Lying Brian & Comcast owned MSNBC


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Brian Williams in full form for MSNBC decided to take the low road and utilize the pandemic to revel in the sad numbers of cases and deaths while taking Trumps comments about the first failed tests out of context and frame it as tests in general making us look bad.
Also if you didn't take the test numbers out of context with ratios and percentages that statement would be accurate, but that's the technique of MSM in spin and propaganda.
So who is Brian Williams and who are MSNBC.
In early 2015, he came under fire after he embellished his account of his role in an Iraqi helicopter attack on air in his Nightly broadcast. Many journalists would have lost their jobs over such an infraction, or quickly resigned under contrived circumstances. Williams,
however, embarked on a different path. The anchor, who grew up in a working-class Catholic family, so it was inevitable that he's end up working on behalf of the mobsters who infest the RCC by taking their progressive movement mask gauntlet to help the mob infiltrate our gov;t and it's investigative agencies and justice depts just like it infiltrated corpirations like Comcast.
So he decided he'd work for the top mobster riddled behaving network MSNBC who helps shape and control that underlining mob rule.
MSNBC is owned by Comcast, which has been known as the worst corporation in America for years on end.
They have been known to sabotage competitors and steal their custoimers to force them under.
They have litterally told/threatened competitors that they can't contract interenet accounts in complex business accounts they have Cable service to, thus holding a monopoly on services and no choices for complexes.
They have been known to abuse the personal
private info of their customers obtained during start of their services and equipment. They ask for S.S. number and bank acct for auto withdrawals in which too many times they'd abused by taking money from disputed accts and even wiping out people's bANK ACCOUNTS (THEFT/BANK FRAUD).
msnbc (COMCAST),TRIED merge by PURCHASE CNN (communist news network) through their Time Warner deal, when that fell through they abused their network broadcast power
to smear the Senator who helped thwart their merger and went after me for helping him squelch the deal.
How an army of internet activists challenged Big Cable and won again
They literally got him removed from office, a senator, so you can see why they go after administration members who do a good job,
go after the President, go after Guiliani who is successful at hindering and removing mob activity and crimes.
So who then is Brian Williams as part of the crime syndicate, he's family now, mob family, the drug cartels friend, that's why when we went after the drug cartels recently this whole uprising started happening and they asked if we had enough yet, it's a war, between the lawful ones and the lawless ones and Brian Williams sold his soul for the side of lawless ones.
For they always say: "it's better to rule in hell, then be a participant sidekick in heaven." Brian seeks to rule the propaganda broadcast creating this hell, surely he sees the numbers on his chart he revels because he knows his station helped build that, create that chaos and death.
Biden receiveds the most "campaign money" from Comcast plus he gets perks beyond the alloted legal limits of contributions, it's called slanted free publicity in return he protects the Comcast cartel, "Quid Pro Quo".

Brian Williams in full form for MSNBC decided to take the low road and utilize the pandemic to revel in the sad numbers of cases and deaths while taking Trumps comments about the first failed tests out of context and frame it as tests in general making us look bad.
Also if you take the test numbers out of context with ratios and percentages that statement would be accurate, but that's the technique of MSM in spin and propaganda.
So who is Brian Williams and who are MSNBC.
In early 2015, he came under fire after he embellished his account of his role in an Iraqi helicopter attack on air in his Nightly broadcast. Many journalists would have lost their jobs over such an infraction, or quickly resigned under contrived circumstances. Williams,
however, embarked on a different path. The anchor, who grew up in a working-class Catholic family, so it was inevitable that he's end up working on behalf of the mobsters who infest the RCC by taking their progressive movement mask gauntlet to help the mob infiltrate our gov;t and it's investigative agencies and justice depts.
So he decided he'd work for the top mobster riddled behaving network MSNBC who helps shape and control that underlining mob rule.
MSNBC is owned by Comcast, which has been known as the worst corporation in America for years on end.
They have been known to sabotage competitors and steal their custoimers to force them under.
They have litterally told/threatened competitors that they can't contract interenet accounts in complex business accounts they have Cable service to, thus holding a monopoly on services and no choices for complexes.
