Low Energy Jeb Bush says he 'can't imagine having to attack someone to win an election'.

I agree it is the independents that decide elections, not the Republican s or Democrats. Both candidates had high disapproval ratings. So people went to the voting booth holding their noses.
The people who actually decide elections, are only independent from the parties, not actually independents.

Polling data shows that people who lean towards a party, but are unregistered (read independents) vote more consistently for the party they lean towards than actual registered party members do.
1st post
In Presidential elections it usually comes down to voting the lesser of two evils and if you think about it many voted for Trump because he wasn’t Hillary and many voted for Hillary because she wasn’t Trump. Both parties have a broke system and need to attract and promote better candidates.

It is really a vote of picking between the two (or more) leading candidates of major political parties. Construing that as a choice between a 'lesser of two evils' is a personal belief and it misses the fact that parties field candidates in primaries, and those parties are made up of the average citizen who chooses to be involve. There are local committees of major parties and not everyone in those parties get's the choice they initially wanted.

Voters who come along later during elections often whine about the choices they have to choose between, but they are absent from the party's day to day operations and deliberations on the local level.

I've often believed the whiners and complainers should start their own party(s), but we all know where that would go, don't we. It's been tied before and the viscous, acrimonious infighting and partisanship and demands have those attempts at party building fade away.

And worse is people usually want to start a national level, forgetting that the major parties really have their power from the state and locals. That is a glossed over truth.. If the major national parties did not have state and local committees, they would wither away
The lesser of two evils, leading candidates of major political parties, these are not mutually exclusive. The lesser of evils is still evil.
and calling the choices who have won party battles, battles that other citizens were involved in long before any public election evil? That is evil itself,. Truly.

No it’s not, the political process is all about money. Both candidates were terrible and untrustworthy.
If you keep focusing on the individual candidates in a particular election, then you are not really discussing seriously the process or the system. Money makes the world go around, and now money has been loosened (we've seen this before long ago). But even when money was more restricted in the election process, people were complaining about the money.

I believe if we restricted money in ways most people would vote for, people would STILL complain about money in the system. I'm not against reform - in principle. I am against most reform based arguments that are shallow, alarmist and promise what they cannot deliver.
Trump is a man of steel, a man cut out for the times, just the sort Americans are looking for for leadership.
In Presidential elections it usually comes down to voting the lesser of two evils and if you think about it many voted for Trump because he wasn’t Hillary and many voted for Hillary because she wasn’t Trump. Both parties have a broke system and need to attract and promote better candidates.

It is really a vote of picking between the two (or more) leading candidates of major political parties. Construing that as a choice between a 'lesser of two evils' is a personal belief and it misses the fact that parties field candidates in primaries, and those parties are made up of the average citizen who chooses to be involve. There are local committees of major parties and not everyone in those parties get's the choice they initially wanted.

Voters who come along later during elections often whine about the choices they have to choose between, but they are absent from the party's day to day operations and deliberations on the local level.

I've often believed the whiners and complainers should start their own party(s), but we all know where that would go, don't we. It's been tied before and the viscous, acrimonious infighting and partisanship and demands have those attempts at party building fade away.

And worse is people usually want to start a national level, forgetting that the major parties really have their power from the state and locals. That is a glossed over truth.. If the major national parties did not have state and local committees, they would wither away

If you took the money away the parties would wither away and it is big money that runs both parties.
For the national elections, some would believe yes. But states and localities have party committees (city/town committees are as local, democratic and (r)epublican as it gets. Congressional Parties have election committees in both houses of the Congress. No way would taking money away from national parties kill them. Now if people want to actually take money out of politics? Good luck thinking that through :71:, let alone attempting to make it constitutional.

Money and politics will be forever intertwined.
5th post
Jeb put the Bush dynasty in perspective when he said "I'm not suited to compete in such a divisive political landscape". That about sums it up for the no balls Bush brothers.
W. was tough. And Jeb was appealing decency and civility in public discourse, while you appear to celebrate coarseness and vulgarity as the new norm?

Sorry.....being a pussy just wasnt working out for the American people.
I loved and respected all the Bush’s….


When I heard jeb say he didn’t need the

Tea party to win because he had a few bazillion

Bucks in the bank that was it for me with jeb.

w’s big mistake was never standing up for himself

and letting all the liberal BULLSHIT go unanswered.

carl rove was a DUMB ASS……

President Donald J. Trump has shown us all how it’s done……..

The thing that really pissed me off about w was he never

Criticized obongo but he Criticized TRUMP….

I now consider them part of the swamp………

They're all on the same side so of course the bush's didnt fight back.
The whole lot are elitist assholes.
Sorry.....being a pussy just wasnt working out for the American people.

Better a so-called pussy, than a 5 time draft dodger :71:

So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation
Jeb Bush: 'I can't imagine having to attack someone to make yourself look strong'

That's like the New England Patriots saying 'we're not getting into a shoving match just to win a game'
True. To win a republican primary you have to be as childish as possible by making up names like little jeb and making fun of your opponents to win. Acting like you are in middle school is the best way to connect with the republican base, they love the childish stuff and see it as being a strong leader lol.
Sorry.....being a pussy just wasnt working out for the American people.

Better a so-called pussy, than a 5 time draft dodger :71:

So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation

Same with barry...
Sorry.....being a pussy just wasnt working out for the American people.

Better a so-called pussy, than a 5 time draft dodger :71:

So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation

Same with barry...
Did not avoid draft and cowardly run away as Trump, his dad, and grand daddy all did
15th post
Sorry.....being a pussy just wasnt working out for the American people.

Better a so-called pussy, than a 5 time draft dodger :71:

So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation

Same with barry...
Did not avoid draft and cowardly run away as Trump, his dad, and grand daddy all did

So why didnt he serve?
Better a so-called pussy, than a 5 time draft dodger :71:

So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation

Same with barry...
Did not avoid draft and cowardly run away as Trump, his dad, and grand daddy all did

So why didnt he serve?
No, why didn't he get a draft notice? Trump and his grandfather we know avoided an obligation, a duty. Trump's dad? Cut from the same cloth
So where did barry serve?
I'm sorry, did he dodge the daft too?

why would you attempt deflection with an attempt to move the conversation away from cowardice in avoiding the draft - 5 times, to serving ?

Pointing out Donald J Trump's cowardice like that of his whole family, is not an argument that he didn't serve. It's about his cowardliness in avoiding a commitment and duty to nation

Same with barry...
Did not avoid draft and cowardly run away as Trump, his dad, and grand daddy all did

So why didnt he serve?
No, why didn't he get a draft notice? Trump and his grandfather we know avoided an obligation, a duty. Trump's dad? Cut from the same cloth

Did he get a draft notice?
If not,why not?
Jeb is a weeny.
That may be true, not saying it is, but he had Donald's number early on.

we all knew that... that's why he was cc'd elected...

at one point 3 of the top 5 Republicans were

all 3 have never held office.....there is a reason for that
Trump played the egos of the what was it 17 or 13 Republicans? He rarely got any of the votes of the dropouts during the primaries. He was the last pick of many by default, as it was all about Hillary being the alternative.

We have many people today acting like children saying "Hillary made me do it" in reference to voting for Trump
So wait....he had like 20% in the first poll...so when people dropped out, he didn't get their supporters?
Uh, how did he win?

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