
Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Whenever the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, or Evan McMullin start shrieking about how we need a war with Russia to protect the “freedom” of Western Europe, all normal people should feel disgust. Western Europe is not free. Western Europe is occupied. The only enemies Western Europeans need to worry about are those in their own governments.

Geert Wilders, the heroic leader of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, was just convicted of “incitement” for suggesting there ought to be fewer Moroccans in the country.

The three-week trial was triggered when police received 6,400 complaints about remarks Wilders made during a municipal election campaign in The Hague.

At a rally, he asked supporters whether they wanted “fewer or more Moroccans in your city and in the Netherlands”.

When the crowd shouted back “Fewer! Fewer!” a smiling Wilders responded: “We’re going to take care of that.”

At the trial, prosecutors took testimony from Dutch-Moroccans who said his comments made them feel like “third-rate citizens”.

[Netherlands trial: Geert Wilders guilty of incitement, BBC, December 9, 2016]

Let’s reframe the question. Why are there any Moroccans in the country at all?

The population of the Netherlands is 16.8 million. Thanks to immigration, about five percent are Muslim. The population of Morocco is over 33 million. The Netherlands is one of the most successful societies in the world. Morocco is not.

However, thanks to immigration, the Netherlands is becoming Morocco.

At the forefront is the extremely high percentage of involvement of many Dutch Moroccans in criminal activities.

65% of all Moroccan male youths between 12-23 years of age have been detained by police at least once. One third of this group has been detained five or more times. Moroccan criminals are convicted four times more than Dutch suspects.

To illustrate the problem, this video clip (07:38), for instance, depicts a Moroccan street gang that terrorizes the neighborhood and asks pedestrians to pay a toll in order to pass. Its local rap group boasts about its defiance of, and supremacy over, the law — an event all too common in the author’s town of Delft.

Dutch Moroccan street thugs also frequently gang up on isolated girls to rob, harass or hurt them — assaults that are mostly not caught on film and only very rarely reported in English language media, but can, for instance, be seen here (2:40). A detail worth emphasizing is that they always attack non-Muslim girls.

A more recent development is the pending Dutch Moroccan takeover of the drugs and human trafficking businesses.

[The Moroccans That Infuriate The Dutch, by Timon Dias, Gatestone Institute, April 23, 2014. Links In Original]

As Wilders noted, the verdict essentially criminalized half the Dutch population. The BBC article stated:

In response to the guilty verdict, Mr Wilders accused the judges of convicting “half of the Netherlands” – a reference to research commissioned by the PVV which found 43% of the Dutch public believe the country has a problem with Moroccans.

This isn’t the first time Wilders has put on trial for his opinions. In contemporary Europe, it’s the actual Europeans who are “third rate citizens.” Immigration leads to restrictions on fundamental freedoms. And unlike Moroccans, the actual Dutch people only have one homeland.

The Intercept sneers:

Wilders, an extreme nationalist obsessed with the supposed threat to Dutch identity from Islam, promises to shut the nation’s borders to Muslim immigrants, ban the Quran, close all mosques and hold a referendum on leaving the European Union if he becomes prime minister.

[Conviction for racist speech could make Geert Wilders Dutch Prime Minister, by Robert Mackey, December 9, 2016]

Yes, if the Netherlands becomes Islamic, what kind of an insane racist could think this could have consequences? Like America, the hacks of the Lying Press want us to believe the magic dirt of the Netherlands will ensure the culture and identity of the country remains even after the population is entirely replaced.

They don’t actually believe it. They just want us to go to sleep until the demographic situation has reached a point of no return.

Wilders denounced the verdict in an English language message. Americans who supported Trump should also back this Dutch leader. The Western nations will stand or fall together. It’s time to Make Europe Great Again.

