Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.

Uh, yeah, every time there is an election, the gun industry screams "XXXX is going to take your guns" and all the fetishists stock up on more guns.

The number of American households with guns has dropped 19 percentage points from 50 percent in 1977 to 31 percent in 2014 according to the General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center, which has surveyed about 2,000 Americans on the same set of questions since the early 1970's.

Survey results also show that hunting as a sport has declined since 1977, when 31 percent of Americans said they or their spouse hunted. More recently, in 2014, just 15 percent said they hunted

So bottom line. The gun industry has a problem. Less and less Americans actually think murdering animals is fun anymore.

What to do?

I know. Let's find the craziest people in the country, and convince them that they need enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse

They found that those who own guns own an average of 4.8 firearms. But they also found that half of all guns — 130 million guns — are owned by 14 percent of gun owners or 7.6 million people. That's 3 percent of the U.S. population.

I'm willing to guess that all our resident gun fetishists own more than one gun.
The gruesome twosome of Biden and Beto said very clearly prior to the election that they intended to seize people's personal property,; their legally owned firearms.

So, um, yeah, the democrats were very specific about their intentions.

Actually, the gun industry has a major supporter: the democrats. Rabid dem policies have been a huge boost toward gun ownership.

Nothing sells guns like gun-grabbers and leftist policies that embolden / enable criminals.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.

Uh, yeah, every time there is an election, the gun industry screams "XXXX is going to take your guns" and all the fetishists stock up on more guns.

The number of American households with guns has dropped 19 percentage points from 50 percent in 1977 to 31 percent in 2014 according to the General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center, which has surveyed about 2,000 Americans on the same set of questions since the early 1970's.

Survey results also show that hunting as a sport has declined since 1977, when 31 percent of Americans said they or their spouse hunted. More recently, in 2014, just 15 percent said they hunted

So bottom line. The gun industry has a problem. Less and less Americans actually think murdering animals is fun anymore.

What to do?

I know. Let's find the craziest people in the country, and convince them that they need enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse

They found that those who own guns own an average of 4.8 firearms. But they also found that half of all guns — 130 million guns — are owned by 14 percent of gun owners or 7.6 million people. That's 3 percent of the U.S. population.

I'm willing to guess that all our resident gun fetishists own more than one gun.

Yeah...the General Social Survey is crap....

“32% of households have guns”

In another example of bias, the Times claims that only 32% of American households own guns.

That number comes from the General Social Survey (GSS), but it is an outlier. A March 2018 poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal estimates that 47% of households own guns, with another 3% declining to answer.

A Monmouth University Poll on March 2-5, 2018 asked: “Do you or anyone in your household own a gun, rifle, or pistol?” With 46% saying “yes” and another 7% unsure or refusing to answer, it is quite plausible that half of all households own guns.

Is gun ownership really down in America? | Fox News

Surely, gun control advocates such as GSS director Tom Smith view this decline as a good thing. In a 2003 book of mine, I quoted Smith as saying that the large drop in gun ownership would “make it easier for politicians to do the right thing on guns” and pass more restrictive regulations.

Other gun control advocates have mentioned to me that they hope that if people believe fewer people own guns, that may cause others to rethink their decision to own one themselves. It is part of the reason they dramatically exaggerate the risks of having guns in the home.

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post.

These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.

A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.

There are other measures that suggest that we should be very careful of relying too heavily on polling to gauge the level of gun ownership. For example, the nationally number of concealed handgun permits has soared over the last decade: rising from about 2.7 million in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1 million in 2014.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that the number of gun purchases has grown dramatically over time –doubling from 2006 to 2014.
His first study.....he comes up with 43 times...

He gets called out, does it over, comes up with 2.7 times..

Except he didn't do it over.

He very clearly stated that out of that 43 times, 39 of those were suicides, 2.7 were homicides and the remaining fraction were accidents.

Now, we KNOW you gun fetishists like to pretend suicide isn't really part of our gun violence problem in this country. but it really is.

