Marc Bernier RIP

I feel sorry for all the ppl who have let fear take control of their lives and fallen into the cult. I get why people may have lost faith in their government and maybe even be a bit distrustful. But to actually think the government is part of a world wide conspiracy to control ppl through a vaccine is just looney tunes. This shows a complete lack of critical thinking skills, which is not uncommon for cultists. You just go along with the program like some mindless drone. This is why guys like Marc Bernier are so popular. He spreads the words of the cult and everyone listens. Who cares about science, or evidence or facts anymore, we got Marc Bernier! Or rather had. Well, time to find another fool to listen to!
All you can do is show them that the vaccine was a good choice for you. You don't know a fucking thing about anyone else's medical history to be able to tell them to get the shot. That should be between a person and that person's doctor.

But, hey, you obviously thrive in an environment where you only do what you're told to do and question nothing...

What if someone takes your advice and ends up being one of those few who gets a blood clot and dies?

Isn't that what antivaxxers are doing? If you told them tomorrow we have witches among us, they'd organize a real life medieval style witch hunt.
Isn't that what antivaxxers are doing? If you told them tomorrow we have witches among us, they'd organize a real life medieval style witch hunt.
But Progs push lifestyles that cost trillions of dollar a year to taxpayers in all ways. Bernier was not some pure radical opposite of your agendas. He is a Yankee like many others who moved to Florida. He just believed in common sense with regards to our taxes. We had a 1% sales tax in the county for schools that ran out after 15 years. Well then there was a vote and of course we do not get rid of taxes and we got more years of the tax. He gave us both sides of the view. We had a vote on a 1% tax for road improvements, and he was not negative on it. But we are growing community and developers were thought to use the tax by voters for their purposes. Roads built by the government for the new developments. The taxpayers voting believed none of the existing roads would be upgraded. All of this goes to the government which may have been red a few decades ago and is now more purple. When it turns pure blue many will eventually leave or the taxes will increase to much. Former cops married and who are now in politics in Orange County, Florida as Mayor and a Federal House Representative sold out their own police departments for power. Yankees move down here and want to change to what you got up there.
Isn't that what antivaxxers are doing? If you told them tomorrow we have witches among us, they'd organize a real life medieval style witch hunt.

That's not the dumbest thing posted to the internet today.

But it's close...
I never said I wanted to deny health care to anyone.

You don't seem to care that if you get COVID and end up in an ICU that YOU will be the reason that someone else gets denied a medical procedure.

That is true for every single body in there, every single day. Maybe instead of blaming each other, which is what the powers that be WANT us to do, we can look at the fatcat hospital admins who have been cutting beds, services and staff since the 70s

But nah, they're happy as clams that we're going at each other. Takes the heat off them while they count their money
That is true for every single body in there, every single day. Maybe instead of blaming each other, which is what the powers that be WANT us to do, we can look at the fatcat hospital admins who have been cutting beds, services and staff since the 70s

But nah, they're happy as clams that we're going at each other. Takes the heat off them while they count their money
Yup blame shifting.

One of the reasons beds have been cut is that people no longer need to stay in the hospital for a week after minor or routine surgery.
When were you vaxxed Tommy? What vax did you get? You keep avoiding my question.

Pfizer loses 40% efficacy every month.

Tick tock
My status seems to be an obsession with you. If I had to get a booster every month I would gladly do so dumbo. And unlike the late Mr Bernier I am alive and kicking. Now stop inventing stats to support your craziness. You have been rumbled once too often on these boards.
All you need to do is look at vaccination rates vs the 7 day COVID positive test rate

VT 68% fully vaccinated 3-4.9% 7 day positive test average
AL 38% fully vaccinated 20-24.9% 7 day positive test average
Yup blame shifting.

One of the reasons beds have been cut is that people no longer need to stay in the hospital for a week after minor or routine surgery.

And the sad consequence is where there is an pandemic there are not enough beds. Still the fault of the hospital admins.
All you need to do is look at vaccination rates vs the 7 day COVID positive test rate

VT 68% fully vaccinated 3-4.9% 7 day positive test average
AL 38% fully vaccinated 20-24.9% 7 day positive test average

Seasonality. Wait til December.
My status seems to be an obsession with you. If I had to get a booster every month I would gladly do so dumbo. And unlike the late Mr Bernier I am alive and kicking. Now stop inventing stats to support your craziness. You have been rumbled once too often on these boards.

You are obsessed with the unvaccinated while you yourself are currently unvaccinated. And also, if this is your picture, obese and vulnerable.

So maybe you ought to stop throwing stones.
And the sad consequence is where there is an pandemic there are not enough beds. Still the fault of the hospital admins.
Yeah because pandemics happen so often.

Maybe if people like you did something to help curb the pandemic like oh I don't know getting a vaccination we wouldn't be in the predicament we are
Yeah because pandemics happen so often.

Maybe if people like you did something to help curb the pandemic like oh I don't know getting a vaccination we wouldn't be in the predicament we are

Right, I get it. No faith in God, so faith in broken science.

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