Diversity Is Strength
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
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Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
We absolutely should stop bombing them. We also should stop allowing them to immigrate. We should repatriate the ones here, along with AIPAC (after the leadership has served time for treason). As for Roy Cohn, I can see justification for hiring him, as no one was better at swimming in the swamp than he was. But all the Goldman appointments do worry me.
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Holland doesn't bomb Morocco.
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
We can agree on that. Its Jews behind all of this not actual Americans. Our foreign policy is controlled by AIPAC. Wilders is eh. He's of his parents is part Indonesian,Wilders is a Jew lover as well but at least he wants part of the problem fixed but he doesn't understand the people BEHIND letting all the Muslims in.
The headline of your potty post apes the Donald Trump catch-cry: "Make Europe Great Again" and then you write about only one deranged Dutch Islamophobic demagogue.
Whenever the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, or Evan McMullin start shrieking about how we need a war with Russia to protect the “freedom” of Western Europe, all normal people should feel disgust. Western Europe is not free. Western Europe is occupied. The only enemies Western Europeans need to worry about are those in their own governments.
First of all, Europe is already a great continent, self-assured, strong, and free.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the European Union renders the notion of "Western Europe" a falsity. The European Union extends from Finland in the north to Spain in the south and from Portugal in the west to Romania in the east. No-one talks of "Western Europe" nowadays.

Geert Wilders
, the heroic leader of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, was just convicted of “incitement” for suggesting there ought to be fewer Moroccans in the country.
The hate merchant Geert Wilders does not merit the sobriquet "heroic". He shoots his mouth off and has armed protection on account of angering so many people.

The three-week trial was triggered when police received 6,400 complaints about remarks Wilders made during a municipal election campaign in The Hague.

At a rally, he asked supporters whether they wanted “fewer or more Moroccans in your city and in the Netherlands”.

When the crowd shouted back “Fewer! Fewer!” a smiling Wilders responded: “We’re going to take care of that.”

At the trial, prosecutors took testimony from Dutch-Moroccans who said his comments made them feel like “third-rate citizens”.
You are essentially correct; Geert Wilders, leader of Partij voor de Vrijheid has a criminal conviction for inciting discrimination against Dutch Moroccans.

Let’s reframe the question. Why are there any Moroccans in the country at all?
Moroccans originally came to Nederland in the 1960s as guest workers who then stayed. Later these workers reunited with their families who gained admission to the country.

The population of the Netherlands is 16.8 million. Thanks to immigration, about five percent are Muslim. The population of Morocco is over 33 million. The Netherlands is one of the most successful societies in the world. Morocco is not.

However, thanks to immigration, the Netherlands is becoming Morocco.
I'm not sure where you are going with the comparison of the two countries but you are all quite wrong to claim that Nederland is becoming Morocco since they are clearly two different countries. If you mean that Morocco is becoming Muslim then the facts contradict you. Only 4% of the Dutch population is Muslim. (Vier procent is Islamiet.)
Een op de zes bezoekt regelmatig kerk of moskee

At the forefront is the extremely high percentage of involvement of many Dutch Moroccans in criminal activities.

65% of all Moroccan male youths between 12-23 years of age have been detained by police at least once. One third of this group has been detained five or more times. Moroccan criminals are convicted four times more than Dutch suspects.
Donald Trump talks about Mexicans the way you talk about Dutch-Moroccans. Being detained by police! Goodness! Ask any Black in the United States what that's like. I was detained by police several times myself. One time my car was going down a hill and it went over the speed limit. Just imagine that.

The problem is not the Dutch-Moroccans but the bogus claims, trouble-making, and brazen discrimination by people like Geert Wilders.


If it looks like a pig, and talks like a pig, it might be Geert Wilders.
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The headline of your potty post apes the Donald Trump catch-cry: "Make Europe Great Again" and then you write about only one deranged Dutch Islamophobic demagogue.
Whenever the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, or Evan McMullin start shrieking about how we need a war with Russia to protect the “freedom” of Western Europe, all normal people should feel disgust. Western Europe is not free. Western Europe is occupied. The only enemies Western Europeans need to worry about are those in their own governments.
First of all, Europe is already a great continent, self-assured, strong, and free.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the European Union renders the notion of "Western Europe" a falsity. The European Union extends from Finland in the north to Spain in the south and from Portugal in the west to Romania in the east. No-one talks of "Western Europe" nowadays.

Geert Wilders
, the heroic leader of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, was just convicted of “incitement” for suggesting there ought to be fewer Moroccans in the country.
The hate merchant Geert Wilders does not merit the sobriquet "heroic". He shoots his mouth off and has armed protection on account of angering so many people.

The three-week trial was triggered when police received 6,400 complaints about remarks Wilders made during a municipal election campaign in The Hague.

At a rally, he asked supporters whether they wanted “fewer or more Moroccans in your city and in the Netherlands”.

