Marco Rubio, when will he be deported?

It’s actually not clear at all…and again, you have to consider our founders intent just as SCOTUS will.
Here’s some enlightening commentary you won’t allow to make sense.
Hold on, the author of your article, he has birthright citizenship. What a fucking tool.
How many illegals is OP providing for?
None, they provide for me you stupid shit. Hundreds of acres, King's grant, used as pasture for flipping decades. Then some illegals came along, actually worked that land, field crops. Sold all of it to them. Two farms. Millions of dollars. They paid me. What did the white ass entitled MOFO's offer me, nothing.
None, they provide for me you stupid shit. Hundreds of acres, King's grant, used as pasture for flipping decades. Then some illegals came along, actually worked that land, field crops. Sold all of it to them. Two farms. Millions of dollars. They paid me. What did the white ass entitled MOFO's offer me, nothing.
Hold on…some illegals bought your farms for millions of dollars?
Hold on…some illegals bought your farms for millions of dollars?
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Absolutely right. One farm was not a million, but the second one, yeah, pushed it over the line. The first one was the maternal inheritance. For years, it was leased out as pasture. Some good old boy, with his hobby cows, his lease barely covered the property taxes. But then, yes, that illegal showed up. He planted tomato's and bell peppers. Used the creek to irrigate. Paid me well with the lease. My oldest son actually worked for him. Paid him handsomely, he has a Phd now, claims that time, in those fields, is the foundation of his success.

So, he offered to buy, on payments. Five year term, decent interest rate. Included a house built before the Civil War. So no problem, strong contract, he misses a payment, I get it back. He didn't. Paid it in full. And the house, probably twenty illegals live in, his workers. Hard to find a white boy like my son.

So that went well. Then there was the paternal farm. Grandpa was a genius. Split the property, we got Aunt Minnie's place. Some of the finest farm land you could ever find. Dark, black soil, bottom land, which I am quite sure you don't even understand. But the illegal showed up, wanted to buy that too. Really can't blame him. This time, he paid cash. That took the total over seven figures.
Absolutely right. One farm was not a million, but the second one, yeah, pushed it over the line. The first one was the maternal inheritance. For years, it was leased out as pasture. Some good old boy, with his hobby cows, his lease barely covered the property taxes. But then, yes, that illegal showed up. He planted tomato's and bell peppers. Used the creek to irrigate. Paid me well with the lease. My oldest son actually worked for him. Paid him handsomely, he has a Phd now, claims that time, in those fields, is the foundation of his success.

So, he offered to buy, on payments. Five year term, decent interest rate. Included a house built before the Civil War. So no problem, strong contract, he misses a payment, I get it back. He didn't. Paid it in full. And the house, probably twenty illegals live in, his workers. Hard to find a white boy like my son.

So that went well. Then there was the paternal farm. Grandpa was a genius. Split the property, we got Aunt Minnie's place. Some of the finest farm land you could ever find. Dark, black soil, bottom land, which I am quite sure you don't even understand. But the illegal showed up, wanted to buy that too. Really can't blame him. This time, he paid cash. That took the total over seven figures.
I call total bullshit. Illegals aren’t buying shit for $1M. Tell the truth now Kunta Kinte
Fuck off you idiot troll. The 14th is pretty damn clear, born here, citizen. Outside a few exceptions, like ambassadors, which have been part of common law for more than 400 years. It is really eloquently simple, and it has served this nation well for more than 150 years.

But now, well the Trumpster wants to change that. Not so simple anymore. Who is your Mama, who is your Daddy, where are your papers. That is where this nation is going, and if you, some white prick that hasn't had a lesson in Civics since the fourth grade, like you, can't realize that, well sorry, it is going to come bite you in the ass.

Well you can't be a citizen unless you pay taxes. Guess that counts your ass out. You can't be a citizen unless you own property, I can see the SCOTUS getting behind that, original intent of the framers and all. You can't be a citizen unless you swear a loyalty oath to the almighty Trumpster. That is the end game,, FOOL.

Not even close, retard.
If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.
Marco is an American citizen, born in Miami, Florida. Last time I checked, Miami, Florida is within the USA.
Troll-boi says “what?”

Back On Topic you fraud.

The meaning and intent of the 14th Amendment is fuzzy when it comes to who qualifies as owing allegiance to the United States.

Whether or not you presume that its meaning is clear is not relevant. What is relevant is for our government to get its shit together to define the parameters.

The 14th says:

Amendment XIV​

Section 1.​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The bolded words are meaningful. That is, they were written to be meaningful. So, stop your foolish tap dancing.