No...suicide isn't...but you guys need it otherwise your death number wouldn't be high enough to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power to ban and confiscate guns...

You were shown that Japan, and many European countries have higher suicide rates than we do....guns aren't the issue.
Knowing the gang member from gang A, shoots at gang member from gang B because they know each other as rival gang members......

Knowing the victim.....drug addict shoots drug dealer because he wants the drug dealers stash and money......

Okay, so let's do a study to define that. How many were domestic murders and how many were murders in furtherance of criminal acts.

On, no, wait, the NRA banned studies like that. They were bad for business.

The NRA didn't ban anything you lying piece of shit......I listed Centers for Disease Control gun research after the Dickey Amendment which simply stated the CDC couldn't push gun control.......I listed the gun research done by the CDC after that, so you are lying again...
You many try to clean up the “gun nuts” with the ATF but I suspect you will just start another revolution. Keep in mind gun control started the last one.

Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
Plus many of these first time gun owners are democrats.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

See...if you use NSSF it confuses joe....he only knows "NRA."
You many try to clean up the “gun nuts” with the ATF but I suspect you will just start another revolution. Keep in mind gun control started the last one.

Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
Plus many of these first time gun owners are democrats.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

See...if you use NSSF it confuses joe....he only knows "NRA."
At this stage of his life Joe is easily confused.
You many try to clean up the “gun nuts” with the ATF but I suspect you will just start another revolution. Keep in mind gun control started the last one.

Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
Plus many of these first time gun owners are democrats.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

See...if you use NSSF it confuses joe....he only knows "NRA."
At this stage of his life Joe is easily confused.

Really? "At this stage of his life?" Joe has been confused his entire life...
You many try to clean up the “gun nuts” with the ATF but I suspect you will just start another revolution. Keep in mind gun control started the last one.

Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
Plus many of these first time gun owners are democrats.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

See...if you use NSSF it confuses joe....he only knows "NRA."
At this stage of his life Joe is easily confused.

Really? "At this stage of his life?" Joe has been confused his entire life...
True. However Joe‘s in the latter stages of his life and dementia is coming onboard.
You many try to clean up the “gun nuts” with the ATF but I suspect you will just start another revolution. Keep in mind gun control started the last one.

Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.
Gee, whiz. I hadn't realized you were the spokes-loon for ''most of us''. Have you read that in just the last year, there are more than 5 million new gun owners in the US. That spike in ownership is attributed to the leftist lowlife policies of defunding police, coddling criminals and the refusal of leftist DA's to prosecute crime.

Those new gun owners are sick and tired of being held hostage to leftist crime fetishists.
Plus many of these first time gun owners are democrats.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

See...if you use NSSF it confuses joe....he only knows "NRA."
At this stage of his life Joe is easily confused.

Really? "At this stage of his life?" Joe has been confused his entire life...
True. However Joe‘s in the latter stages of his life and dementia is coming onboard.

Yeah.....I think "dementia," was a genetic condition that began moments after he was born...
Actually slavery was legal in the British Empire during the American revolution. Therefore plantation owners in the South would not have feared the loss of their slaves if the British won the war.

Learn some history. There was already an active abolition movement in the UK at the time, which had ended the slave trade by 1804 and ended slavery itself by 1835.

The American Revolution was entirely about maintaining slavery. It's what the 1619 project is about.

You don't speak for any majority of us.

Gun sales are up because a much larger part of the population that you represent is fed up with violent, destructive subhuman criminal filth such as yourself, and with the police being prevented from doing their job of protecting us from your kind.

Mormon Bob.

The majority of us don't own guns.
The majority wants tougher gun control.


The people we need protecting from are people with anger management issues who fetishize guns.

You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
No...suicide isn't...but you guys need it otherwise your death number wouldn't be high enough to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power to ban and confiscate guns...

39,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.
500,000 stolen guns every year

The reality is, the majority is anti-gun fetish, even gun owners.

