Marco Rubio, when will he be deported?

Why would they keep coming when their babies will not be granted an American citizenship???
This Ex order stops this shit cold.... can't you see that?...
Here is something that you might as well get used to, "exemptions". In this case, it will start innocently enough. High risk pregnancies in many parts of rural Canada, along the border, often send the mothers to American hospitals, it closer than any Canadian hospital. But these children are, for the most part, white. So yeah, they get citizenship. But pretty soon, and damn, we got to worry about Trump's hotels and their bottom line, that exemption will be extended to birthright tourist, if they are white of course.

In fact, "exemptions" are going to be the key going forward. Tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports. Just cough up the money, rent a couple floors at one of Trump's hotels, buy one of his overpriced condos, donate seven figures or so the Trump's, make America white again, PAC. Boom, you got your exemption.
I am pretty sure I know what it means better than you. Neither of Rubio's parents were citizens when he was born. Worse, Rubio lied about when they came. They didn't flee Castro, they fled Batista. Birthright citizenship is the only way Rubio is even a citizen.
Were his parent's illegal immigrants? No. End of discussion.
The whole, more democrat voters, is horseshit. Do not Republicans have the ability to court those voters, and I am talking about citizens that have naturalized, or even have birthright citizenship.
The reality is, that is how Trump won. It wasn't due to "lawfare", and maybe only those with tiny ass little minds bought into the whole Wokism bullshit. Trump won because he switched massive amounts of Hispanic voters to his corner and he hasn't been in office twenty-four hours and promptly screws them up the ass.

I mean he is talking about huge raids into immigrant communities, rounding them up. And he has actually came out and said it. He doesn't want to break up families, so hell, he will attempt to deport them all, citizenship status be damned. I am not be hyperbolic here, Hitler would be so proud. Trump is a racist asshat.
Rounding up and deporting illegals is something most Hispanics support. It's the very reason they came to Trump's side.
FAIL. Go back and read the simple definitions of the terms you're misusing and try again.

You sound like the morons who said Trump's kids should be deported because their mother was not a citizen when they were born.

Actually, you ARE one of those morons, aren't you?

Well, until I see a paternity test confirming Trump is the father of Baron, then yeah, he probably needs to go. Melania was not a citizen when he was born.
Here is something that you might as well get used to, "exemptions". In this case, it will start innocently enough. High risk pregnancies in many parts of rural Canada, along the border, often send the mothers to American hospitals, it closer than any Canadian hospital. But these children are, for the most part, white. So yeah, they get citizenship. But pretty soon, and damn, we got to worry about Trump's hotels and their bottom line, that exemption will be extended to birthright tourist, if they are white of course.

In fact, "exemptions" are going to be the key going forward. Tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports. Just cough up the money, rent a couple floors at one of Trump's hotels, buy one of his overpriced condos, donate seven figures or so the Trump's, make America white again, PAC. Boom, you got your exemption.
You are guessing... just admit this was a failed thread...
Its for going forward not retroactive... and the DACA kids were not born here... they were brought here by their parents...
The children and adults born here up till today still have citizenship....
Makes sense. Got it. The DACA kids better be in the wind, hiding out, getting back across the border, or they will be scooped up in the raids, as undocumented.
Why do you hate brown people?
Actually, I don't hate brown (or black) people at all.

I have good friends that fall into those categories!!!

However, I don't see the attraction Democrats have for that rear orifice...

Does that mean I'm prejudiced against assholes??? :auiqs.jpg:
You are guessing... just admit this was a failed thread...
I admit, I am guessing. And I admit, the EO only applies to parents that are here illegally. Were Rubio's parents here illegally, not seen anything to make me believe otherwise. Melania, for damn sure, violated the terms of her VISA, just like Musk. And maybe that is the real takeaway here. Most people here illegally have either overstayed their VISA or violated the terms. The whole fence jumper thing is nothing but a dog-whistle aimed at racist assholes.
And it doesn't matter if it is not retroactive. It is the whole principle of the damn thing.
The “principle” for good real core Americans is that the 14th wasn’t supposed to be used as a tool for Mexico’s people to fuck over Americans. Why do you insist that such lunacy stays in place? Aren’t you a problem solver?
If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.
Like I said, you don't understand, even at a basic level, how citizenship in this country works.

You're a moron.
I know how it works, at least now. Sure, Baron is a citizen, he was born here. The 14th amendment applies, jus soli, really very simple. Eloquently simple. Jus Sanguinis, not so simple. I mean you need papers, you need proof, "Who is your Daddy"

And perhaps that is what you don't get. Trump is attempting to move to Jus Sanguinis, attempting to limit Jus Solis, like, uh, say Pakistan. Is that the country you want to emulate, Pakistan? You guys really need a come to Jesus moment, and it is coming, I promise you. Problem is, it will probably be too late.
If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.

It's not retroactive doofus.....
The only thing that is retroactive was the death of your brain.... It was aborted but the rest of you was born.
You really believe those wealthy Russians are not going to still be coming to one of Trump's resorts, paying thousands of dollars. You think he is going to stop it. LMAO

Oh hell, China. They don't have to worry about birthright citizenship. They just buy one of Trump's overpriced condos in New York, "invest at least half a million", and boom, they get to be citizens. Ivanka used to travel to China to hawk that very process.
Of course wealthy Russians will keep coming as well as the wealthy from all over the world. Why would you want that to stop?
Wikipedia is your friend.
Marco was born in 1971

"His parents were Cubans who immigrated to the United States in 1956 during the regime of Fulgencio Batista, two and a half years before Fidel Castro ascended to power after the Cuban Revolution.[4]"

his parents had been here 25 years before he was born.

hardly the definition of an 'Anchor Baby'

(psst, Wikipedia is NOT your friend)
If Trump is successful in revoking birthright citizens to children not born to US citizens, then anyone who has birthright citizenship, born to parents that were not citizens at the time of their birth, must be removed from any government position, I don't care if it is dogcatcher, senator, or Secretary of State.
You might want to read the EO, it doesn’t say people not born to citizens aren’t citizens

Try again.

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