Marco Rubio, when will he be deported?

It's not retroactive doofus.....
The only thing that is retroactive was the death of your brain.... It was aborted but the rest of you was born
I know it is not retroactive you stupid shit. I mean there is thing called Principle, I am not surprised that you have no clue.
If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.

He is a citizen.

People not born yet are not citizens.

You made your pretzel logic law in your warped TDS MIND.

I love seeing you lefty cult fucks CRASH OUT over Trump.

It is so fun!
The “principle” for good real core Americans is that the 14th wasn’t supposed to be used as a tool for Mexico’s people to fuck over Americans. Why do you insist that such lunacy stays in place? Aren’t you a problem solver?
What the fuck is a "real core American". You see, that is the problem with you asshats. As if you could be more American that someone else. It is some sick ass shit. It divides us, not a good thing despite what your white privileged ass might feel.

I mean maybe this is the difference. I live not ten miles from where the Hibriten boys massed. Sure, you don't know who they were, you have no clue. But they were at the spear of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Suffering casualty rates that have not been seen until the war in Iraq, yeah, some platoon got blown all to hell with an IED. Some of them made it. The yankees, they helped them over the barricade and said welcome to the other side. That, you fucking dumbshit racist assholes, is what it means to be an American.

He is a citizen.

People not born yet are not citizens.

You made your pretzel logic law in your warped TDS MIND.

I love seeing you lefty cult fucks CRASH OUT over Trump.

It is so fun!
Enjoy it while it last. Today, it is immigrants, well, brown ones anyway. Tomorrow, I don't know, maybe dumbshits on disability that contribute nothing to our society. From my perspective, most of the Trump supporting morons here.
What the fuck is a "real core American". You see, that is the problem with you asshats. As if you could be more American that someone else. It is some sick ass shit. It divides us, not a good thing despite what your white privileged ass might feel.

I mean maybe this is the difference. I live not ten miles from where the Hibriten boys massed. Sure, you don't know who they were, you have no clue. But they were at the spear of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Suffering casualty rates that have not been seen until the war in Iraq, yeah, some platoon got blown all to hell with an IED. Some of them made it. The yankees, they helped them over the barricade and said welcome to the other side. That, you fucking dumbshit racist assholes, is what it means to be an American.
See, the mistake you unconventionals make is you think being labeled a real core American has something to do with skin color…..It’s all about behavior, living a belief/value system and following the moral order and foundational tenets that built and pillared America before the emergence of leftism.
Maybe you should try to behave like any good real core American does huh? You know, since you obviously want in the Cool Kids Club and all.

Marco Rubio, when will he be deported?​

If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.

When will you stop going out of your way to be such a retarded fuck?
I admit, I am guessing. And I admit, the EO only applies to parents that are here illegally. Were Rubio's parents here illegally, not seen anything to make me believe otherwise. Melania, for damn sure, violated the terms of her VISA, just like Musk. And maybe that is the real takeaway here. Most people here illegally have either overstayed their VISA or violated the terms. The whole fence jumper thing is nothing but a dog-whistle aimed at racist assholes.
You don't know you don't know you don't know... well look it up and find out what you don't know... I say this to my students now come on get your computer going and google what you don't know... Trump is not the monster you think he is... he would never send people home that have been deemed to be American citizens...

Marco Rubio's parents were legal aliens when they immigrated to the United States... Marco Rubio's parents, Mario Rubio and Oriales Rubio... immigrated from Cuba to the U.S. in 1956... They came legally under the immigration policies at the time... which allowed for Cuban nationals to enter the U.S. without difficulty due to the political situation in Cuba....
Despite the fact that you absolutely don’t.
Fuck off you idiot troll. The 14th is pretty damn clear, born here, citizen. Outside a few exceptions, like ambassadors, which have been part of common law for more than 400 years. It is really eloquently simple, and it has served this nation well for more than 150 years.

But now, well the Trumpster wants to change that. Not so simple anymore. Who is your Mama, who is your Daddy, where are your papers. That is where this nation is going, and if you, some white prick that hasn't had a lesson in Civics since the fourth grade, like you, can't realize that, well sorry, it is going to come bite you in the ass.

Well you can't be a citizen unless you pay taxes. Guess that counts your ass out. You can't be a citizen unless you own property, I can see the SCOTUS getting behind that, original intent of the framers and all. You can't be a citizen unless you swear a loyalty oath to the almighty Trumpster. That is the end game,, FOOL.
You don't know you don't know you don't know... well look it up and find out what you don't know... I say this to my students now come on get your computer going and google what you don't know... Trump is not the monster you think he is... he would never send people home that have been deemed to be American citizens...

Marco Rubio's parents were legal aliens when they immigrated to the United States... Marco Rubio's parents, Mario Rubio and Oriales Rubio... immigrated from Cuba to the U.S. in 1956... They came legally under the immigration policies at the time... which allowed for Cuban nationals to enter the U.S. without difficulty due to the political situation in Cuba....

Maybe you ought to take your own advice.
The 14th is pretty damn clear, born here, citizen.
It’s actually not clear at all…and again, you have to consider our founders intent just as SCOTUS will.
Here’s some enlightening commentary you won’t allow to make sense.

No need to separate families. We can send them all back home.
Fuck you. I mean serioiusly, fuck your sorry racist ass. So now it is OK to deport American citizens simply because who they are related too. Great, I am down with that. Trump, and his supporters are like any fool, give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.

Fuck you. Those immigrants, even the illegal ones, what hell did they go through to get here? What the fuck did you do, crawl out of some white ass whore womb that didn't have the common sense to teach you common decency and empathy. GET OUT. Your entitlement, your self-absorption, your cowardice, quite honestly, we don't need that here.

Trump's tenure is limited. The Republican party is a shit show. When a new party takes over, call it the American party, one based on the founders and rooted in the Constitution. Get the fuck out. No place for you here. You don't deserve to be called an American.
It’s actually not clear at all…and again, you have to consider our founders intent just as SCOTUS will.
Here’s some enlightening commentary you won’t allow to make sense.
The Heritage foundation? Piss off you fucking idiot.

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