Low information and reckless Americans with no knowledge or care about the history of Ukraine, or Russia.


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May 12, 2022
Nalvalny was a Russian nationalist who supported the Russian intervention in Georgia, and previously compared immigrants to cockroaches. Even when they know this, the left wingers and neocons, don’t care about it it seems like. They act like it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t matter. So goes to show what type of people there.

Ukraine is the only country in the world with open Nazi symbolism in it’s official military ranks and cemeteries. There are neo-Nazi, perhaps in every country, but Ukraine is unique in this regard. And it’s a shame and it clouds any Ukrainians, who don’t support the history of the Ukrainian SS collaborators who sent 200,000 Jews to their deaths in World War III.

The support of Nazi symbols and Nazi history of Ukraine by the Ukraine government is a disgrace to the American veterans of World War III. And it is a shame and an insult to any Ukrainians, who don’t support the legacy of the powers of World War

Red and black flags of the Ukraine insurgent army allied to the third reich


Time for some honesty from supporters of Ukraine. They are an abomination, and it’s a certain kind of evil when you’re dealing with people who support Ukraine, and say nothing about the pictures and video evidence shown in the original post. When they bang the drums on and on and on about Putin, this Putin. They are an insult to the American veterans of World War II.

At least the Neo Nazis of the world have the integrity to be honest about what they support. But these supporters have Ukraine in America, who know and who have seen the pictures above and who still act like it means nothing are some kind of evil. Of course, a lot of Americans have no idea about the history of Ukraine or Nalvalny
“Zielinski is a Jew though”

That’s what the brain dead Americans says. That just makes Zielinkski a collaborator, and there were various collaborators of the third reich from all different backgrounds during World War II even Russian ones.

The left wingers and neoconservatives Of America are a disgrace. They should force the Ukrainian government to abandon pro nazi symbols.

I mean what about all the Ukrainian soldiers who don’t support that what about their sacrifice I guess it means absolutely nothing to the Ukrainian government or the US warmongers. Then again, obviously some portion of the Ukrainian government and Myers Hitler. So that’s why they have those Nazi symbols at their cemeteries proudly showing them the CNN.

CNN another western media outlets shame the memories of the men of America who fought in World War II against Hitler ism. They don’t even care about going to some Ukrainian official cemetery or parade where there are pictures of Hitler or Nazi symbols. It is the same western media outlets, and brain dead left wingers who claimed to support minorities and blacks. It’s really a astonishing thing.

I hope for the honest Ukrainian soldier that their corrupt disgraceful government gets better people in power.
“ who can blame Germans for supporting Adolf Hitler they were fighting against the Bolshevik and communists.”

“Who can blame Ukrainians for supporting Hitler and fighting against the communists.”

The problem with this^ point of view is that one of course you might call it evil. Just kind of hand waive the holocaust. But also more than that it’s like these people who are saying this don’t care about the many Americans who gave their life in the fight against the Germans and the allies of Germany in World War II. And you know what if people want to support Germany just be honest about it have some more integrity and honesty, and that is their right to support the legacy of Hitler if they want. But other people Prefer to support the legacy of the allies of World War II.

Long live the allies of World War II, and long live freedom.
One of the most disturbing moments in the history of Canadian politics, shown below

Zielinski is the type of low-level trash politician that is no good for Ukraine. What about the Americans who fought and died in WW2 against the very people that that piece of you know what Zielinski is applauding

Even some politicians in America were present at that monumentally disturbing moment. And again the supporters of Ukraine will either not know about this or they simply don’t care about it, and they will ramble and rave on and on about “Putin this Putin that” and never actually addressed the above, which makes them a certain kind of evil.

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