When the crowd shouted back “Fewer! Fewer!” a smiling Wilders responded: “We’re going to take care of that.”

At the trial, prosecutors took testimony from Dutch-Moroccans who said his comments made them feel like “third-rate citizens”.
You are essentially correct; Geert Wilders, leader of Partij voor de Vrijheid has a criminal conviction for inciting discrimination against Dutch Moroccans.

Let’s reframe the question. Why are there any Moroccans in the country at all?
Moroccans originally came to Nederland in the 1960s as guest workers who then stayed. Later these workers reunited with their families who gained admission to the country.

The population of the Netherlands is 16.8 million. Thanks to immigration, about five percent are Muslim. The population of Morocco is over 33 million. The Netherlands is one of the most successful societies in the world. Morocco is not.

However, thanks to immigration, the Netherlands is becoming Morocco.
I'm not sure where you are going with the comparison of the two countries but you are all quite wrong to claim that Nederland is becoming Morocco since they are clearly two different countries. If you mean that Morocco is becoming Muslim then the facts contradict you. Only 4% of the Dutch population is Muslim. (Vier procent is Islamiet.)
Een op de zes bezoekt regelmatig kerk of moskee

At the forefront is the extremely high percentage of involvement of many Dutch Moroccans in criminal activities.

65% of all Moroccan male youths between 12-23 years of age have been detained by police at least once. One third of this group has been detained five or more times. Moroccan criminals are convicted four times more than Dutch suspects.
Donald Trump talks about Mexicans the way you talk about Dutch-Moroccans. Being detained by police! Goodness! Ask any Black in the United States what that's like. I was detained by police several times myself. One time my car was going down a hill and it went over the speed limit. Just imagine that.

The problem is not the Dutch-Moroccans but the bogus claims, trouble-making, and brazen discrimination by people like Geert Wilders.


If it looks like a pig, and talks like a pig, it might be Geert Wilders.
I got news for you Twinkles. You will either begin acting like a man and defend your homes and your women against the invading horde, or you will be swept aside like the useless, spineless, emasculated flotsam that your post indicates you are.
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are the radicals of their religion, however, no Orthodox Jews have strapped bombs to their bodies and blown themselves up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They are also not running down people with vehicles, running amok
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are radical in their faith, however, they don't strap bombs to their bodies and blow people up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They also don't fly planes into buildings, run people down with vehicles or run amok while stabbing people. That it totally the para-military arm of Islam. Throw a dart at a world map and you will find that Muslims are most likely causing violence there.
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are the radicals of their religion, however, no Orthodox Jews have strapped bombs to their bodies and blown themselves up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They are also not running down people with vehicles, running amok
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are radical in their faith, however, they don't strap bombs to their bodies and blow people up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They also don't fly planes into buildings, run people down with vehicles or run amok while stabbing people. That it totally the para-military arm of Islam. Throw a dart at a world map and you will find that Muslims are most likely causing violence there.
If ISIL's atrocities are committed by Muslims and caused by the US bombing of Iraq, and the US bombing was committed by Christians and caused by the WMD lies to the American people, and if the WMD lies were told by Jews and caused by Israel, who is to blame for the horrific deaths of the 130 French kids at the Bataclan if it was Catholics that let the Muslims into France in the first place?
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are the radicals of their religion, however, no Orthodox Jews have strapped bombs to their bodies and blown themselves up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They are also not running down people with vehicles, running amok
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are radical in their faith, however, they don't strap bombs to their bodies and blow people up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They also don't fly planes into buildings, run people down with vehicles or run amok while stabbing people. That it totally the para-military arm of Islam. Throw a dart at a world map and you will find that Muslims are most likely causing violence there.