They just aren't organized. Oh, they get upset for a few days after a Second Amendment Hero mows down a room full of preschoolers, but then they get on with their lives.

While the gun fetishists are on, all the time.
Actually slavery was legal in the British Empire during the American revolution. Therefore plantation owners in the South would not have feared the loss of their slaves if the British won the war.

Learn some history. There was already an active abolition movement in the UK at the time, which had ended the slave trade by 1804 and ended slavery itself by 1835.

The American Revolution was entirely about maintaining slavery. It's what the 1619 project is about.

You don't speak for any majority of us.

Gun sales are up because a much larger part of the population that you represent is fed up with violent, destructive subhuman criminal filth such as yourself, and with the police being prevented from doing their job of protecting us from your kind.

Mormon Bob.

The majority of us don't own guns.
The majority wants tougher gun control.

View attachment 507103

The people we need protecting from are people with anger management issues who fetishize guns.

You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
Learn some history. There was already an active abolition movement in the UK at the time, which had ended the slave trade by 1804 and ended slavery itself by 1835.

The American Revolution was entirely about maintaining slavery. It's what the 1619 project is about
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Scholars of all political stripes from a variety of disciplines objected to Hannah-Jones’ essay immediately on its publication last August, especially this crucial line: “Conveniently left out of our founding mythology is the fact that one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery.”

That’s a lie, pure and simple, and the paper still hasn’t corrected it. It “made an important clarification,” in Hannah-Jones’ words. A new “editors’ note” explains, “A passage has been adjusted.” Namely, it added two words: The essay now says protecting slavery was the main reason “some of” the colonists fought to rebel from England.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Yes, we realize it hurts the feelings of white people.

Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for slavery in the UK. That's why the colonies wanted out.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.

In 1772, a judge sitting in the High Court in London declared slavery “so odious” that it could not exist at common law and set the conditions which would consequently result in the freedom of the 15,000 slaves living in England. This decision eventually reached America and terrified slaveholders in the collection of British colonies, subject to British law. The predominantly southern slave-owners feared that this decision would cause the emancipation of their slaves. It did result in some slaves freeing themselves.

To ensure the preservation of slavery, the southern colonies joined the northerners in their fight for “freedom” and their rebellion against England. In 1774, at the First Continental Congress John Adams promised southern leaders to support their right to maintain slavery. As Eleanor Holmes Norton explains in her introduction, “The price of freedom from England was bondage for African slaves in America. America would be a slave nation.”

The South, however, with its large slave plantations was engaged in the export trade of tobacco, rice, indigo, grain, and cotton and other natural resources such as timber. Disrupting that export trade was not looked upon favorably, perhaps until the 1775 proclamation issued by John Murray, otherwise known as Lord Dunmore. Dunmore was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

There's a reason I call the Founders the "Founding Slave Rapists".

When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Yes, we realize it hurts the feelings of white people.

Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for slavery in the UK. That's why the colonies wanted out.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.

In 1772, a judge sitting in the High Court in London declared slavery “so odious” that it could not exist at common law and set the conditions which would consequently result in the freedom of the 15,000 slaves living in England. This decision eventually reached America and terrified slaveholders in the collection of British colonies, subject to British law. The predominantly southern slave-owners feared that this decision would cause the emancipation of their slaves. It did result in some slaves freeing themselves.

To ensure the preservation of slavery, the southern colonies joined the northerners in their fight for “freedom” and their rebellion against England. In 1774, at the First Continental Congress John Adams promised southern leaders to support their right to maintain slavery. As Eleanor Holmes Norton explains in her introduction, “The price of freedom from England was bondage for African slaves in America. America would be a slave nation.”

The South, however, with its large slave plantations was engaged in the export trade of tobacco, rice, indigo, grain, and cotton and other natural resources such as timber. Disrupting that export trade was not looked upon favorably, perhaps until the 1775 proclamation issued by John Murray, otherwise known as Lord Dunmore. Dunmore was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

There's a reason I call the Founders the "Founding Slave Rapists".

