Mamalitia--Anti-Vaxer Soccer Moms or Frontier Queens?


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


View attachment 486009

Well then, it looks like it is time for them to be well-regulated.
Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


View attachment 486009

Well then, it looks like it is time for them to be well-regulated.

We already have a lot of gun regulations. Some states are extremely regulated, and yet... there's no evidence that it has reduced their gun crime.
Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


View attachment 486009

Well then, it looks like it is time for them to be well-regulated.

We already have a lot of gun regulations. Some states are extremely regulated, and yet... there's no evidence that it has reduced their gun crime.

Don't complain to me, complain to the Constitution!
Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


View attachment 486009

Well then, it looks like it is time for them to be well-regulated.

We already have a lot of gun regulations. Some states are extremely regulated, and yet... there's no evidence that it has reduced their gun crime.

Don't complain to me, complain to the Constitution!

Don't need to. The Court has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment applies to both militias and individuals, at least with handguns.
If well regulated means no arbitrary limits on magazines, then sure.
Well that would sure be a silly artifact of an overwrought right wing fantasy. I think you might have to peddle that to someone else.
"Silly artifact" would be a better description of a policy that has no appreciable effect on reducing gun crime while arbitrarily limiting the rights of law abiding citizens -- which is exactly what magazine limits are.
Hey this is kinda cool...I totally disagree with the anti-vax agenda...but I love it when women empower themselves like this--I think they have the left wing types in cali spinning....always amusing~
I bet most are anti-Trump too....

Press Release April 30, 2021

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 the Sacramento Bee published an article on Mamalitia, painting our community as extreme and dangerous, which is untrue and borderline defamation. To be clear: we are not a militia, we are a group of women learning skills to be self-sufficient.

The basis of this article states we are anti-vaccine and involved in politics, which again is false information. Our members come from all walks of life including families that do vaccinate but support a woman’s right to choose. Mamalitia is also apolitical. We have never participated in a protest nor have we had any involvement with political issues.

The attack on women, mothers, and women of color is very disheartening to see in the media. Our community focus is on food storage, map reading, homeschooling, and survival skills.

As the United States Constitution allows and protects, we also learn about firearm safety. As Americans we have the right to bear arms.

Since the media has reported fake news, view our website, to see who we are and what we do as a community of American women.

Liberty for All,


View attachment 486009

Well then, it looks like it is time for them to be well-regulated.

Not so sure this is really a militia thing..and quite sure that it's not really a gun thing. These women are learning and teaching valuable skills and empowering themselves in the doing....while I disagree with their politics..politics is not the be all or the end all of what's going on in the world, right?

I support the people's right to choose..and that includes vaccinations. While I believe that one is fool to reject the best medical science has to offer...I have no overwhelming urge to insist that everyone think the same.

Gun operation and safety is a good thing..and so is learning food preservation and preparation.

I believe it a pity that hacks on both sides are going to use them to advance their agendas..such is life in the 2020's eh?
If well regulated means no arbitrary limits on magazines, then sure.
Well that would sure be a silly artifact of an overwrought right wing fantasy. I think you might have to peddle that to someone else.
"Silly artifact" would be a better description of a policy that has no appreciable effect on reducing gun crime while arbitrarily limiting the rights of law abiding citizens -- which is exactly what magazine limits are.
Ultimately..all laws are 'arbitrary'. As is the thought that x round capacity +/- equates to 'limiting the rights' or not.

As to it's effect on gun crime...well..none at all. Gun crime is a foreseeable and inevitable consequence of our culture.

Which is to say, it's the cost of doing business.~
If well regulated means no arbitrary limits on magazines, then sure.
Well that would sure be a silly artifact of an overwrought right wing fantasy. I think you might have to peddle that to someone else.
"Silly artifact" would be a better description of a policy that has no appreciable effect on reducing gun crime while arbitrarily limiting the rights of law abiding citizens -- which is exactly what magazine limits are.
Ultimately..all laws are 'arbitrary'. As is the thought that x round capacity +/- equates to 'limiting the rights' or not.

As to it's effect on gun crime...well..none at all. Gun crime is a foreseeable and inevitable consequence of our culture.

Which is to say, it's the cost of doing business.~
Principled laws aren't arbitrary. The law against murder isn't arbitrary, for example. It's delineated according to conditions. It's illegal to kill someone unless it's done in self-defense or defense of another. There's nothing arbitrary about that.

Any limit on gun ownership is a limit to that right. That idea is not arbitrary. What you could argue is arbitrary is what the acceptable limits of this right are.
Somehow the modern left wing male's opinion of women never gets too far from good old Heff. Exploit them and make fun of successful pretty females. Maybe modern left wing males are more gender fluid than we think.

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