Marco Rubio Can't Name One Source for Idiotic GOP Climate Claim

To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



What is it with you and that 100PPM of CO2? What is that supposed to prove?

BTW we cannot replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab. If we could as you say that would mean first you have to had been there to see the big bang OR trust scientists...which you dont. So :eusa_shifty:

"Once it restarts, two beams will be fired again within the collider at the same time in opposite directions with the aim of recreating conditions a split second after the Big Bang, which scientists theorize was the massive explosion that created the universe. The next CERN experiments could reveal more about "dark matter," antimatter and possibly hidden dimensions of space and time."

CERN's Large Hadron Collider To Get Big Energy Boost

I trust scientists, I don't trust Scammers.

Remember, there are only two types of people in the AGWCult: those getting paid and those getting played. Which are you?
To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



You'd have to add 100 ppm to a container the size of the atmosphere.

I guess stars aren't real, either, since we can't put one in a lab.

parts per million is parts per million is it not leftard?

so you're saying none of what you're talking about can be proven?

all you have is "data" from people who have already been caught cherry-picking the data?

thanks for nothing

To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



What is it with you and that 100PPM of CO2? What is that supposed to prove?

BTW we cannot replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab. If we could as you say that would mean first you have to had been there to see the big bang OR trust scientists...which you dont. So :eusa_shifty:

Are you sure? That's the quark epoch. I'm pretty sure we can make quarks in a lab.

Tell us again why you can't do a CO2 experiment in a lab? Tell us about that 25m limit
To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



You'd have to add 100 ppm to a container the size of the atmosphere.

I guess stars aren't real, either, since we can't put one in a lab.

So PPM is different depending on the volume?


Want to think that one over again?
To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



You'd have to add 100 ppm to a container the size of the atmosphere.

I guess stars aren't real, either, since we can't put one in a lab.

parts per million is parts per million is it not leftard?

You actually need sufficient optical depth for the radiation to be absorbed. If you understood how radiation in a medium works - at all - you would know this. But I don't want to bother you with science and reason, I know you've got some opinions to go pronounce so get on with it.

so you're saying none of what you're talking about can be proven?

all you have is "data" from people who have already been caught cherry-picking the data?

No one has been "caught cherry-picking the data" except M&M. You are seriously the most ill informed person in the Universe.

thanks for nothing


What exactly is it you think isn't being proven? Without the greenhouse effect both Earth and Venus would be much much cooler. This is just a simple fact based on the laws of physics. But again - science - I don't wanna go there. You've probably got some blogs you need to go read about released emails or fiddled data or something so go to it buddy!
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It looks like a hockey stick BECAUSE the temporal resolution of GLOBAL study using all those different proxies essentially has no RESOLUTION to identify 50 year events. If you look at the INDIVIDUAL proxy studies you will find ample evidence of MWPeriod peaks far exceeding our common era 40 yr spike.. MANY of them. Same during the Roman Warm period.. And in SOME of these studies, they just tacked on the modern age readings for the press release version to finish the magic hockey stick trick..
It looks like a hockey stick because Mann et al massaged data to make it LOOK like a hockey stick.

From link above:

Mann, Bradley, and Hughes tried to achieve Overpeck’s objective with a 1998 (MBH98) “peer-reviewed” paper including the “hockey stick” graph. The graph dominated the 2001 IPCC Report, especially the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) – the part the media cover. Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick (MM) used the standard technique of reproducible results to expose the serious flaws in the research. As Bishop Hill explained,

He (McIntyre) was able to demonstrate that the way they had extracted the temperature signal from the tree ring records was biased so as to choose hockey-stick shaped graphs in preference to other shapes… He also showed that the appearance of the graph was due solely to the use of an estimate of historic temperatures based on tree rings from bristlecone pines, a species that was known to be problematic for this kind of reconstruction.

Here is the corrected graph:


OMG M&M have been entirely debunked. This is literally the 50 or 60th time I'd mentioned this here.
The graph above is false.

pg 2312 beginning of last paragraph on page "It should be noted that...." An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

They used the wrong data set and didn't understand the methodology.
This isn't at all surprising, considering McIntrye works in the mining industry and for conservative think tanks ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Stephen McIntyre and McKitrick is an economist.

Its funny how most of the denialists don't even have doctorates in a physical science.

The problem with the Mann Stick was NEVER just the M&M critique which was never "debunked".. It was debated. And MOST ALL of the points still stand.

The other Mann problems is that we now all saw that famous YAD061 tree that WAS cherrypicked and how lousy that data set was. AND we now know about the "Hide the Decline" fiasco that was revealed in the ClimateGate emails. AND the lying that Mann did about the MWPeriod being "mainly a northern hemisphere phenomenom".. TOO many stinky problems.. Not just the one you want to quibble about.

THAT Hockey Stick died a horrible death.
About the OP --- We PRETEND that Congress is qualified to handle a LOT of items they have dabbled in. But truth is --- they are incompetent and unqualified to do much BEYOND their CONSTITUTIONAL duties. They are not the "Justice League of SuperHeroes" that some Americans (mostly leftists) pretend that they are. In fact, not sure that MOST of them could pass a citizen test or High School National Standards test..
You'd have to add 100 ppm to a container the size of the atmosphere.

I guess stars aren't real, either, since we can't put one in a lab.

parts per million is parts per million is it not leftard?

You actually need sufficient optical depth for the radiation to be absorbed. If you understood how radiation in a medium works - at all - you would know this. But I don't want to bother you with science and reason, I know you've got some opinions to go pronounce so get on with it.

so you're saying none of what you're talking about can be proven?

all you have is "data" from people who have already been caught cherry-picking the data?

No one has been "caught cherry-picking the data" except M&M. You are seriously the most ill informed person in the Universe.

thanks for nothing


What exactly is it you think isn't being proven? Without the greenhouse effect both Earth and Venus would be much much cooler. This is just a simple fact based on the laws of physics. But again - science - I don't wanna go there. You've probably got some blogs you need to go read about released emails or fiddled data or something so go to it buddy!

Don't forget to tell them about the 25 meter limit! Humans can't build anything longer than 25m, remember?
To sum up:

We can replicate a black hole in a lab

We can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab

We can handle the world's most virulent pathogens in a lab

But adding 100PPM of CO2 to a container is beyond our capability



What is it with you and that 100PPM of CO2? What is that supposed to prove?

BTW we cannot replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab. If we could as you say that would mean first you have to had been there to see the big bang OR trust scientists...which you dont. So :eusa_shifty:

Are you sure? That's the quark epoch. I'm pretty sure we can make quarks in a lab.

Yeah but we cant make Frank believe in a lab
you cant believe in labs staffed by global warming alarmists; they've already been caught lying and cherry-picking data left-wing nutjob!
What is it with you and that 100PPM of CO2? What is that supposed to prove?

BTW we cannot replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang in a lab. If we could as you say that would mean first you have to had been there to see the big bang OR trust scientists...which you dont. So :eusa_shifty:

Are you sure? That's the quark epoch. I'm pretty sure we can make quarks in a lab.

Yeah but we cant make Frank believe in a lab

I believe in lab work, the AGWCult greets the lab like they were Dracula and the lab was sunrise over a garlic field

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