated machinery, etc. There's an open endedness to the pot as medicine trade.

I think for some it is the best alternative but I also think it's no where near as common as people are making out. It always was a back door way to get pot legal.

I oppose rec use because if you've been around those that do it regularly you notice similarities and a change in behavior, not just while stoned but an alternative world view.

This state will be an experiment so we'll see what happens but I can tell you it's much more common now to go to the grocery store and have potheads milling around, complete with the odor. They walk around like zombies and will cross your path to stare at the mesmerizing cans of food. If you need it, stay home.

I disagree. It was voted for in Colorado. The only reason why people are against it is because they are ignorant about it. They don't know anything about it. If they knew, they would see that it is far less harmful than alcohol and/or cigarettes, both of which are perfectly legal to consume.
I disagree. It was voted for in Colorado. The only reason why people are against it is because they are ignorant about it. They don't know anything about it. If they knew, they would see that it is far less harmful than alcohol and/or cigarettes, both of which are perfectly legal to consume.
Who doesn't know a pothead? Most drinkers don't have a problem with it and don't pretend it's a cure all and makes you function at some higher level, (no pun intended). People can smoke tobacco and function/travel just fine. Their personal health is none of your business.

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