Man throws 3 y/o, then himself, from roof of 52 story building


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Man throws 3-year-old son, then himself to their deaths from roof of Midtown high-rise - NY Daily News

A distraught dad threw himself and his 3-year-old son off the roof of a 52-story West Side skyscraper Sunday in a holiday death plunge that apparently stemmed from a custody battle, police said.

The 35-year-old man, Dmitriy Kanarikov, died after jumping from the Lincoln Square tower at 12:05 p.m. The red-haired tot, Kirill, dressed in Christmas pajamas, died moments later at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, cops said.

I can't imagine the level of rage in someone's heart, to go to such a place. Never. Never ever.

Custody issues? "If I can't control the situation, I'll end the situation?" How does the heart of a dad end up in such a completely irrational place?!
I was listening to 1010 wins on the way in. This and a story about a stabbing was being reported.

Both incredibly sad.
Hurts to even think about.

I can't imagine what would or could drive someone to that.

I can't judge though. Not until I 'walk in his shoes'.
Sorry, OP......but I feel compelled to post this as a counter.

Bad shit makes the news......good shit happens so much more often than bad shit.....but it is not news....because it is NORMAL.

I will shamelessly take this very sad thread and try to turn it into a good news thread. My apologies.

Scruffy Vancouver panhandler's random acts of kindness

That's really wonderful. We decided against gifts for each other again this year and instead gave money to the food pantry and to a homeless shelter we've kind of adopted the past few years. They also take in battered women and children - just really incredible program.

I was thinking about all the single parents, mostly women, who schlog through all the crud this world throws at them - poverty wages and dead beat dads being among the worst - and they still get up every day and take care of their kids.

And, people who work full time but have to live in their cars. And people who just keep looking for jobs, even though the odds are against them.

We humans have got to do a better job of taking care of our own. There's no reason for children to go to bed hungry. Or, not even have a bed to sleep in. We're humans. We're supposed to be better than this.
Sorry, OP......but I feel compelled to post this as a counter.

Bad shit makes the news......good shit happens so much more often than bad shit.....but it is not news....because it is NORMAL.

I will shamelessly take this very sad thread and try to turn it into a good news thread. My apologies.

Scruffy Vancouver panhandler's random acts of kindness

Bless you. Seriously. I work intake for insurance claims, and take intermittent absences for FMLA claims as well. This resulted.

Just took a call from a gentleman whose birthday was yesterday. Yesterday. You know. The day they took his wife off life support. Now he waits. Will she be dead by Christmas? Maybe. Maybe not. He just turned 70.

My heart hurts.
Cool. Wouldn't it be great to have a 100 page thread filled with nothing bot stories of human kindness and generosity? Probably not going to hold the attention of many....but why not try anyway?

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