Male Mask Karen Gets Scary

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.
Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.
Well that’s a freaking lie. Most are white trash
Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.

Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.
Well that’s a freaking lie. Most are white trash

Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.
Well that’s a freaking lie. Most are white trash


I cant tell you where it is unless you have a mask on

It's the boredom. Malls were something of an
innovation when I was a child out in the burbs.
As adolescents we biked around malls. Even
adults went TO THE MALL. What else is there to
do? Do they still have OPENED food courts?
Why do you people worry so much about links- you don't read them anyway- good lord
Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

The devil take these people. On Christmas Day my father, sister-in-law and myself were standing outside of another family member's house smoking pre-dinner cigarettes and enjoying good conversation. A "woman" shouted from a passing car, "Put masks on!" while showing us one of her middle fingers. This happened in a small Pennsylvania town, population 2,300 souls, that is 99% pro-Trump. Similar incidents followed. Seems there is a growing number of Americans who actually believe not wearing the mask of the pale Rona is homicidal behavior. Poor fools.
Jan 05 2021
Male Mask Karen Gets Scary
Male mask Karens are getting scary. One Michael Florhaug marched into an LA Fitness in Maplewood, Minnesota
Florhaug spoke to an employee at the front desk in an “aggressive and angry” manner about gym members not wearing masks. Eventually, a manager spoke to Florhaug. … The 64-year-old then yelled at the manager, calling him “dumb.” After the manager told Florhaug he could not enter the gym, Florhaug said he was going to walk around the gym and “take pictures of people,” later saying his intention was to get the business in trouble.
If leftists continue to consolidate power, they will need plenty of informants for their version of East Germany’s Stasi. Looks like they will have no trouble recruiting them.

A posted sign prohibits photography without the consent of the photographed, but Florhaug may have figured that this didn’t apply to him, not being a member of the gym.
The manager of the gym then put his hands up to stop Florhaug from further entering the gym, [at which point] Florhaug said “Oh yeah?” and proceeded to pull out and point a SIG Sauer 9 mm handgun at the manager.
If people like this have guns, you had better have one too.
Florhaug then attempted to proceed into the gym, but the manager tackled Florhaug from behind, according to the complaint. The manager disarmed Florhaug, removing the magazine from the handgun. He later told police he believed Florhaug was going to fire the weapon at members who didn’t have masks on.
That would have been a twofer for moonbats, ridding the world of hated antimaskers and generating propaganda to facilitate the coming crackdown on gun rights.

When they can’t milk the ChiCom virus anymore, our liberal overlords are likely to double down on global warming hysteria. Expect to see gullible maniacs pulling guns at gas stations.
On a tip from R F.

All links highlighted

He pulled the gun for your own off to camp covid with yas comrades

View attachment 437758

There's a reason virtually all mass murderers are leftists. It's a pathology of the left.
Well that’s a freaking lie. Most are white trash

LOL. Still leftists, though.
I can honestly say i have never been hassled about not wearing a mask. People seemed to be rather respectful to me. Im sure others havent been so lucky though.
Why do you people worry so much about links- you don't read them anyway- good lord
Lots of the time the leftist swine do this:

Leftist rules of engagement

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.
So here's a link for them.


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