I am one of those people who say no Muslims flew any planes into New York. Yes some have used their bodies as weapons, fighting back. The JDL was good at setting bombs. The zealots in Palestine (living in the West Bank on stolen land) burn churches and uproot trees. Maybe if they had planes they could just drop some bombs and use drones. Then again we would not want a fair fight would we. If I were a Palestinian I'd fight for my land as well and for freedom. If I were an Iraqi I'd be pissed that the US destroyed the country. If I were a Syrian I'd be pissed the US, SA and Israel are tying to do a coup in my country. If I were an Iranian in Iran I'd be very worried about Israel doing a false flag and US attacking .
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are the radicals of their religion, however, no Orthodox Jews have strapped bombs to their bodies and blown themselves up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They are also not running down people with vehicles, running amok
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are radical in their faith, however, they don't strap bombs to their bodies and blow people up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They also don't fly planes into buildings, run people down with vehicles or run amok while stabbing people. That it totally the para-military arm of Islam. Throw a dart at a world map and you will find that Muslims are most likely causing violence there.
If ISIL's atrocities are committed by Muslims and caused by the US bombing of Iraq, and the US bombing was committed by Christians and caused by the WMD lies to the American people, and if the WMD lies were told by Jews and caused by Israel, who is to blame for the horrific deaths of the 130 French kids at the Bataclan if it was Catholics that let the Muslims into France in the first place?
Let's go a bit further back, shall we..... Because of the U.S. continued efforts to cease communist influence and seeing that Iraq's General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr was leaning more towards communism, they decided to assist Saddam Hussein (the vice president) in coming to power. Once in power, Hussein became a brutal dictator, killing close to a million of his own people; as such the blood of those who died was on Hussein's hands, as well as the U.S. government's. So, Shi'as and Kurds came to the U.S. government for assistance in getting rid of Hussein. Having just forced his military out of Kuwait to protect its oil interests, the U.S. went in (under the guise of WMD's) to get rid of him and his forces (what with them being partially responsible for his taking over the country). Once Hussein was out of the way, the Shi'as tacitly turned on the U.S., aligning more with Iran, which the U.S. should have foreseen. The former Ba'ath party and Sunnis, being oppressed under the Shi'as, eventually formed elements of ISIS/ISIL. Funding and arming for ISIS/ISIL has been quietly funneled from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, et cetera.
Now, is the U.S. responsible for the creation of ISIL/ISIS? Yes. In part. However, even if the U.S. had not interfered in Iraq, terror acts by Islamists would have still occurred. The modern day terrorist organizations were created by Hassan al-Banna of Egypt, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. Islam has always sought to overthrow all non-Islamic nations, they just lacked the military strength to do so. Since the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood, terrorist groups and even individuals have just become the para-military arm of Islam. It's basic goal, to drain the resources of the enemy.
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are the radicals of their religion, however, no Orthodox Jews have strapped bombs to their bodies and blown themselves up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They are also not running down people with vehicles, running amok
Yes Trump and Wilders both got the jewish influence at a young time in their lives, Roy Cohn= Trump , and both hate Muslims. I guess we should quit bombing their land, but I do agree Saudi Arabia puts out a lot of zealots and radical Muslims. Then again the Orthodox Jews are radical as well, both are the same.
Yeah, the Orthodox Jews are radical in their faith, however, they don't strap bombs to their bodies and blow people up while screaming "praise Yahweh!" They also don't fly planes into buildings, run people down with vehicles or run amok while stabbing people. That it totally the para-military arm of Islam. Throw a dart at a world map and you will find that Muslims are most likely causing violence there.

I am one of those people who say no Muslims flew any planes into New York. Yes some have used their bodies as weapons, fighting back. The JDL was good at setting bombs. The zealots in Palestine (living in the West Bank on stolen land) burn churches and uproot trees. Maybe if they had planes they could just drop some bombs and use drones. Then again we would not want a fair fight would we. If I were a Palestinian I'd fight for my land as well and for freedom. If I were an Iraqi I'd be pissed that the US destroyed the country. If I were a Syrian I'd be pissed the US, SA and Israel are tying to do a coup in my country. If I were an Iranian in Iran I'd be very worried about Israel doing a false flag and US attacking .
Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis. You just don't get it. Why don't you take a trip to Saudi Arabia. Don't forget to take a bible with you. You must have a spouse (male) or male relative accompany you, as women traveling alone are forbidden. Also, cover yourself from head to toe and take along a reliable that will not candy-coat what is being spoken. Have your interpreter interpret what is preached in "all" the mosques. The answer, is hate and killing of all who are not following their religion exactly. The Saudi government only allies itself with "the great Satan" to get the money to lead rich lifestyles and fund hate preaching mosques throughout the world, the U.S. included. A study of mosques here in the U.S. found that 75 out of 100 mosques preached hardline hatred. In Canada, 85% of the mosques do the same. Wake up!

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