Majority of EU Citizens Fear Muslim Migration


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
After dealing with millions of Muslim immigrants and refugees, the vast majority of people in EU countries believe that Muslim migration poses a serious threat. They feel they are at more risk of terrorist attacks, crime and destruction of their culture. So, wouldn't we be wise to learn from other's mistakes instead of bringing in more Muslims and eventually finding ourselves in the same predicament? Muslims generally do not assimilate or show respect for any non-Muslims. That isn't even the worst of it. It's the daily violence people endure, which Muslims consider normal. The rapes of children and women are so common and there have been several cases where lawyers argued that their clients who stand accused of rape didn't know they were doing anything wrong. One Muslim defended his choice to rape a young boy at a public swimming pool by saying he was away from his wife and couldn't wait. He didn't think he did anything wrong and seemed surprised when the boy's mother called authorities.

It's always the same. They refuse to respect our laws in favor of sharia, then claim that breaking our laws doesn't make sense to them since they are allowed to mistreat women and children in their home countries.

If Muslim women want (or are forced) to cover themselves from head to toe, we can't say much, but women in Germany, Great Britain and France are tired of being assaulted, raped or yelled at for not covering themselves. Even Muslim women are trained to harass females. One Muslim woman screamed at a French women for wearing a bikini on the beach. Women have been approached on the streets and often beaten by Muslims who think they are dressed inappropriately. One pregnant woman was murdered for walking too close to a mosque. Around the Muslim neighorhoods, sharia patrols are set up so non-Muslims anywhere near the area can be harassed for being in violation of their fucked up rules. Never mind that their rules don't mean shit to countries that allow freedoms. They still act like they are the authority when it comes to permissible behavior.

They are quick to complain about things like bacon ads, American flags and other things that they feel are disruptive to their strict way of life. A Muslim killed an Indian doctor who delivered his child because the doctor saw his wife naked. Even when people are doing something to help them, they manage to break sharia law and face the horrible consequences. Death is a common punishment for disobedience.

Then there are the countless terrorist attacks because they hate infidels.

It's one thing for them to choose to live by the archaic rules of sharia, but those rules directly contradict existing laws in countries. Muslims do not recognize our rights, especially when it comes to women. And they don't recognize our constitution because sharia doesn't allow freedoms. It's all about a dictatorship where the men are allowed to oppress woman and children and can dispense instant justice for infractions. Women are beaten, even killed, for such horrible crimes of speaking to men who are not family, denying their husbands sex, failing to dress the way they are told or any other thing that displeases their husband or father. If a woman is accused of shaming her family, she is often murdered by her family or husband.

It's no wonder that those who have lived among large numbers of Muslims have come to fear them. Muslims are intolerant of the cultures in other countries so when they move there, it isn't because they want to be part of that society. It's because they seek to change the country to a Muslim dominated hellhole.

Now the left will accuse the majority of people in the EU of being bigots.

"According to an EU-wide study, 70 per cent of Europeans believe Muslim migration poses a serious threat to the continent, while 86 per cent fear that terrorist attacks in their country are likely.

The survey, conducted by Hungarian think-tank the Szazadveg Foundation, polled 1,000 people in each of the European Union’s (EU) member nations. While the study was carried out in April, the publication of the results was delayed until after Britain’s referendum.

"The report found that Europeans are deeply unhappy about migration and the EU’s response to the migrant crisis. It states that the majority of EU citizens believe "the immigration wave increases the risk of terrorism, the number of criminal activities, and imposes risk on the cultural integrity of the countries that are impacted by it."

84 per cent of respondents reported concern over the level of illegal immigration to Europe and 63 per cent feared an influx of immigration would change the cultures of their countries. Asked whether "the rapid population growth of Muslims" is a threat to Europe, 70 per cent agreed. A sizable majority in each of the 28 countries felt Islam posed a threat to their country but in much of Eastern Europe this sentiment was shared by more than 80 per cent of the population.

The majority of those polled said they would vote to remain in the EU, if given a choice. The survey showed widespread dissatisfaction with the bloc’s approach to migration, however.

Despite repeated insistence by European leaders that walls or fences are an ineffective way of controlling migration they have seen remarkable successes in European state Hungary, and it seems the people of Europe have noticed. Some 83 per cent of Europeans said they wanted the EU to do more to secure its external borders. 77 per cent said they thought the bloc had handled the migrant crisis badly.

The study’s results show that "the split has never been so large between ruling elites and the grassroots," said Andras Lánczi, Professor of Corvinus University in Budapest.""
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The TRUTH.....

So true. Funny thing is the first people they turn on are the liberals, which are the fuckos that are flooding our country with them!
Europeans better learn how to unleash their warrior spirit before it is too late.

Europeans are fucking weak...all left wing

sorry but that's the truth,

Yes, their situation is dire.I understand and feel your frustration. We should at the very least give them our moral support. The same forces that have weakened the Europeans have weakened America as well. We're in this together.
Europeans better learn how to unleash their warrior spirit before it is too late.