When a legal immigrant is OBLIGED they obey our laws, how is it that twits (such as you) imagine that they are not then subject to our laws?

With rights come responsibilities. As an immigrant, you are expected to:

  • Obey all laws of the United States, the states, and localities
  • Pay income taxes and report income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state taxing authorities
  • Support the democratic form of government and not to overthrow the government
  • Register with the Selective Service (for males between the ages of 18 and 26)
Fulfilling these responsibilities is paramount for maintaining your legal status and ensuring your continued eligibility for certain benefits and opportunities.

Having come here LEGALLY, Secretary Rubio’s parents clearly (and instantly) became subject to OUR laws. Thus, when Marco was born here under those circumstances he was immediately a U.S. citizen.
Troll-boi says “what?”

Back On Topic you fraud.

The meaning and intent of the 14th Amendment is fuzzy when it comes to who qualifies as owing allegiance to the United States.

Whether or not you presume that its meaning is clear is not relevant. What is relevant is for our government to get its shit together to define the parameters.

The 14th says:

The bolded words are meaningful. That is, they were written to be meaningful. So, stop your foolish tap dancing.

When a legal immigrant is OBLIGED they obey our laws, how is it that twits (such as you) imagine that they are not then subject to our laws?

Having come here LEGALLY, Secretary Rubio’s parents clearly (and instantly) became subject to OUR laws. Thus, when Marco was born here under those circumstances he was immediately a U.S. citizen.
First, I have not seen any proof that Rubio's parents got here legally. His grandfather most certainly didn't.

Second, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereoff" has been discussed in multiple threads. Yes, the 14th hinges on that phrase. But there have been multiple SCOTUS cases over the last 150 years that have helped to clarify the meaning.

While the common example of someone not subject to the jurisdiction thereof is ambassadors, perhaps a more enlightening example would be Native Americans. Those living on a reservation are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, that is why the Cherokee have a huge cannabis store in the Qualla Boundary. That is why, when you buy cigarettes there, the tax doesn't go to the state, it goes to the tribe.

And surprise, surprise, the 14th amendment doesn't apply to Native Americans. They derive their citizenship through the Snyder Act of 1924. In order to deprive the children of illegal immigrants citizenship under the 14th amendment you would have to accept that those legal immigrants are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. That throws your listed responsibilities of an immigrant out the door.

I mean the same holds true for children born in US territories, including Puerto Rico. Children born there are not granted US citizenship under the 14th amendment, their citizenship, granted at birth, comes from the Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917. That is because they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, hell, they don't even pay federal income taxes.

Look, I really don't expect the majority of Americans to understand the intricate parts of the 14th amendment. Like the Jones-Shafroth Act or the Snyder Act. Nor do I expect them to understand the multiple SCOTUS cases that have further defined the meaning of the clause you are proud to spout.

What I do expect is for his legal team, his AG, his Solicitor General, the lawyers on his staff, to understand them. And perhaps they do, but like dutiful servants in service to a dictator, they proceed with this horseshit anyway.

It is a dog whistle, and people like you follow along like Pied Pipers rats. It is a tired and old argument, one perpetuated by uninformed, unintelligent, racists that has been struck down in the courts time and time again.
First, I have not seen any proof that Rubio's parents got here legally. His grandfather most certainly didn't.

Well, winky, that means you saw no evidence that they arrived and remained illegally. And since the Trump EO involves ILLEGAL alliens, to pretend it applies to Rubio clearly means that your claim is unsupported.
Second, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereoff" has been discussed in multiple threads.

Yes. That’s true. And your spin on it is being challenged. Get over yourself, you weak ass pinhead.
Well, winky, that means you saw no evidence that they arrived and remained illegally. And since the Trump EO involves ILLEGAL alliens, to pretend it applies to Rubio clearly means that your claim is unsupported.

Yes. That’s true. And your spin on it is being challenged. Get over yourself, you weak ass pinhead.
LMAO, you can't prove a negative. The burden of proof is one you. Were they here legally or not, until you provide some type of documentation that they were here legally, proving the positive, then the assumption is, they weren't.

As to my spin, it has been the law of the land for more than 15O years. It has survived countless legal challenges, is supported by countless SCOTUS rulings of which I am more than prepared to submit and discuss. At the moment, no less than 22 states have challenged this EO through court submissions. It is a dog whistle, won't amount to jackshit, and is little more than a dog whistle for stupid ass dogs like you. If Elon is looking for a place to cut government waste, well maybe he should start here.

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