They have been known to abuse the personal
private info of their customers obtained during start of their services and equipment. They ask for S.S. number and bank acct for auto withdrawals in which too many times they'd abused by taking money from disputed accts and even wiping out people's bANK ACCOUNTS (THEFT/BANK FRAUD).
msnbc (COMCAST),TRIED merge by PURCHASE CNN (communist news network) through their Time Warner deal, when that fell through they abused their network broadcast power
to smear the Senator who helped thwart their merger and went after me for helping him squelch the deal.
How an army of internet activists challenged Big Cable and won again
They literally got him removed from office, a senator, so you can see why they go after administration members who do a good job,
go after the President, go after Guiliani who is successful at hindering and removing mob activity and crimes.
So who then is Brian Williams as part of the crime syndicate, he's family now, mob family, the drug cartels friend, that's why when we went after the drug cartels recently this whole uprising started happening and they asked if we had enough yet, it's a war, between the lawful ones and the lawless ones and Brian Williams sold his soul for the side of lawless ones.
For they always say: "it's better to rule in hell, then be a participant sidekick in heaven." Brian seeks to rule the propaganda broadcast creating this hell, surely he sees the numbers on his chart he revels because he knows his station helped build that, create that chaos and death.
Biden receiveds the most "campaign money" from Comcast plus he gets perks beyond the alloted legal limits of contributions, it's called slanted free publicity in return he protects the Comcast cartel, "Quid Pro Quo".

He and Comcast absolutely BLOW. Just dreadful.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Brian Williams in full form for MSNBC decided to take the low road and utilize the pandemic to revel in the sad numbers of cases and deaths while taking Trumps comments about the first failed tests out of context and frame it as tests in general making us look bad.
Also if you take the test numbers out of context with ratios and percentages that statement would be accurate, but that's the technique of MSM in spin and propaganda.
So who is Brian Williams and who are MSNBC.
In early 2015, he came under fire after he embellished his account of his role in an Iraqi helicopter attack on air in his Nightly broadcast. Many journalists would have lost their jobs over such an infraction, or quickly resigned under contrived circumstances. Williams,
however, embarked on a different path. The anchor, who grew up in a working-class Catholic family, so it was inevitable that he's end up working on behalf of the mobsters who infest the RCC by taking their progressive movement mask gauntlet to help the mob infiltrate our gov;t and it's investigative agencies and justice depts.
So he decided he'd work for the top mobster riddled behaving network MSNBC who helps shape and control that underlining mob rule.
MSNBC is owned by Comcast, which has been known as the worst corporation in America for years on end.
They have been known to sabotage competitors and steal their custoimers to force them under.
They have litterally told/threatened competitors that they can't contract interenet accounts in complex business accounts they have Cable service to, thus holding a monopoly on services and no choices for complexes.
They have been known to abuse the personal
private info of their customers obtained during start of their services and equipment. They ask for S.S. number and bank acct for auto withdrawals in which too many times they'd abused by taking money from disputed accts and even wiping out people's bANK ACCOUNTS (THEFT/BANK FRAUD).
msnbc (COMCAST),TRIED merge by PURCHASE CNN (communist news network) through their Time Warner deal, when that fell through they abused their network broadcast power
to smear the Senator who helped thwart their merger and went after me for helping him squelch the deal.
How an army of internet activists challenged Big Cable and won again
They literally got him removed from office, a senator, so you can see why they go after administration members who do a good job,
go after the President, go after Guiliani who is successful at hindering and removing mob activity and crimes.
So who then is Brian Williams as part of the crime syndicate, he's family now, mob family, the drug cartels friend, that's why when we went after the drug cartels recently this whole uprising started happening and they asked if we had enough yet, it's a war, between the lawful ones and the lawless ones and Brian Williams sold his soul for the side of lawless ones.
For they always say: "it's better to rule in hell, then be a participant sidekick in heaven." Brian seeks to rule the propaganda broadcast creating this hell, surely he sees the numbers on his chart he revels because he knows his station helped build that, create that chaos and death.