When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.
You have what I consider a very distorted view of early American history. Of course you feel I have the distorted view.

I am not going to change my view and neither are you.

While I understand our history has numerous areas where this nation was far less than admirable I firmly believe had we not broke away from the British and formed our own nation this world would be worse off. We would likely be speaking German today.

I don’t imagine the racial minorities in this nation would be as happy living in the thousand year rule of the third Reich.

We both would be better off trying to make this nation a nicer place for all to live. We have plenty of problems that need to be addressed right now.
When you can post a reliable source of evidence, do it. The NRA has no power over a federal bureaucracy. The Kellerman studies are all padded with phony numbers. Nobody pays any attention to the anti-gun group.

A lot of criminals would never actually shoot anybody. They use a gun to get what they want. We see this all the time where a store owner is fed up with getting robbed, pulls out a gun from behind the counter and starts shooting at the robber. The robber just runs out of the store.

While I'm sure this is your wank video, it just doesn't happen that often. It's usually some nut chasing some kids out of the store for being too roudy.
And you know this as fact how?
I'm leaving the store with my groceries heading to my car. A woman starts screaming because a guy is trying to steal her purse and she's desperately fighting him to keep it. I pull out my gun and tell him if he wants to live, GTF out of here. Or perhaps he is robbing her with a knife. What choice does he have? He can continue fighting and perhaps get killed for twenty bucks and some credit cards, or he gets out of there as fast as he can because another customer may have already called the police and they're on their way.

Okay, Batman, how many times have you actually done that. I mean, you walk about with your gun, how many crimes have you actually broken up?

What. Wait. Zero? How could this be?
How many times does a sneeze guard at a salad bar need to be used to justify its existence?
Oh please. Anybody can wear a face covering to not be indentified, especially today where half the people are still wearing masks in public. The only reason you are safe in your home is because any potential criminal knows there is a good chance you are armed. Therefore if he wants to rob your house, he's going to wait until you're not home. Robberies of occupied houses still happen, but as I already mentioned, the criminal has to be very picky to make sure the victim is too weak or helpless to use a firearm.

Again- Burglary, you might not even go to jail for tha.
Home invasion, you go to jail for 20 years even if no one gets hurt.

That's why you don't see crooks breaking into homes with people in them. Not because they are afraid of your Compensation.
Do you realize that you just supported a major argument from the pro-gun side? When a criminal faces higher consequences, he tends to limit his criminal activities. You yourself said "Burglary, you might not even go to jail for tha. Home invasion, you go to jail for 20 years even if no one gets hurt." to explain why burglars don't invade if they think someone's home. Using that same logic (again yours), if a criminal knows he faces 20 years for using a gun to commit a crime, he's less likely to do so.
Okay, so let's do a study to define that. How many were domestic murders and how many were murders in furtherance of criminal acts.

On, no, wait, the NRA banned studies like that. They were bad for business.

The NRA banned studies like that? Care to explain exactly how they did that? Better yet, post a reliable link to your claim.
Actually, what started the last one was bunch of slave-raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

The majority of us are sick and tired of being held hostage to the gun fetishists.

So who is holding you hostage? What does your neighbor having a gun have anything to do with you?
While I'm sure this is your wank video, it just doesn't happen that often. It's usually some nut chasing some kids out of the store for being too roudy.

Right, when kids get rowdy, the store owner pulls out his gun and tries to kill them. Yes, armed robbery does happen often, but it's only local news at best. This is why you believe it never happens at all. You think that a store owner defending himself with deadly force would be national news. Well it isn't. It happens so often they'd have to be reporting on such attempted robberies every day. It's like all the murders in your city. Since it happens nearly all the time, it's not national news any longer.

Okay, Batman, how many times have you actually done that. I mean, you walk about with your gun, how many crimes have you actually broken up?

