Make America California again?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Dimocrats will cry about the inequities, the divide between rich and poor, lack of affordable housing, etc, and then they'll set about making life so fucking expensive for everyone, that people have to move away from these liberal utopias.
Imagine now, California policies that are driving businesses and people away from the state, implemented everywhere.

The LA Times
Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington's policy arena.

Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan (
Good lord- do the same thing over and over and expect different results- the US tradition- is crazy-
Dimocrats will cry about the inequities, the divide between rich and poor, lack of affordable housing, etc, and then they'll set about making life so fucking expensive for everyone, that people have to move away from these liberal utopias.
Imagine now, California policies that are driving businesses and people away from the state, implemented everywhere.

The LA Times
Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington's policy arena.

Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan (
the die hard californians just cant see whats happening in the state because they dont want to acknowledge it.....but they know.....

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
Dimocrats will cry about the inequities, the divide between rich and poor, lack of affordable housing, etc, and then they'll set about making life so fucking expensive for everyone, that people have to move away from these liberal utopias.
Imagine now, California policies that are driving businesses and people away from the state, implemented everywhere.

The LA Times
Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan

After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington's policy arena.

Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan (

The black, putrid collective minds running the Democratic Party and most of the Republican Party are as one focused on crushing the American people under the ideological-religious hammer of Equality of Outcome, and no one in power worth a damn is doing much to stop Hammer's Fall. Hard work, personal responsibility and a nation free of racism in any form matters not to the democrats who now essentially run an American dictatorship. They want to make everyone equally miserable and dependent on government machinery. In the gap between the transition from what we knew and what they want to force down our throats, Green Communism, many Americans will be crushed flat.
I moved out a long time ago, and started buying real estate outside the state. I've never regretted it, California is simply way too expensive, for business and for the residents, and it's totally unnecessary.
Take California nationwide, and in 14 years no more new gas powered vehicles. Coal and natural gas, and eventually hydro-power, will be on their way out. If solar or wind can't power it, oh well, your loss I guess.
The nation becomes a "sanctuary" for illegals, who will end up with more government handouts than citizens.
Oh well America, you voted for it.

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
would you feel the same if you were still there?....

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
would you feel the same if you were still there?....
Yep, that's why I left--use your head moron.

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
would you feel the same if you were still there?....
Yep, that's why I left--use your head moron.
you left because you thought it would slide into the ocean?...

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
would you feel the same if you were still there?....
Yep, that's why I left--use your head moron.
you left because you thought it would slide into the ocean?...
I see you failed reading comprehension in school. Go back and pay attention this time. Read the first sentence of my original post. SMH Troll.

I live in the People's Republic. The weather is fine. The women are fine.
The politics are evil.
I couldn't take the population, politics and taxes anymore--got out seven years ago. Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.
would you feel the same if you were still there?....
Yep, that's why I left--use your head moron.
you left because you thought it would slide into the ocean?...
I see you failed reading comprehension in school. Go back and pay attention this time. Read the first sentence of my original post. SMH Troll.
you may have failed that said..." Wouldn't be a great loss if it all just fell off into the ocean like the democrats were predicting in the 70s.".....and i asked you...."would you feel the same if you were still there?"....

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