Biden receiveds the most "campaign money" from Comcast plus he gets perks beyond the alloted legal limits of contributions, it's called slanted free publicity in return he protects the Comcast cartel, "Quid Pro Quo".

He and Comcast absolutely BLOW. Just dreadful.

Do they blow with gusto or just a little damper? I can certainly relate to your deep thoughts on the matter. I cut the cord six years ago and it wasn't comcast they don't service this area of the woods. Cable sucks because you are way overpaying for executives and actors paychecks.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Ummmm the father worked at one station, the son another and they wanted CNN even though all their networks already syncronize their news hit pieces.
Do you really think the American viewer is better off with one censored narrative view (propaganda) and not many varied perspectives? Remember they thenselves arrogantly stated that they control what you perceive to know and how you view it.
I did a piece a while back that shows they have mob ties. Can't find it in my files, so much for giving apps permission to access and erase files in your external card, it's interesting which files get taken/magically disappear, but then again, that reveals the abuses and lengths they will go to in supressing damaging info. Look at Kamala Harris as an example, look what she did risking abuse of power charges to go after that reporter who exposed planed parenthood.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Ummmm the father worked at one station, the son another and they wanted CNN even though all their networks already syncronize their news hit pieces.
Do you really think the American viewer is better off with one censored narrative view (propaganda) and not many varied perspectives? Remember they thenselves arrogantly stated that they control what you perceive to know and how you view it.
I did a piece a while back that shows they have mob ties. Can't find it in my files, so much for giving apps permission to access and erase files in your external card, it's interesting which files get taken/magically disappear, but then again, that reveals the abuses and lengths they will go to in supressing damaging info. Look at Kamala Harris as an example, look what she did risking abuse of power charges to go after that reporter who exposed planed parenthood.
I am well aware of what my former profession does that is why I left it and I have another pieces of advice: They all control what they want you to believe, buy, decisions in your life, what you buy, eat, and screw...My only advice is to not look, ignore them and live your life without them. I have for thirty five years and I am not beholden to their propaganda or their brainwashing. This all started in the 1930's when corporations got together to do a study on mind control, by the 1940's they had developed the truth serum and by the 1950's LSD and lie detectors...Subliminal ads were outlawed for the reason that it was not right to subliminally feed you ideas for you to act upon.
Trump is one of the worst at hiding his true actions because well he is just not that smart of a grifter. The democrats do it also so it is a waste of time and effort to claim one party is better than the other because neither one of them is not mobster related.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Ummmm the father worked at one station, the son another and they wanted CNN even though all their networks already syncronize their news hit pieces.
Do you really think the American viewer is better off with one censored narrative view (propaganda) and not many varied perspectives? Remember they thenselves arrogantly stated that they control what you perceive to know and how you view it.
I did a piece a while back that shows they have mob ties. Can't find it in my files, so much for giving apps permission to access and erase files in your external card, it's interesting which files get taken/magically disappear, but then again, that reveals the abuses and lengths they will go to in supressing damaging info. Look at Kamala Harris as an example, look what she did risking abuse of power charges to go after that reporter who exposed planed parenthood.
I am well aware of what my former profession does that is why I left it and I have another pieces of advice: They all control what they want you to believe, buy, decisions in your life, what you buy, eat, and screw...My only advice is to not look, ignore them and live your life without them. I have for thirty five years and I am not beholden to their propaganda or their brainwashing. This all started in the 1930's when corporations got together to do a study on mind control, by the 1940's they had developed the truth serum and by the 1950's LSD and lie detectors...Subliminal ads were outlawed for the reason that it was not right to subliminally feed you ideas for you to act upon.
Trump is one of the worst at hiding his true actions because well he is just not that smart of a grifter. The democrats do it also so it is a waste of time and effort to claim one party is better than the other because neither one of them is not mobster related.
But you don't think organized crime still exists, they didn't just dissapear instead of openly exposed they just have gone underground infiltrating corporations where they can rob people blind carte Blanche, infiltrate politics to protect their drug smuggling ventures and drug traffic interests, thus media the important glue that allows it to control both corporate and political world, because they both rely on media as their friend and ally.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Ummmm the father worked at one station, the son another and they wanted CNN even though all their networks already syncronize their news hit pieces.
