Mao's America


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
"Xi Van Fleet’s book, Mao's America, is an essential read for American parents seeking to comprehend the infiltration of Marxism in public school classrooms. It sheds light on the formation of a 'Red Guard' within America and highlights the alarming parallels between Mao's assault on traditional Chinese culture and the challenges faced by American parents. By reading Xi’s story, we can better identify warning signs and confront oppressive ideologies to fight the rise of Communism in America."

Tiffany Justice, Co-founder, Moms for Liberty

Mao's America
My cats like to say "Mao," But don't fool yourselves into thinking they're godless commies.

My lovable cats would scratch Mao Zedong's slanted peepers out and shit in his shoes if they could.

Don't believe me? Ya'll wanna see how fast my cats can field-strip an AK-47 and put it back in working condition?

Don't fuck with my cats. They'll fuck you up, you commie bitches.

I find a combination of weed and horse hooves to be somewhat offputting.

Never tried them myself, I heard they make you sleep pretty well. But I have seen them at the little store up the road from here, for something like $12 for ten of them. I asked the girl at the register if they got you high, but she didn't know.

Kinda sucks for those horses, cows, and mules that got rendered into gelatin though. I used to have a white mule that my wife insisted we take in. His previous owner passed away and we got him for cheap. Except the sonofabitch tried to kill me every time I fed him in the morning, ,and almost killed my dog.

We ended up giving him away to someone. The guy came with a trailer and I managed to get a halter on the mule. But halfway down the driveway to the trailer, the mule broke loose and ran slap the hell over my wife in the driveway. It didn't hurt her but it pissed her off quite a bit. I would have shot that sonofabitch if I'd had a tractor with a bucket to bury him in the ground with.
Van Fleet interviewed about her Mao book & life in Mao's China:

Author Who Lived Under Mao Warns of Woke Revolution Here

"The goal of this book is to lay out the parallels of the two Cultural Revolutions that I experienced 50 years ago and the one I experience with millions of Americans right now, the woke revolution. And I’ve tried to lay out the parallels to let people see that woke is nothing new. It happened before. What’s going on in America is history repeating.

People like me, people lived through the Cultural Revolution, we see through it right away. We know it is the same thing. But for too many Americans, they don’t know because they never learned the history. They do not know history of communism. They know very little of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, so they don’t know what it is. They just know it’s crazy."

A larger excerpt:

XI VAN FLEET: The Woke Cultural Revolution Will Turn The United States Into China. Here’s How We Stop It
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Pattern recognition as former Red Guard writes in her Mao's America:

"Americans are now told to accept a new reality where the police have become villains
and criminals have become victims who are allowed to roam freely in our
cities and communities, terrorizing the citizens.
Hardworking, tax-paying Americans have found themselves strangers in
their own country. What is happening? Why? For what purpose?
But wait… I have seen all of this before.

Like most Americans, I also felt like I was hit by a storm. Unlike most
Americans, this storm hit me once before, more than fifty years ago, when I
was only seven years old, just starting school in China.
The storm was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution launched by
Mao Zedong, the Communist dictator who ruled over China from 1949 to
1976. And it lasted ten years, covering most of my school years.
In my memory, it also appeared to happen overnight, just like it did here
in America in 2020!

Overnight, we were told the country we lived in was rotten to the core
and needed to be dismantled. Instead of looking for racists, we were
ordered to look for “counterrevolutionaries.” Just like the term racist now
has an ever-changing, fluid definition, such was the term."
“counterrevolutionary.” The term was applied to anyone Mao did not like,
anyone we thought Mao would not like, anyone who dared to question, and
anyone who was not enthusiastically participating in the Cultural
Revolution. Everyone frantically joined the ranks of the revolutionaries. To
be left out meant ending up an enemy of Mao."
Excerpt from Mao's America by Xi Van Fleet:

"In this book I tell the tale of two cultural revolutions: one driven by Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the one that is unfolding in today’s America. Using my personal experience and extensive historic research, the book demonstrates the stunning similarities of these two revolutions. It guides readers to see that:

• Both revolutions use Marxist tactics of division, indoctrination, deception, coercion, cancelation, subversion, and violence.
• Both revolutions aim to destroy the foundation of traditional culture to replace it with Marxist ideologies.
• Both revolutions weaponize youth, using them as their means to an end.
• Both revolutions share the same goal of achieving absolute power at the expense of the people.
• Both revolutions lead to the same ending: loss of freedom and totalitarian rule."

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