Majority of Voters Say Preventing Fraud in Elections Is More Important Than Making Voting Easier


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Well, the propaganda from the left hasn't worked yet. But tell a lie often enough ...

New polling from Rasmussen shows that the media effort to demonize efforts to safeguard election integrity measures have failed and that a majority of all voters still consider it more important to protect the outcome of elections from fraud than it is to make it easier for individuals to cast ballots by eliminating such measures.

To underscore the significance of this point, a majority of those polled — including 30% of Democrat voters — believe fraudulent voting affected the outcome of the Presidential election in 2020.

The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 11-12, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Here are some of the data points from the Rasmussen report:

62% of all voters say voter ID laws don’t discriminate.

51% of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election —
35% say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.

74% of Republicans believe it is likely the 2020 presidential election was affected by cheating, and 30% of Democrats and 51% of unaffiliated voters hold the same view.

60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating in future elections, while 37% say it’s more important to make it easier to vote.

22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, 34% say it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.

59% of white voters, 56% of black voters, and 63% of other minority voters say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote.

64% of white voters, 59% of black voters, and 58% of other minority voters believe voter ID laws are not discriminatory.

61% of Democrats say it is more important to make it easier to vote, while only 15% of Republicans and
34% of unaffiliated voters feel the same.
Among voters who say it’s Very Likely that cheating affected the 2020 election outcome, 92% say it’s more important to prevent cheating than to make it easier to vote.


The damage was done, if in fact the cheating was in Biden's favour. It's questionable at best.

But now that Biden's the president, that's a moot point.

Biden will either do enough damage to the American way of greed, racism, and income inequality, to make an impression on the working class that will stick in their heads, or he'll fail because of his own lack of commitment and/or the desperation of the R's.

I wouldn't bet a lot of money on the outcome but at least corporatists are beginnning to abandon the sinking ship of fascism under another Trump regime!

Biden 55/45 is the best I can do right now, but that's changed daily.
There was cheating in every state, whether Trump won that state or not, there was cheating in every state, massive cheating, conducted on a global scale. The Dominion machines were hacked by several nations, most predominately China, and votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden right before our eyes live on national TV, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with no chain of custody, no signature, the double counting, the triple counting, the shredding and burning of Trump ballots, the counting without witnessing, all of this is clearly documented proof.

Any voting machine that is hooked up to the internet or is easily reprogrammed should immediately be crushed and taken to the dump. Dominion machines with their Smartmatic software were designed and programmed precisely for the express purpose to CHEAT, so STEAL ELECTIONS.
There was cheating in every state, whether Trump won that state or not, there was cheating in every state, massive cheating, conducted on a global scale. The Dominion machines were hacked by several nations, most predominately China, and votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden right before our eyes live on national TV, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with no chain of custody, no signature, the double counting, the triple counting, the shredding and burning of Trump ballots, the counting without witnessing, all of this is clearly documented proof.

Any voting machine that is hooked up to the internet or is easily reprogrammed should immediately be crushed and taken to the dump. Dominion machines with their Smartmatic software were designed and programmed precisely for the express purpose to CHEAT, so STEAL ELECTIONS.
Out of the park, 007! 92% of us "little people" in this world of Democrat kingpins know the E2020 was a culmination of arrogance, media corruption and lying to cover up for the Brnjamins provided by Soros the zillionaire who doesn't like us because we are not for sale to vituperative forces in this world. Thank you and bless you for telling the truth. :thup:
There was cheating in every state, whether Trump won that state or not, there was cheating in every state, massive cheating, conducted on a global scale. The Dominion machines were hacked by several nations, most predominately China, and votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden right before our eyes live on national TV, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with no chain of custody, no signature, the double counting, the triple counting, the shredding and burning of Trump ballots, the counting without witnessing, all of this is clearly documented proof.

Any voting machine that is hooked up to the internet or is easily reprogrammed should immediately be crushed and taken to the dump. Dominion machines with their Smartmatic software were designed and programmed precisely for the express purpose to CHEAT, so STEAL ELECTIONS.

Do you people ever get tired of crazy conspiracy theories? Nothing happened to the Dominion machines. There was no double counting of mail in ballots. They did not come out of nowhere. No Trump ballots were shredded or burned,.
There was cheating in every state, whether Trump won that state or not, there was cheating in every state, massive cheating, conducted on a global scale. The Dominion machines were hacked by several nations, most predominately China, and votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden right before our eyes live on national TV, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with no chain of custody, no signature, the double counting, the triple counting, the shredding and burning of Trump ballots, the counting without witnessing, all of this is clearly documented proof.

Any voting machine that is hooked up to the internet or is easily reprogrammed should immediately be crushed and taken to the dump. Dominion machines with their Smartmatic software were designed and programmed precisely for the express purpose to CHEAT, so STEAL ELECTIONS.

Do you people ever get tired of crazy conspiracy theories? Nothing happened to the Dominion machines. There was no double counting of mail in ballots. They did not come out of nowhere. No Trump ballots were shredded or burned,.
You're a liar, pure and simple... or so stupid words can't describe it.

Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America (
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Do you people ever get tired of crazy conspiracy theories? Nothing happened to the Dominion machines. There was no double counting of mail in ballots. They did not come out of nowhere. No Trump ballots were shredded or burned,.
Republicans have a solution and they're steadily in search of a problem.

This is why they're in for a historic STOMPING come these next midterms..

Well, the propaganda from the left hasn't worked yet. But tell a lie often enough ...