Do you really think the American viewer is better off with one censored narrative view (propaganda) and not many varied perspectives? Remember they thenselves arrogantly stated that they control what you perceive to know and how you view it.
I did a piece a while back that shows they have mob ties. Can't find it in my files, so much for giving apps permission to access and erase files in your external card, it's interesting which files get taken/magically disappear, but then again, that reveals the abuses and lengths they will go to in supressing damaging info. Look at Kamala Harris as an example, look what she did risking abuse of power charges to go after that reporter who exposed planed parenthood.
I am well aware of what my former profession does that is why I left it and I have another pieces of advice: They all control what they want you to believe, buy, decisions in your life, what you buy, eat, and screw...My only advice is to not look, ignore them and live your life without them. I have for thirty five years and I am not beholden to their propaganda or their brainwashing. This all started in the 1930's when corporations got together to do a study on mind control, by the 1940's they had developed the truth serum and by the 1950's LSD and lie detectors...Subliminal ads were outlawed for the reason that it was not right to subliminally feed you ideas for you to act upon.
Trump is one of the worst at hiding his true actions because well he is just not that smart of a grifter. The democrats do it also so it is a waste of time and effort to claim one party is better than the other because neither one of them is not mobster related.
But you don't think organized crime still exists, they didn't just dissapear instead of openly exposed they just have gone underground infiltrating corporations where they can rob people blind carte Blanche, infiltrate politics to protect their drug smuggling ventures and drug traffic interests, thus media the important glue that allows it to control both corporate and political world, because they both rely on media as their friend and ally.
You missed my double negative which says that all of them are part of the mob even the political parties.
MSNBC is a corporation owned by NBC Universal...
NBC Universal is owned by Comcast as a subsidiary..
Comcast is owned by the Roberts Family.
The Roberts Family are not gangsters they are a family of people who have owned several media companies and cable services all through their lives and the lives of their parents....They acquired NBC from GE they were not a corporation of gangsters either but a long line of corporate giants from one hundred years ago.
Ummmm the father worked at one station, the son another and they wanted CNN even though all their networks already syncronize their news hit pieces.
Do you really think the American viewer is better off with one censored narrative view (propaganda) and not many varied perspectives? Remember they thenselves arrogantly stated that they control what you perceive to know and how you view it.
I did a piece a while back that shows they have mob ties. Can't find it in my files, so much for giving apps permission to access and erase files in your external card, it's interesting which files get taken/magically disappear, but then again, that reveals the abuses and lengths they will go to in supressing damaging info. Look at Kamala Harris as an example, look what she did risking abuse of power charges to go after that reporter who exposed planed parenthood.
I am well aware of what my former profession does that is why I left it and I have another pieces of advice: They all control what they want you to believe, buy, decisions in your life, what you buy, eat, and screw...My only advice is to not look, ignore them and live your life without them. I have for thirty five years and I am not beholden to their propaganda or their brainwashing. This all started in the 1930's when corporations got together to do a study on mind control, by the 1940's they had developed the truth serum and by the 1950's LSD and lie detectors...Subliminal ads were outlawed for the reason that it was not right to subliminally feed you ideas for you to act upon.
Trump is one of the worst at hiding his true actions because well he is just not that smart of a grifter. The democrats do it also so it is a waste of time and effort to claim one party is better than the other because neither one of them is not mobster related.
But you don't think organized crime still exists, they didn't just dissapear instead of openly exposed they just have gone underground infiltrating corporations where they can rob people blind carte Blanche, infiltrate politics to protect their drug smuggling ventures and drug traffic interests, thus media the important glue that allows it to control both corporate and political world, because they both rely on media as their friend and ally.
You missed my double negative which says that all of them are part of the mob even the political parties.
Some compromised by the actual mob/cartel and others creating their own mob-a mob like syndicate that mimicks the hehavior including racketeering, intimidation and threats of death and violence.

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