Some are started to realize that and, hopefully, it's not too late. The people are ready to put their foot down, but leaders are still being idiots. People like Merkel and Obama are why the problem persists.
After dealing with millions of Muslim immigrants and refugees, the vast majority of people in EU countries believe that Muslim migration poses a serious threat. They feel they are at more risk of terrorist attacks, crime and destruction of their culture. So, wouldn't we be wise to learn from other's mistakes instead of bringing in more Muslims and eventually finding ourselves in the same predicament? Muslims generally do not assimilate or show respect for any non-Muslims. That isn't even the worst of it. It's the daily violence people endure, which Muslims consider normal. The rapes of children and women are so common and there have been several cases where lawyers argued that their clients who stand accused of rape didn't know they were doing anything wrong. One Muslim defended his choice to rape a young boy at a public swimming pool by saying he was away from his wife and couldn't wait. He didn't think he did anything wrong and seemed surprised when the boy's mother called authorities.

It's always the same. They refuse to respect our laws in favor of sharia, then claim that breaking our laws doesn't make sense to them since they are allowed to mistreat women and children in their home countries.

If Muslim women want (or are forced) to cover themselves from head to toe, we can't say much, but women in Germany, Great Britain and France are tired of being assaulted, raped or yelled at for not covering themselves. Even Muslim women are trained to harass females. One Muslim woman screamed at a French women for wearing a bikini on the beach. Women have been approached on the streets and often beaten by Muslims who think they are dressed inappropriately. One pregnant woman was murdered for walking too close to a mosque. Around the Muslim neighorhoods, sharia patrols are set up so non-Muslims anywhere near the area can be harassed for being in violation of their fucked up rules. Never mind that their rules don't mean shit to countries that allow freedoms. They still act like they are the authority when it comes to permissible behavior.

They are quick to complain about things like bacon ads, American flags and other things that they feel are disruptive to their strict way of life. A Muslim killed an Indian doctor who delivered his child because the doctor saw his wife naked. Even when people are doing something to help them, they manage to break sharia law and face the horrible consequences. Death is a common punishment for disobedience.

Then there are the countless terrorist attacks because they hate infidels.

It's one thing for them to choose to live by the archaic rules of sharia, but those rules directly contradict existing laws in countries. Muslims do not recognize our rights, especially when it comes to women. And they don't recognize our constitution because sharia doesn't allow freedoms. It's all about a dictatorship where the men are allowed to oppress woman and children and can dispense instant justice for infractions. Women are beaten, even killed, for such horrible crimes of speaking to men who are not family, denying their husbands sex, failing to dress the way they are told or any other thing that displeases their husband or father. If a woman is accused of shaming her family, she is often murdered by her family or husband.

It's no wonder that those who have lived among large numbers of Muslims have come to fear them. Muslims are intolerant of the cultures in other countries so when they move there, it isn't because they want to be part of that society. It's because they seek to change the country to a Muslim dominated hellhole.

Now the left will accuse the majority of people in the EU of being bigots.

"According to an EU-wide study, 70 per cent of Europeans believe Muslim migration poses a serious threat to the continent, while 86 per cent fear that terrorist attacks in their country are likely.

The survey, conducted by Hungarian think-tank the Szazadveg Foundation, polled 1,000 people in each of the European Union’s (EU) member nations. While the study was carried out in April, the publication of the results was delayed until after Britain’s referendum.

"The report found that Europeans are deeply unhappy about migration and the EU’s response to the migrant crisis. It states that the majority of EU citizens believe "the immigration wave increases the risk of terrorism, the number of criminal activities, and imposes risk on the cultural integrity of the countries that are impacted by it."

84 per cent of respondents reported concern over the level of illegal immigration to Europe and 63 per cent feared an influx of immigration would change the cultures of their countries. Asked whether "the rapid population growth of Muslims" is a threat to Europe, 70 per cent agreed. A sizable majority in each of the 28 countries felt Islam posed a threat to their country but in much of Eastern Europe this sentiment was shared by more than 80 per cent of the population.

The majority of those polled said they would vote to remain in the EU, if given a choice. The survey showed widespread dissatisfaction with the bloc’s approach to migration, however.

Despite repeated insistence by European leaders that walls or fences are an ineffective way of controlling migration they have seen remarkable successes in European state Hungary, and it seems the people of Europe have noticed. Some 83 per cent of Europeans said they wanted the EU to do more to secure its external borders. 77 per cent said they thought the bloc had handled the migrant crisis badly.

The study’s results show that "the split has never been so large between ruling elites and the grassroots," said Andras Lánczi, Professor of Corvinus University in Budapest.""

They would all have to be nuts to not fear the Muslim migration.

If the European countries had an ounce of good sense they would boot all Muslims out of their countries. Every. Single. One.
They would all have to be nuts to not fear the Muslim migration.

If the European countries had an ounce of good sense they would boot all Muslims out of their countries. Every. Single. One.

That is what the majority of people want. It's the leaders who do what they want. It's the same way here now. Elected officials act more like dictators and ignore the people.

I think most people in Europe were okay with refugees since they weren't afraid of widows and children. It wasn't until after they got the hostile young Muslim males that they realized they had been lied to and they were left to deal with some horrible problems created by the young males. Obama is telling us that we are getting widows and children running from the Syrian war, but the U.N. already admitted that we are getting mostly young males from Pakistan and other places and that they are supposedly 'economic refugees.' They are coming for a reason and it's all about spreading Islam. The Imams have preached as much, telling the males to go forth and impregnate the infidel women, which they are trying to do against their will, it seems, considering the number of attacks.

They refuse to assimilate. Obama has already told them they need not assimilate here, which is already getting to be a big problem with the current illegals, immigrants and refugees who have no desire to learn English or be part of our culture. They are here to change things and this administration is quite happy to bend over for them.

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