Lukašenka was right, khan Putler hides the truth, Muscovy ("russia") is near collapse,closed borders as Coronavirus Crisis Escalates


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Lukašenka was right, khan Putler hides the truth, Muscovy ("russia") is near collapse,closed borders as Coronavirus Crisis Escalates


Russia, the largest country by area, will temporarily shut all its borders starting March 30 after the number of coronavirus infections increased sharply over the last week. Health officials on Saturday reported 228 new cases of coronavirus overnight, bringing the total to 1,264, with four deaths attributed to the illness.


The order, posted on the government website, followed increasingly harsh restrictions of movements around the country. Moscow’s mayor shut all non-essential business on Saturday and recommended everyone remain at home to reduce contagion. The government halted all international flights on Friday and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin called on regions to close most businesses, while stopping short of ordering them to do so.

" Russia to Close Borders as Coronavirus Crisis Escalates

related Lukašenka reviled, Muscovy ("russia") is near collapse, Putler hides the truth, closed borders with

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