What. Wait. Zero? How could this be?

How many times have I gotten into a traffic accident that was my fault? None, but that's no reason not to carry auto insurance. And I was only using myself as an example of the millions of CCW holders in this country.

Again- Burglary, you might not even go to jail for tha.

Maybe in commie cities like yours where the government is on the side of criminals, but yes, you go to jail for burglary, and the more valuables you take, the higher the charge and higher the prison sentence.

Home invasion, you go to jail for 20 years even if no one gets hurt.

That's why you don't see crooks breaking into homes with people in them. Not because they are afraid of your Compensation.

You do not get 20 years for a home invasion unless the criminal actually shoots somebody.
Actually slavery was legal in the British Empire during the American revolution. Therefore plantation owners in the South would not have feared the loss of their slaves if the British won the war.

Learn some history. There was already an active abolition movement in the UK at the time, which had ended the slave trade by 1804 and ended slavery itself by 1835.

The American Revolution was entirely about maintaining slavery. It's what the 1619 project is about.

You don't speak for any majority of us.

Gun sales are up because a much larger part of the population that you represent is fed up with violent, destructive subhuman criminal filth such as yourself, and with the police being prevented from doing their job of protecting us from your kind.

Mormon Bob.

The majority of us don't own guns.
The majority wants tougher gun control.

View attachment 507103

The people we need protecting from are people with anger management issues who fetishize guns.

You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

The U.K. simply transported the slaves.......they didn't have a huge population of slaves on their their efforts are minimal compared to the U.S.

The 1619 project is a joke, and even left wing sources are calling it a moron.......
No...suicide isn't...but you guys need it otherwise your death number wouldn't be high enough to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power to ban and confiscate guns...

39,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.
500,000 stolen guns every year

The reality is, the majority is anti-gun fetish, even gun owners.

They just aren't organized. Oh, they get upset for a few days after a Second Amendment Hero mows down a room full of preschoolers, but then they get on with their lives.

While the gun fetishists are on, all the time.

39,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.
500,000 stolen guns every year

Gun Deaths...

10,235 gun murders, the majority of all victims are criminals murdered by other criminals...over 70-80% of the victims are actual criminals, while the majority of the remaining victims are friends and family or associates...of the criminals.....

That leaves the rest....suicide...which you always conceale because they make up the majority of gun deaths..


The CDC doesn't even list firearm injuries in their Wisqars data base...


1.1 million Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.....

Lives saved?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.

Cost savings when Americans use their legal guns for self defense...

Annual Defensive Gun Use Savings Dwarf Study's "Gun Violence" Costs - The Truth About Guns

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.

It’s one of the antis’ favorite tricks: cost benefit analysis omitting the benefit side of the equation. So what are the financial benefits of firearm ownership to society? Read on . . .

In my post Dennis Henigan on Chardon: Clockwork Edition, I did an analysis of how many lives were saved annually in Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs). I used extremely conservative numbers. Now I am going to use some less conservative ones.

How can we get a dollar figure from 1.88 million defensive gun uses per year? Never fear, faithful reader, we can count on the .gov to calculate everything.

According to the AZ state government, in February of 2008 a human life was worth $6.5 million. Going to the Inflation Calculator and punching in the numbers gives us a present value of $6.93 million.

So figuring that the average DGU saves one half of a person’s life—as “gun violence” predominantly affects younger demographics—that gives us $3.465 million per half life.

Putting this all together, we find that the monetary benefit of guns (by way of DGUs) is roughly $1.02 trillion per year. That’s trillion. With a ‘T’.

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.

When compared to the (inflation adjusted from 2002) $127.5 billion ‘cost’ of gun violence calculated by by our Ludwig-Cook buddies, guns save a little more than eight times what they “cost.”

Which, I might add, is completely irrelevant since “the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.”

So even taking Motherboard’s own total and multiplying it by 100, the benefits to society of civilian gun ownership dwarf the associated costs.
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