New polling from Rasmussen shows that the media effort to demonize efforts to safeguard election integrity measures have failed and that a majority of all voters still consider it more important to protect the outcome of elections from fraud than it is to make it easier for individuals to cast ballots by eliminating such measures.
To underscore the significance of this point, a majority of those polled — including 30% of Democrat voters — believe fraudulent voting affected the outcome of the Presidential election in 2020.
The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 11-12, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
Here are some of the data points from the Rasmussen report:
62% of all voters say voter ID laws don’t discriminate.
51% of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election —​
35% say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.
74% of Republicans believe it is likely the 2020 presidential election was affected by cheating, and 30% of Democrats and 51% of unaffiliated voters hold the same view.​
60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating in future elections, while 37% say it’s more important to make it easier to vote.​
22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, 34% say it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.​
59% of white voters, 56% of black voters, and 63% of other minority voters say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote.​
64% of white voters, 59% of black voters, and 58% of other minority voters believe voter ID laws are not discriminatory.​
61% of Democrats say it is more important to make it easier to vote, while only 15% of Republicans and​
34% of unaffiliated voters feel the same.
Among voters who say it’s Very Likely that cheating affected the 2020 election outcome, 92% say it’s more important to prevent cheating than to make it easier to vote.

And is anyone surprised after Russia!, Russia!, Russia! was all the rage for years? Seems that the voters don't just change course as fast as the pols wish they would.
Well, the propaganda from the left hasn't worked yet. But tell a lie often enough ...

New polling from Rasmussen shows that the media effort to demonize efforts to safeguard election integrity measures have failed and that a majority of all voters still consider it more important to protect the outcome of elections from fraud than it is to make it easier for individuals to cast ballots by eliminating such measures.
To underscore the significance of this point, a majority of those polled — including 30% of Democrat voters — believe fraudulent voting affected the outcome of the Presidential election in 2020.
The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 11-12, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
Here are some of the data points from the Rasmussen report:
62% of all voters say voter ID laws don’t discriminate.
51% of voters believe it is likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election —​
35% say it’s Very Likely cheating affected the election.
74% of Republicans believe it is likely the 2020 presidential election was affected by cheating, and 30% of Democrats and 51% of unaffiliated voters hold the same view.​
60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to prevent cheating in future elections, while 37% say it’s more important to make it easier to vote.​
22% of voters say it is currently too hard to vote, 34% say it’s too easy to vote, and 41% say the level of difficulty in voting is about right.​
59% of white voters, 56% of black voters, and 63% of other minority voters say it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote.​
64% of white voters, 59% of black voters, and 58% of other minority voters believe voter ID laws are not discriminatory.​
61% of Democrats say it is more important to make it easier to vote, while only 15% of Republicans and​
34% of unaffiliated voters feel the same.
Among voters who say it’s Very Likely that cheating affected the 2020 election outcome, 92% say it’s more important to prevent cheating than to make it easier to vote.

This guy is trying to claim Rassmusen as his source. You can't make this shit up.
Its so easy and fun when your enemy's on the right only have lies to defend their position. Ducks in a barrel.
There was cheating in every state, whether Trump won that state or not, there was cheating in every state, massive cheating, conducted on a global scale. The Dominion machines were hacked by several nations, most predominately China, and votes were stolen from Trump and given to Biden right before our eyes live on national TV, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere with no chain of custody, no signature, the double counting, the triple counting, the shredding and burning of Trump ballots, the counting without witnessing, all of this is clearly documented proof.

Any voting machine that is hooked up to the internet or is easily reprogrammed should immediately be crushed and taken to the dump. Dominion machines with their Smartmatic software were designed and programmed precisely for the express purpose to CHEAT, so STEAL ELECTIONS.

Do you people ever get tired of crazy conspiracy theories? Nothing happened to the Dominion machines. There was no double counting of mail in ballots. They did not come out of nowhere. No Trump ballots were shredded or burned,.
You're a liar, pure and simple... or so stupid words can't describe it.

Absolute Proof: Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America (

You are either a kliar or a treasonous traitor. There was no fraud that turned the election. Using right wing kooks does not help your case.
We already prevent fraud so we move forward and make voting easier.
Wrong. Ballot harvesting is fraud. Voting without ID is fraud. BOSS Tweed never checked ID's. Tweed was the Godfather of the Democrat Machine. His methods continue.
Well as soon as you find any one of those actions let us know and we can quit ignoring the nothing that has been proved . What a hoot.
This is not a binary situation. Both goals are a high priority.
There is no priority at all in election fraud it just doesn't exist enough to even care about it. The right wing wacko Heritage foundation, literally just a arm of the republican party ,made a study pleading for examples of fraud and its 20 year study they got four in a Presidential election ,3 by the hate party members and one by a democrat. You people are a cartoon. This is what you will get all the time in hate party states , 9 million people charged , well oh oops only 1 found guilty.
The damage was done, if in fact the cheating was in Biden's favour. It's questionable at best.

But now that Biden's the president, that's a moot point.

Biden will either do enough damage to the American way of greed, racism, and income inequality, to make an impression on the working class that will stick in their heads, or he'll fail because of his own lack of commitment and/or the desperation of the R's.

I wouldn't bet a lot of money on the outcome but at least corporatists are beginnning to abandon the sinking ship of fascism under another Trump regime!

Biden 55/45 is the best I can do right now, but that's changed daily.
I'm guessing you came from the Reddit politics subforum. This level of delusion is generally limited to that site.
We already prevent fraud so we move forward and make voting easier.
Wrong. Ballot harvesting is fraud. Voting without ID is fraud. BOSS Tweed never checked ID's. Tweed was the Godfather of the Democrat Machine. His methods continue.
Well as soon as you find any one of those actions let us know and we can quit ignoring the nothing that has been proved . What a hoot.
Suck it up, buckwheat.

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