MAGA repubs look to repeal the Dems drug measure

Cause they would hate to see seniors get a break on the price of drug? So vote for repubs if you want to keep paying high prices for medication.

MAGA repubs: "Does anyone really make less than $200,000 a year?
Yet another example of how Republicans are incapable of – and have contempt for – sound, responsible governance.
Americans are getting screwed on drug prices.
We pay a shitload more than any other country,we basically pay for all the R&D work while places like canada reap the benefits.
Well? Stop all R&D. That will solve it. TANSTAAFL.
Yet another example of how Republicans are incapable of – and have contempt for – sound, responsible governance.
Like the Border? Or rampant Crime? Or knuckling under to Red China? Or making deals with Iran? Or starting Wars as Dems and RINOS do? A stuttering ,Stumbling ,Senile fool who doesn't even know how to get off the podium at the UN is responsible?

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